Fascinating planting and caring for wrinkled rose hips

rose hips

Correct planting and care of wrinkled rose hips is a guarantee of a beautiful and healthy plant. Adhering to the basic recommendations, the flower will delight all passers-by with its extraordinary buds for many months.

Rosehip wrinkled: plant description

rose hips ripen

The plant belongs to the famous genus Shipovnikovs. In nature the flower grows in Korea, Japan, China and the Far East. Prefers meadows, sandy and pebbly coasts.

Rosehip rose grows as a spreading bush. With proper care, it can grow up to 2.5 m in height. Leaves are medium in size. Their length ranges from 22 cm long. They are all wrinkled with attractive greenish-gray fringe below and shiny top.

All twigs are profusely covered with curved thorns of reddish shade. Flowers of different sizes. Their diameter ranges from 6 to 12 cm. depending on the variety, they are both simple and terry. Dissolve buds in June.

With proper care, a rose can bloom twice a year.

bloomed rose hips

Popular varieties of wrinkled rosehip:

  1. F.Y. Prootendors. The rose is distinguished by small double flowers. They do not exceed 4 cm in diameter, with a reddish-crimson hue. When opened, the buds exude a pleasant aroma.
  2. Pink Grootendors. The most beautiful variety. Such a bush grows up to 1.5 m tall. Leaves are light green in color, wrinkled. Flowers from 3 to 4 cm in diameter, densely doubled, similar to small carnations. Painted in a deep pink shade. Flowering is very long and abundant.
  3. Abelzieds. The variety differs in cup-shaped, semi-double flowers. They are small, about 5 cm in diameter, light pink in color.
  4. Agnes. The buds are large, 8 cm in diameter. They are colored creamy yellow. During flowering, they exude a rich, pleasant aroma.
  5. Georges Ken. The variety is distinguished by large, semi-double flowers. They all have a deep red hue.

No less popular is the Konrad Ferdinand Meyer variety. This plant has silvery pink flowers. The rose is distinguished by a long and repeated flowering, which can be observed closer to autumn.

Planting and caring for wrinkled rose hips, reproduction

Despite the fact that the plant is not whimsical to care for, observe some rules are still needed. This is the only way to achieve in a short time desired result.

Rose planting rules

planting and caring for wrinkled rosehips

The site should be chosen only the one that is good illuminated by the sun. Plains and southern slopes are excellent options. The soil must be nutritious and water permeable. Therefore, before planting, the soil it is recommended to fertilize with a small amount of organic mixtures.

Rose hips are planted in the spring. But if buds began to bloom on the shoots, then the procedure is postponed until autumn.

The distance between the seedlings should be within 1.5 m. If you plan to make a hedge from a rosehip, then the intervals are necessary cut to 1 m.

Planting is carried out in pre-prepared holes. The dimples should be medium in size. Dig them about 20 cm deep. After planting, all specimens are watered abundantly and mulch... For this, peat or wood chips are used.

Reproduction of wrinkled rose

reproduction of wrinkled rosehip

You can grow a new plant in your area with several ways. All of them are effective if all recommendations are followed.

Root shoots.Planting material is harvested in the spring. To do this, scoops are dug up from 30 to 40 cm long and transplanted to a permanent a place. You can also not dig it out, but only spud it with a layer of humus (20-25 cm). After several days of abundant watering, it will be possible to observe additional roots. Planting material is cut off in the fall with the aerial part.

Cuttings. This is the most popular way in which enjoyed by many gardeners. Material procurement is carried out in the last week June. It is at this time that the growth rate decreases.

When cutting cuttings, it is necessary to ensure that on each the instance had at least three nodes. After separation, twigs are recommended treat with a growth stimulant. The solution is prepared from 1 liter of pure water and 200-300 g "Heteroauxima". Withstand the planting material in the prepared liquid for for 24 hours.

After a day, the cuttings must be moved to a substrate of sand and peat... The twigs are placed to a depth of about 15 cm. For fast and high-quality rooting, the container will need to be covered with foil. After 10-14 days, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Proper care for wrinkled rose

Even the most unpretentious plant needs caring hands and the attention of a gardener when planting in a summer cottage.

Bush irrigation

watering rose hips

Cuttings and young specimens require abundant watering. Adults irrigate 3-4 times throughout the summer. Up to 10 liters are poured under each bush clean water. If the rose blooms profusely and the weather is dry outside, then the number of procedures is increased.

Plant fertilization


If you plant it correctly, then you do not need to feed the bush for the first two years. Then in the spring they bring urea (at 1 m2 20 g mixture). In autumn, the soil is fertilized with organic matter or minerals. At the age of 6, you should not be afraid that the plant will dry out, since the root system of roses at this time reaches 2.5 m deep.

So that the bush does not grow much, it is recommended to protect the site with pieces of slate or iron, digging them to a depth of 50 cm.

How to prune a rose correctly

So that the rose hip bush not only has an attractive external species, but also bloomed profusely, it is necessary to systematically cut it off.

The first procedure is carried out only 3 years after planting. For this remove all twigs will leave the 15 strongest. First of all cut off root suckers and those shoots that lie on the soil surface. All the rest are shortened so that no more than 18 cm remains of them.

The twigs that appear on the stumps are also cut off. Their shorten by 1/5. This will help form not only a beautiful bush, but also give abundant fruiting.

A similar procedure is carried out in the spring. Remove during the summer all broken and deformed branches. For this, use only sharp tool. It can be either a pruner or a sharp knife.


ripe berries

Berries should be picked only when they acquire red-orange tint. Often the fruits ripen in the middle of autumn. Delay with this the procedure is not worth it, since even minor frosts can harm berries.

At subzero temperatures, rose hips lose a large number of their beneficial qualities.

Possible problems when growing rose hips

need a rosehip treatment

The wrinkled rose is resistant to most diseases. But despite this, the bush is able to suffer from fungal diseases that appear as a result of improper care.

On the rose hips you can observe:

  • powdery mildew;
  • rust;
  • gray rot.

As for pests, most often on the leaves a spider mite, sawfly or leafworm appears. Fight such pests not difficult. The best way is a solution of water and ammonia (10 l of liquid 40 ml of ammonia). It is necessary to spray the plant in a sunny and calm weather.

If you follow all the recommendations for caring for wrinkled rosehips, then the plant will delight you with a beautiful and abundant flowering.Failure to comply with the planting site, soil preparation can cause many problems, from which the bush will lose its attractiveness.

How to plant a rosehip - video


