Posts tagged "leaving"

Cherry Besseya: planting and care in the wide open spaces of Russia
Cherry Besseya: planting and care in the wide open spaces of Russia
In Russia, the Bessey cherry, planting and caring for which is possible in a harsh climate and on marginal soils, remains an underestimated crop. It is common in the Far East, the Urals, in ...
Tea rose in a pot: features of care, transplantation and reproduction
Tea rose in a pot: features of care, transplantation and reproduction
Inexperienced growers believe that a tea rose in a pot requires difficult maintenance and is difficult to achieve long-term flowering from it. This is not entirely true. The plant is capricious, often attacked ...
Ardisia - home care for Christmas berries
Ardisia - home care for Christmas berries
I bought a bush called ardisia, what should be the care at home for it? The store said that the plant even bears fruit, but often drops leaves if it ...
Mukdeniya - planting and care, photo
Mukdeniya - planting and care, photo
Tell us what mukdeniya looks like, planting and care, photos of species, if any. I ordered perennial seeds in the spring, and received a bag of mucdenia as a gift. I don't know if it's right ...
Aichrizon - home care for the tree of love
Aichrizon - home care for the tree of love
I would like to know if aichrizon is not very capricious, taking care of this plant at home. I bought it when I was very young from an amateur flower girl I knew. She has many flowers, breeds ...
Roses in pots - care at home for miniature flower queens
Roses in pots - care at home for miniature flower queens
Have you dreamed of growing roses in pots for a long time, is home care very different from garden crops? I bought several varieties, I plan to take one of the ...
Physalis strawberry - growing and caring for edible decorative
Physalis strawberry - growing and caring for edible decorative
Tell us about strawberry physalis, cultivation and care, the photo of the fruits is especially interesting. I bought seeds from my grandmother at the market, but forgot to ask how to sow them. You can go straight into the ground ...
Bryozoan subulate - planting and caring for an unpretentious fluffy ground cover
Bryozoan subulate - planting and caring for an unpretentious fluffy ground cover
What is the styloid bryozoan, planting and caring for it are very difficult? I plan to sow a young garden with this crop, so far nothing but seedlings grows there. I want to ...
Male flower anthurium - how to care for a capricious handsome man
Male flower anthurium - how to care for a capricious handsome man
What features does a male anthurium flower have in growing, how to care for it? I bought a bush at a discount in a store on sale. The seller said that he had been ill, so ...
Yucca care at home is an unpretentious perennial for busy palm growers
Yucca care at home is an unpretentious perennial for busy palm growers
What should be the home care for yucca? For my birthday, my sister brought me a tree whole, beautiful and tall. If she's into violets, then I ...
Asters - planting and caring for unpretentious flowers in the open field
Asters - planting and caring for unpretentious flowers in the open field
Please tell us about asters, planting and outdoor care for these flowers. You can sow them immediately on a flower bed, otherwise I have no place to grow ...
Decorative peppers in a pot - care, photo of miniature fruits
Decorative peppers in a pot - care, photo of miniature fruits
Tell me how to grow decorative peppers in a pot, care, photos of indoor fruits, if possible. Our family is very fond of all kinds of spices, but there is no way to plant a vegetable garden. We live in an apartment ...
Tabernemontana - home care for the Indian tree of love
Tabernemontana - home care for the Indian tree of love
What is tabernemontana, is it very difficult to take care of it at home? I got a young bush on sale, it still continues to bloom.Maybe you can feed something to prolong ...
Derain white - planting and caring for a decorative unpretentious shrub
Derain white - planting and caring for a decorative unpretentious shrub
I would like to know how high the white turf reaches, planting and caring for this shrub. I ordered seedlings in the nursery, while waiting for the plants I want to study in detail information about them. ...
Ezhemalina - planting and caring for an unpretentious hybrid in the Moscow region
Ezhemalina - planting and caring for an unpretentious hybrid in the Moscow region
Please tell us in detail about such a plant as ezhemalina, planting and care in the suburbs. Will it grow in the middle lane and how does it winters? We often have ...
