Diseases of spruce trees and their treatment: recommendations of experienced gardeners

oil diseases and their treatment Conifers are very popular with landscape designers due to their unpretentious care and outstanding decorative qualities. But, in addition to receiving aesthetic pleasure - the diseases of the fir trees and their treatment - this is what almost every domestic gardener has to face, who uses coniferous compositions in the design of his site.

The main causes of the disease of conifers

spruce is sick

What an ordinary domestic gardener knows about the diseases of the fir trees and their treatment - nothing. As a rule, the disease is determined by a change in the color of the coniferous culture, inhibition of the growth of young animals, and premature loss of needles.

The main diseases of spruce are associated with damage to the culture:

  • fungal infections;
  • pathogenic bacteria in the soil;
  • sucking, needle-gnawing and stem pests.

In addition, non-infectious diseases caused by unfavorable conditions of detention, errors in planting and caring for plants are widespread, namely:

  • illiterate landing with strong deepening;
  • incorrectly chosen landing site;
  • lack or excess of moisture;
  • lack of nutrients and stagnation of water in the soil.

Fungal diseases of firs, as a rule, do not lead to the death of the culture, but provoke premature loss of needles and a change in their color. The main causes of a fungal infection of a tree are an overly dense planting, a lack of light, and excessive soil moisture.

The most common diseases of oils and their treatment

Among the mass of diseases of conifers, spruce is the most susceptible to diseases: shute, rust, futariosis. Consider the clinical manifestations, varieties and effective methods of dealing with these diseases.


shute oilSchütte is a disease provoked by the causative agents of fungal infection ascomycetes. If the needles of the spruce turn red, this is shyute.

Currently, several varieties of this disease are known:

  1. Shute the present. As a rule, the disease manifests itself in late spring by a change in the color of the needles. In the autumn, the disease is manifested by the appearance of yellow dots on the needles of the plant. In the future, the disease leads to drying out, dying off and loss of needles. Black growths form on infected branches, in which the spores of the fungus are concentrated. Young and weakened plants are susceptible to the disease.
  2. Shute snowy. A fungal disease, which affects all types of spruce growing in the northern regions. Infection can also occur in the middle zone of the Russian Federation, under snow, at an air temperature of 0 ° C. Phlacidiumin festans mushrooms cause reddening of the needles. In the summer, the disease progresses: the plant changes color from red to gray, the needles dry out and fall off. Fungal spores cover the infected branches with black dots. Snow shute can lead to the death of the plant.snow shute
  3. Brown shute. It is manifested by the browning and dying off of needles, which do not fall off, but provoke the further spread of the disease to the branches of the tree. The disease develops after the snow melts at an air temperature of 0 to + 1 ° C. Whole branches die off on an infected tree.brown shute

Among domestic gardeners, there is an opinion that ate blue varieties are not susceptible to fungal diseases. This is fundamentally wrong! These varieties are susceptible to snowy and brown shute varieties.In confirmation of our words, we publish a photo of the disease of blue spruces.

Control measures for spruce shute consist in the systemic treatment of infected plants with fungicides with an interval of 2 weeks between each "treatment". The most effective means are recognized: Falcon, Quadris.


fusarium spruceMany domestic gardeners are interested in the question: why does the spruce dry? The wilting of a plant can be triggered by Fusarium, a viral disease that affects the roots of the plant. With this disease, the spruce does not receive enough nutrition, as a result of which the needles begin to dry and fall off, the tree gradually dries up and dies.

Fusarium is extremely difficult to cure. To treat and prevent the spread of the disease to healthy seedlings, an infected tree must be periodically treated with fungicides, stem injections, etched and disinfected the soil around the diseased plant.

With self-treatment of spruce fusarium, there is a high probability of tree death and infection of the entire planting. To establish the cause of the disease and the exact method of its treatment, we strongly recommend that you contact a specialist.

Spruce rust

With this disease, the needles turn yellow in the spruce, the affected branches are deformed and dry out. A fungal infection provokes the disease.

Among the most common types of rust lesions are:

  1. Needles rust. The disease develops early in spring. The needles are covered with peculiar yellow bubbles. With the further development of the disease, the needles change color from green to yellow, after which they fall off.pine needles rust
  2. Columnar rust. The disease is characterized by damage to the needles, which spreads to the bark of the plant. At the site of the lesion, the bark thickens and cracks over time, and yellow bubbles form in the crack. The damaged areas dry up and die off.spruce columnar rust
  3. The rust of the buds is determined by the inner side of the scales, which are covered with dark eciopustules. With the development of the disease, the infected buds open prematurely, the seeds die.bud rust

How to deal with rust on spruce?

Treatment of a damaged plant consists in the systemic treatment of the plant with drugs that infect the causative agents of infection, fungi: Pucciniastrum areolatum, Coleosporium, Cronartium ribicola.

The most effective drugs are recognized: Fitosporin-M; Abiga Peak.

Shoot necrosis

shoot necrosisThis disease is caused by the fungus Kabatina. It manifests itself in the withering away of young shoots of all types of spruce, which weakens the tree and can lead to its death.

The fight against this disease of spruces and its treatment consists in systemic treatments of the infected tree with fungicides: Amistar Trio, Antrakol, Falcon with the complex introduction of root formation stimulants into the trunk circle.

Pests of spruce plantings

spruce aphidIt is very difficult for a layman to find pests on spruce. The most common pest of conifers is the spruce aphid, a sucking insect whose average size is barely 1 mm. However, the presence of spruce aphid colonies can be detected by secretions covering the surface of branches and needles.

Reason: the spread of colonies of ants that breed aphids to obtain "honeydew" - secretions that serve as a source of food for insects.

It destroys ants by treating infected areas with soapy water.

When using soapy water, do not allow it to enter the soil in the root zone.

spider mite

Spider mite - affects the needles, sucking out the cellular fluid from it. It is possible to determine the defeat of spruce by this insect by the appearance of dots on the needles and the presence of cobwebs on the needles. With severe damage, the needles change color to white.

Reason: low level of air humidity.

Control measures: spraying with insecticides and specialized preparations against ticks Akarin, Agravertin, Appolo, Envidor.

conifersWhy do spruce needles turn yellow? Probably, the plant is affected by conifers - relatives of aphids.

Reason: low level of air humidity.

Control measures: For small lesions, systemic spraying with tobacco infusion helps, three procedures with an interval of three weeks. With a strong spread of colonies, treatment with insecticides is recommended, which penetrate the plant sap, making it fatal to insects.

Only specialists can correctly identify the diseases of the oil and choose the most effective method for their treatment. When the described symptoms of coniferous crops appear, we strongly recommend contacting professionals who, with a high degree of probability, will help to defeat the disease and preserve the decorative functions of the plant.


