Posts tagged "ate"

Dangerous pests ate: acquaintance and methods of control
Dangerous pests ate: acquaintance and methods of control
To create a spectacular landscape design, gardeners successfully use conifers. Unfortunately, various spruce pests destroy this lush beauty. As a result of the invasion of "invisible" insects, external attractiveness is lost ...
Diseases of spruce trees and their treatment: recommendations of experienced gardeners
Diseases of spruce trees and their treatment: recommendations of experienced gardeners
Conifers are very popular with landscape designers due to their unpretentious care and outstanding decorative qualities. But, in addition to receiving aesthetic pleasure - the diseases of the oils and their ...
Coniferous crops in the country: choosing a fragrant spruce for ourselves
Coniferous crops in the country: choosing a "fragrant" spruce
Conifers are planted both in spring and autumn. A slight thaw in November or December is a good time for this. The ground has not yet had time to freeze, and the seedling has already ...
Delight in the shade of an evergreen spruce
Delight in the shade of an evergreen spruce
Every person at least once in his life thought about the beauty of the nature around us. Evergreen cedars and spruces, powerful oaks, slender poplars and lovely birches amaze with their splendor. ...