Dimorfoteka - planting and care, photo of an unpretentious African beauty
Dimorfoteka - planting and care, photo of an unpretentious African beauty
I would like to know more about such a plant as dimorphoteka, planting and care, photo for example. A neighbor shared her flower seedlings, and there were several bushes of this culture. ...
Vanka flower wet - home care for balsam
Vanka flower wet - home care for balsam
It would be interesting to know how long Vanka's flower blooms is wet, is it difficult to care for him at home? I bought a young bush on sale, small, but already with buds. ...
Tunbergia - planting and care (photo) for a blooming liana
Tunbergia - planting and care (photo) for a blooming liana
I would like to know in more detail what tunbergia is, planting and care, a photo of the plant, if possible. I was looking for a vine, and the shop assistant advised me to buy tunbergia seeds. Here ...
Garden camellia - planting and caring for a capricious Japanese woman
Garden camellia - planting and caring for a capricious Japanese woman
Tell me if garden camellia will grow in our climate. Does the planting and caring for this flower have any peculiarities? And I'm also very worried about how the bush will winter in ...
Herbaceous hibiscus - planting and care, photos of blooming beauties
Herbaceous hibiscus - planting and care, photos of blooming beauties
Tell us what herb hibiscus is, planting and care, photos, if possible. I bought seeds for the first time, soon to plant seedlings in the garden, but I’m nothing about this flower ...
How to tie up gladioli - practical advice from experienced gardeners
How to tie up gladioli - practical advice from experienced gardeners
Tell me how to tie up gladioli? I bought new varieties from hands on the market, taking my grandmothers at their word. They turned out to be tall, more than 1.5 m.In the summer we had a heavy downpour ...
Climbing rose Florentina - a bright decoration of the local area
Climbing rose Florentina - a bright decoration of the local area
Climbing rose Florentina obtained by crossing cold and disease resistant varieties in 2011 by German breeders. Full buds of deep red color reach the size 11 - 12 ...
Unusual clematis Taiga is the main decoration of the garden
Unusual clematis Taiga is the main decoration of the garden
Clematis Taiga is an exotic flower of incredible beauty that changes color and shape several times during the summer. The climbing liana belongs to the newest invention of Japanese breeders. Undemanding to ...
Kerria Japanese at their summer cottage
Kerria Japanese at their summer cottage
An ornamental deciduous shrub that blooms in spring with beautiful yellow flowers is keria or Japanese kerria (lat.Kerria). His homeland is considered the highlands of China and Japan. In natural conditions ...
Rhododendron katevbinsky, its features and rules of cultivation
Rhododendron katevbinsky, its features and rules of cultivation
Rhododendron Katevbinsky is an evergreen flowering plant of the Heather family. It is one of the most beautiful of its kind, therefore it is widely used in floristry and landscape design. It ...
Red canadian in the middle lane - problems and secrets of growing
Red canadian in the middle lane - problems and secrets of growing
The spectacle when the Canadian scarlet blooms is extraordinary and somewhat resembles the elements of paintings by surrealist artists, made in drip technique. Lilac bunches of flowers bloom from dormant buds right on the black-gray trunk ...
Planting and caring for the skumpia at their summer cottage
Planting and caring for the skumpia at their summer cottage
It is not often at the summer cottage that you can see an unusual scumpia, although the plant looks very attractive during flowering. We recommend that lovers of ornamental plants pay attention to the tree and ...
Growing Clarkia graceful in a summer cottage from seeds
Growing Clarkia graceful in a summer cottage from seeds
The cultivation of graceful clarke in suburban areas is widespread. She is elegant and aristocratic. Striking with its beauty and color saturation. The variety of colors allows you to effectively design flower beds, garden paths, fences ...
