Pruning raspberries in spring (video)

underdeveloped raspberry shoots Like every plant, raspberries need care in order for them to bear fruit well. The main activity in this process is pruning raspberries in the spring. Such work is carried out at the stage of a young seedling in late March or early April.

Related article:how to prune raspberries in spring?

After planting the raspberry shoot, it should be cut immediately to a height of 50 cm. You can carefully trim the raspberry seedling with a pruner.

Also, during this period, weak and underdeveloped shoots should be removed. The tips of the frostbitten shoots are trimmed to the first healthy bud. Old, barren, dried stems are removed completely from the root. Broken branches should be trimmed carefully so as not to damage the healthy shoot.

How correctly pruning of raspberry shoots is carried out in spring is described in the plot.