Dichondra ampelous for an alpine slide, flower beds and hanging pots
Dichondra ampelous for an alpine slide, flower beds and hanging pots
A spectacular perennial plant with gorgeous foliage - ampelous dichondra. Thanks to flowing foliage and long shoots, it is a frequent participant in landscape design. She will luxuriously decorate alpine slides and flower beds. ...
How to care for the stangopea orchid at home to see its large flowers
How to care for the stangopea orchid at home to see its large flowers
Please tell us how to care for the stangopea orchid at home and about the features of the flower, if any. I bought a young bush, no more than 5 bulbs, very tiny. Want very much ...
How to care for dracaena deremska to keep the variegated color of the leaves
How to care for dracaena deremska to keep the variegated color of the leaves
Please tell us how to care for Dracaena deremska. I bought a bush at a sale, it was rotten. I cleaned it, treated it with a fungicide, changed the land. It seems that everything worked out, it doesn't rot anymore and ...
Kalanchoe Degremona - home care for a green healer
Kalanchoe Degremona - home care for a green healer
Please tell us in detail about the Kalanchoe Degremona, home care and plant maintenance requirements. Once upon a time this flower always grew at my grandmother's. I remember how ...
Iberis annual, planting and caring for unpretentious blooming pictures
Iberis annual, planting and caring for unpretentious blooming pictures
Hello, I would like to clarify this question. I really like the annual Iberis. Will planting and caring for it be the same as for perennial varieties? I have one ...
Zamioculcas - home care for a chic dollar tree
Zamioculcas - home care for a chic dollar tree
Please tell us what Zamioculcas loves. Does home care have any peculiarities? A friend gave me a flower, knowing that I had long dreamed of this. ...
Home care for Dieffenbachia Camilla - a light-loving beauty with delicate leaves
Home care for Dieffenbachia Camilla - a light-loving beauty with delicate leaves
Tell me, what is the home care for Camille Dieffenbachia? A flower was recently given to me by my colleagues for an anniversary, and it immediately won my love. Such wonderful leaves ...
How to care for Weigela Rosea - a gorgeous flowering perennial
How to care for Weigela Rosea - a gorgeous flowering perennial
Tell us how to take care of Weigela Rosea. Yesterday I ordered seedlings in an online store, we don't have this sort, but I have long dreamed of it. This is generally my ...
Chufa earthen almonds: planting and care at their summer cottage
Chufa earthen almonds: planting and care at their summer cottage
Chufa is an earthen almond, planting and caring for which will not cause difficulties even for a novice gardener - a perennial plant. Belongs to the sedge family. It is also called edible nourishment, because of ...
Planting and caring for rhododendron in Siberia (photo) is available to almost everyone
Planting and caring for rhododendron in Siberia (photo) is available to almost everyone
Blooming rhododendron adorns the landscape with beautiful, vibrant, large flowers. In regions with warm climates, gardeners can admire these plants throughout the summer, planting different varieties in the plots. ...
What is the difference between planting and caring for eustoma in Siberia
What is the difference between planting and caring for eustoma in Siberia
The homeland of the perennial eustoma is the US South with a subtropical climate. At the same time, successful planting and caring for eustoma in Siberia is quite possible. Here it is grown in pots like ...
Decorative bird cherry red-leaved for decorating a summer cottage
Decorative bird cherry red-leaved for decorating a summer cottage
The variety of plants on earth allows you to create incredibly beautiful landscapes in parks and on the territory of country houses. Red-leaved bird cherry is widely used for contrasting and extraordinary compositions. Bright color ...
Red bird cherry is a rare guest of our gardens
Red bird cherry is a rare guest of our gardens
Red bird cherry is known to many gardeners under the name Virginian. It is unpretentious, produces many fruits and has an attractive decorative appearance. The berries of this type of bird cherry are used in medicine and ...
Perennial eustoma: planting and care at home and in the open field
Perennial eustoma: planting and care at home and in the open field
Perennial eustoma, planting and caring for which carried out in accordance with all the rules, allow you to get a beautiful ornamental plant - a decoration of a personal plot. Despite the fact that the plant belongs to ...
How to feed geraniums during flowering, after wintering: folk and store remedies
How to feed geraniums during flowering, after wintering: folk and store remedies
Geranium, like pelargonium, is a shrub herb of the Geraniev family. At home, the flower does not always grow well and the question arises: how to feed geraniums in order to achieve ...
Ixia paniculata - planting and caring for a heat-loving beauty
Ixia paniculata - planting and caring for a heat-loving beauty
Please tell us what Ixia paniculata looks like, are there any difficulties in planting and caring for it? I ordered bulbs in the nursery, they promised to bring them by September. You can have them ...
Turkish carnation: planting and care, photo of flowers on the site
Turkish carnation: planting and care, photo of flowers on the site
A Turkish carnation will take a worthy place on the flower beds of the site. Planting and care, the photos of the varieties of which are presented below, are not difficult. The plant has enough bright sun and fertile soil to ...
Planting and caring for forsythia in the Moscow region: we comply with the requirements of the plant
Planting and caring for forsythia in the Moscow region: we comply with the requirements of the plant
Planting and caring for forsythia in the Moscow region allows you to grow healthy strong plants. Plantings need to be skillfully watered, fed, protected from diseases and pests, and prepared for winter. Short description ...
Do I need to cover the weigela for the winter or how to preserve the flowering shrub for many years
Do I need to cover the weigela for the winter or how to preserve the flowering shrub for many years
Tell me, is it necessary to cover the weigela for the winter? I bought a very young bush in the spring, planted it in the garden in a secluded corner. There are no drafts, the sun shines most of the day, yes ...
Achimenes flower, care and reproduction at home
Achimenes flower, care and reproduction at home
Hello, I am very interested in the achimenes flower, plant care and reproduction. A friend shared a young bush with beautiful raspberry inflorescences. He came to me already blooming, while he feels good. ...
Why peperomia leaves fall: common causes of the problem
Why peperomia leaves fall: common causes of the problem
Tell me why peperomia leaves fall? In winter, the bush felt good, it was green and beautiful, and in the spring leaf fall began. First, one lower leaf fell off, I thought it was ...
Campanula garden perennial: planting and care
Campanula garden perennial: planting and care
Perennial garden campanula is a bell, a perennial herb. More than 300 varieties allow you to choose a variety that is suitable for the climate of the region, suitable for creating compositions and has the necessary ...
Home care for ruella for lush bloom
Home care for ruella for lush bloom
Among the many indoor plants, ruelia is in incredible demand. Caring for ruella at home is very simple.It is an incredibly beautiful plant with bright buds of different shades. Ruellia: description ...
When the Kalanchoe has a dormant period: how to determine and how to care for a flower at this time
When the Kalanchoe has a dormant period: how to determine and how to care for a flower at this time
Tell me, when is the dormant period of Kalanchoe? I bought an already flowering bush, the seller in the store said that there would be no re-flowering next year if the plant was not allowed to rest. ...
How to care for cyperus at home: rules and tips
How to care for cyperus at home: rules and tips
The amazing variety of indoor cultures is awe-inspiring for many. Therefore, in order to figure out how to care for cyperus at home, it is important to get to know him better. In its natural environment, the plant ...
What water to water orchids or what epiphytic beauties like
What water to water orchids or what epiphytic beauties like
Please advise what water to water orchids with? Mom gave me phalaenopsis, very beautiful, with large tiger inflorescences. This is my first orchid, I always dreamed of such flowers, but here ...
How to care for an ehmeya flower at home and achieve the desired flowering
How to care for an ehmeya flower at home and achieve the desired flowering
How to care for an ehmeya flower so that it delights with flowers? The unusual shape of the bracts and the elegant color of the leaves make this plant a decoration of any room. Growing ehmei has its own characteristics, ...
Competent horse care: maintenance, feeding and health care
Competent horse care: maintenance, feeding and health care
Before you start a horse at your dacha, you need to understand well what the proper care of horses is. As you know, these animals need constant care all year round. ...
Orchid - home care for the unearthly beauty of tropical flowers
Orchid - home care for the unearthly beauty of tropical flowers
Large leaves, tall flower stalks, decorated with bright butterflies - this is an orchid, which is very difficult to care for at home. A beautiful foreign woman came to us from the distant tropics and ...
What care for ezemalina in autumn - preparing bushes for wintering
What care for ezemalina in autumn - preparing bushes for wintering
Tell us what does the care of the zemaline fall include? We bought several seedlings yesterday and have already planted them in the garden. The seller said that the bushes will need to be prepared for the winter and ...
Caring for sage in the garden: how to get a good harvest of medicinal raw materials
Caring for sage in the garden: how to get a good harvest of medicinal raw materials
Sage is a perennial plant known for its medicinal properties. To always have this magical herb at hand, you should know what care for sage should be. ...
Bletilla orchid: planting and caring for the plant
Bletilla orchid: planting and caring for the plant
The bletilla orchid, which is easy to plant and care for, is incredibly popular. The plant is not demanding and very beautiful. It develops well at home, in winter gardens and ...
Grow a wonderful Norway maple tree, planting and caring for it is easy
Grow a wonderful Norway maple tree, planting and caring for it is easy
Maples are one of the most noticeable and beautiful trees in central Russia. Norway maple, planting and caring for which is not difficult even for a beginner, can decorate ...
Lakonos: planting and caring for a giant bush with original flowering
Lakonos: planting and caring for a giant bush with original flowering
Do you admire the candles of chestnut blossoms, but do not have so much free space on the site for this tree? Then grow lakonos, planting and caring for which does not require excessive effort. ...
Stunningly beautiful azalea indica in your collection
Stunningly beautiful azalea indica in your collection
Azalea indica is one of the most popular indoor plants. It is it that is most often used in order to complement the interior of the room and make it more saturated and attractive. ...
Savory - growing and caring for spicy herbs in the garden
Savory - growing and caring for spicy herbs in the garden
Many gardeners allocate space for spices in flower beds so that they always have fragrant herbs at hand. Among them, it is worth noting savory, the cultivation and care of which is not ...
How to care for parsnips to grow beautiful and large root vegetables
How to care for parsnips to grow beautiful and large root vegetables
Not all gardeners undertake to grow parsnips and it is completely in vain. There is nothing difficult in how to care for parsnips in the beds. This culture is absolutely not capricious, besides ...
Magnolia Garden Care
Magnolia Garden Care
Most gardeners consider magnolia to be a capricious crop and are afraid to plant it on the site. In some ways they are right and she has certain whims, but competent care for the magnolia ...
Finding out when to open a rhododendron after winter
Finding out when to open a rhododendron after winter
Tell me when to open the rhododendron after winter? We bought and planted a seedling two years ago. He spent his first winter in the garden without protection - they hoped that the strong ...
Caring for eucharis at home - simple secrets of abundant flowering
Caring for eucharis at home - simple secrets of abundant flowering
If you like plants with large flowers and have enough free space at home, plant eucharis. Caring for eucharis at home is not at all difficult. In gratitude ...
How to care for a goat and how to feed it
How to care for a goat and how to feed it
Tell us how to care for a goat? Last year, my husband and I retired and, leaving the apartment for the children, moved to live in a dacha. Since we sit around ...
How to care for a hoya to enjoy its bloom every year
How to care for a hoya to enjoy its bloom every year
The dense waxy leaves of hoya and delicate flowers, as if made of plastic, are popular with everyone. If you also got this beautiful vine, it does not hurt to know how to care for ...
Davallia - home care for a beautiful spider fern
Davallia - home care for a beautiful spider fern
Thanks to their chic decorative look and lush deciduous cap, ferns are grown by many growers. Among them, it is worth noting such a plant as davallia, which requires home care ...
Growing and caring for chard in summer cottages
Growing and caring for chard in summer cottages
Chard, or leaf beet, is a close relative of sugar beet, feed beet and regular salad beet. Growing and caring for Swiss chard is not difficult. Although this plant is ...
Competent agave care at home is the key to a long life of a succulent
Competent agave care at home is the key to a long life of a succulent
As one of the types of succulents, agave does not present any special requirements for growing, and at the same time it feels good indoors. If caring for agave at home ...
Fascinating planting and caring for wrinkled rose hips
Fascinating planting and caring for wrinkled rose hips
Proper planting and caring for wrinkled rose hips is the key to a beautiful and healthy plant. Adhering to the basic recommendations, the flower will delight all passers-by with its extraordinary buds for many months. ...
What should be the care for the color scheme at home
What should be the care for the color scheme at home
The popularity of growing room color is due to its high decorative effect and a long flowering period. Despite the exactingness to the temperature and humidity characteristics of the air and the quality of the soil, caring for the color at home ...
Caring for alyssum after flowering - collecting seeds and preparing bushes for wintering
Caring for alyssum after flowering - collecting seeds and preparing bushes for wintering
Many flower growers prefer to grow perennial alissum so as not to plant it every year. This variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and good winter hardiness. However, proper care for alyssum after flowering will allow ...
How to grow mint on a windowsill, care basics
How to grow mint on a windowsill, care basics
Tell us how to grow mint on a windowsill? I just adore it and always put a couple of leaves in my tea. I tried to plant it in the garden, but, probably, the place there is unfortunate. Even ...
How to care for decorative rabbits - basic rules
How to care for decorative rabbits - basic rules
Tell us how to care for decorative rabbits? The son has long asked for an eared pet. And this year the godfather (with our, of course, consent) gave him a young rabbit. ...
How to open garlic after winter and when
How to open garlic after winter and when
Tell me how to open garlic after winter. Our grandmother always plants a lot of winter garlic. And she always "hides" her beds, covering them with leaves and branches of cut raspberries. ...
Painstaking care of lobelia seedlings
Painstaking care of lobelia seedlings
Millions of flower growers lament that lobelia has not only small seeds, but also quite tender seedlings. Caring for her can be problematic. This is due to surface seeding. Consequently, ...
Finding out how to cover ground cover roses for the winter
Finding out how to cover ground cover roses for the winter
Tell me how to cover ground cover roses for the winter? Last year I bought two varieties, one undersized, and the other up to almost 1 m in height. Despite the stated ...
Planting and caring for flowers on the stem: choosing a place, soil, watering, fertilizing
Planting and caring for flowers on the stem: choosing a place, soil, watering, fertilizing
Planting and caring for flowers of the stethoscope is quite simple and easy. This is an amazingly beautiful and capricious plant. If you follow fairly simple recommendations for caring for a flower, then he ...
Eric's plant: planting and care in great detail
Eric's plant: planting and care in great detail
From the Heather family, but originally from South Africa. It is these "roots" that the Erica plant has, planting and caring for which is very simple. In the wild, it is found in ...
How to care for arrowroot - we grow at home as a guest from the tropical jungle
How to care for arrowroot - we grow at home as a guest from the tropical jungle
If you like ornamental plants, get yourself an arrowroot. Knowing how to care for arrowroot will give you a beautiful, colorful bush. With abundant and beautiful flowering, like geranium, it does not ...
Fir: planting and caring for a plant in the open field
Fir: planting and caring for a plant in the open field
Fir, which is easy to plant and care for, is popular not only among professional gardeners, but also among beginners. This is a beautiful plant belonging to the famous Pine genus. IN ...
How is planting and care of ageratum
How is planting and care of ageratum
So that planting and caring for the ageratum does not bring difficulties, you must follow the simplest rules. If everything is done correctly, then the plant will become the highlight of any flower bed, as well as beautiful ...
How to care for a flycatcher at home - growing a green predator
How to care for a flycatcher at home - growing a green predator
Tell us how to care for a flycatcher at home? This unusual plant was brought to me by my husband from a business trip. Now I don't know what to do with him. It's been a couple of weeks now ...
Planting and caring for poppy seeds in the open field: watering, pruning, mulching, fertilizing
Planting and caring for poppy seeds in the open field: watering, pruning, mulching, fertilizing
So that planting and caring for poppies in the open field does not bring difficulties, simple rules should be followed. If the growing conditions are correct and systematic care is taken, then very soon ...
Planting and caring for a Bruner in the garden is a snap
Planting and caring for a Bruner in the garden is a snap
Planting and caring for a bruner in the garden does not take much time. This will be the perfect option to decorate any area. The plant is completely unpretentious. But if you follow the simple ...
Easy planting and caring for oak sage
Easy planting and caring for oak sage
Planting and caring for oak sage is not difficult. This is a beautiful and incredibly healthy spice that is especially popular in the world. However, there are some peculiarities of growing a crop ...
How to care for raspberries in spring: secrets of a good harvest of sweet berries
How to care for raspberries in spring: secrets of a good harvest of sweet berries
Tell us how to care for raspberries in the spring? Yesterday we planted a small raspberry tree, varietal seedlings, in the nursery they promised a large and sweet berry. We will shelter for the winter, although the place is cozy ...
Learning how to prune gooseberries in spring
Learning how to prune gooseberries in spring
Tell me how to prune gooseberries in the spring? About three years ago we bought two varieties, with pink and yellow berries. The seedlings have taken root well, but during this time the bushes have become very dense. ...
Caring for cypress in the garden - we grow a capricious southerner on our site
Caring for cypress in the garden - we grow a capricious southerner on our site
Among evergreen crops, cypress is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful plants. At the same time, it is quite whimsical, so it is important to study cypress care before ...
Gardener's wise advice: how to care for Kampsis
Gardener's wise advice: how to care for Kampsis
If the summer resident knows how to care for the Kampsis during the year, he will be able to grow a shrub of unusual beauty on his site. And how pleasant it is to contemplate its bright whole summer ...
Fascinating planting and horseradish care outdoors
Fascinating planting and horseradish care outdoors
The spicy taste of the rhizomes of the perennial plant, as well as the spicy aroma that its leaves give, encourage many to grow horseradish in the garden. Timely planting and horseradish care will help the farmer ...
All about how to care for currants
All about how to care for currants
Tell a novice gardener how to care for currants. In the spring we planted two dozen high-quality seedlings purchased in the nursery in the country. Among them are black and my favorite red currant. All the bushes ...
How to care for daffodils - growing spring primroses in the garden
How to care for daffodils - growing spring primroses in the garden
Tell us how to care for daffodils? Daffodils grow in our garden, but ordinary, yellow-white. They "live" by themselves, I don't do anything with them, only sometimes I sit them down ...
How to care for a Chinese rose to bloom every year
How to care for a Chinese rose to bloom every year
Tell us how to care for a Chinese rose? A small tree was given to me by my colleagues at work. She took him home and in the summer the pot was on the open terrace. I think he was there ...
How to care for strawberries in spring: cleaning, watering, feeding and other necessary activities
How to care for strawberries in spring: cleaning, watering, feeding and other necessary activities
Tell us how to care for strawberries in spring? We planted seedlings in a young garden, while everything is alive and green. We hope they will survive the winter well, especially since we plan to cover it with foliage ...
How to care for crocuses at home: secrets for novice florists
How to care for crocuses at home: secrets for novice florists
Tell us how to care for crocuses at home? I was eager to drive out the flower for the new year, and I already looked at the bulbs in the store catalog. When is it better to land them, and ...


