Writing the most popular lingonberry recipes for the winter in a memorable cookbook

lingonberry recipes for the winter The scarlet guest from the forest contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals necessary for the well-coordinated work of the body. Proven recipes for lingonberries for the winter will help you create at home not only valuable, but also delicious medicine. The berries are dried, canned, soaked in salted brine. They make excellent jam, jelly, jam for tea. The product is suitable for vitamin sauces, cocktails, syrups. Lovers of intoxicating drinks create delicious wine or liqueur from berries. Let's go on an exciting journey through the pages of a universal cookbook.

Simple recipes for lingonberries for the winter for beginners

lingonberry recipes for the winter The most primitive way to harvest berries is to soak. It is made in granulated sugar and without it. With honey and other fruits. Let's get acquainted with each of them in detail.

To get a tasty berry in granulated sugar, you need products:

  • ripe lingonberry;
  • sugar;
  • cold boiled water;
  • a little salt to enhance the taste.

sort and rinse the lingonberriesThe collected berries are carefully sorted out. Remove wrinkled and damaged fruits. The remaining lingonberries are poured into a spacious bowl. Pour in water and wash thoroughly several times. At the end, caress it under the tap, line it on the table to dry out.

making syrupClean water is poured into a separate refractory container. Put on fire. When it boils, add granulated sugar. Stir until it is completely dissolved in the liquid. Put some salt.

sterilization of cansGlass jars are sterilized over steam for about 5 minutes. Then lingonberries are poured. Tamp down slightly. Pour in hot syrup. Cover with nylon lids with a special hole. Leave at room temperature for 10 days in a dark room. A dense fabric is placed under the cans. The finished product is stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Spicy lingonberry with spices

spicy lingonberry with spices

A wonderful addition to meat dishes is made from the following set of components:

  • lingonberry;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanilla;
  • carnation;
  • peppercorns;
  • water.

marinade preparationDried lingonberries are poured into a spacious container. Make the marinade in a separate saucepan. Boil water. Pour sugar, spices, salt. Cook for 3 minutes. Cool down. Poured into a container with berries. Cover with gauze and take to a cool place.

fill jars with lingonberriesAfter 5 days, soaked lingonberries are placed in clean jars. Pour marinade over. Seal with lids. Store in a basement where a stable temperature is maintained. The billet is served with homemade sausage, boiled pork or pork kebab... It enhances the taste of meat products all year round. In addition, it contains an abundance of useful components.

The dish can be used instead of the classic "Ketchup".

Harvesting wild berries without sugar

lingonberry recipes for the winter without sugarThe original lingonberry recipe for the winter in its own juice will appeal to fans of natural products.

To create it you will need:

  • lingonberry berries;
  • purified water;
  • fresh plant leaves.

wash and dry the berriesSelected fruits are washed and dried naturally. Transferred to steamed jars. Pour in cold water. Put washed lingonberry leaves on top. Cover with gauze or nylon lid with holes. Since the workpiece is made without cooking, the container is immediately taken to the basement, closet or refrigerator. The product is used to strengthen the immune system during the cold season.

Berry soaking can also be done in a small enamel pot.However, you will have to regularly wash the gauze that covers the brine.

Lingonberry recipes for the winter - a healthy treat with honey

lingonberry recipes for the winter with honey

An excellent lingonberry dish is obtained in just 30 minutes of work. First, the necessary components are assembled:

  • ripe scarlet fruits;
  • liquid buckwheat honey;
  • chopped cinnamon;
  • a few carnation buds;
  • pure water;
  • salt.

prepare lingonberries and fill jarsThen follow the guide of the selected recipe. Prepared lingonberries are sent to clean jars. Put spices (cinnamon, cloves) on top, sprinkle with salt. Pour boiling water over. Stand for 15 minutes and pour into a saucepan.

boil marinade with honeyA container with aromatic water is put on fire. Liquid honey is added. Stir. Bring to a boil. Poured into jars with berries. Cover with lids. After 30 days, the product with honey is ready for use.

Sweet dessert for tea

grated lingonberry with sugarThe berry is prepared quite tasty by grinding it with granulated sugar. The white preservative has a beneficial effect on the product, preserving vitamins and valuable minerals.

Dessert is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • ripe berries;
  • granulated sugar.

chop lingonberries and grind with sugarWashed and dried lingonberries are thoroughly chopped by hand or with a blender. Then grind through a sieve. The cake is thrown away. The mass obtained from the pulp is covered with granulated sugar at the rate of 1: 1. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula. Leave for 2 hours. Transferred to sterilized jars. Cover with nylon lids. Store in a cool place. Served as a natural dessert for hot drinks.

Forest berry with apples

lingonberry recipes for the winter with apples

Consider an interesting recipe for lingonberries for the winter with fruit. Components are used for cooking:

  • selected lingonberry berries;
  • sweet varieties of apples;
  • granulated sugar;
  • lemon for juice;
  • chopped cinnamon.

peel and chop applesFirst of all, apples are washed and peeled. Cut into equal cubes. Place in a deep bowl. Add berries. Sprinkle with granulated sugar. Leave for 3 hours to let the food juice.

cook apples with lingonberriesThe container is placed on moderate heat. While stirring, bring to a boil. Pour in ground cinnamon. At the same temperature, simmer for another 5 minutes. Add lemon juice. Mix well and remove from heat. When the product has cooled down, the procedure is repeated. Then they are transferred to a sterile container. Clogged. Store in a cellar. Served as a vitamin dessert for breakfast.

Original filling for pies

lingonberry pieAlmost all people love homemade cakes. However, the main highlight of the product is the filling. Let's consider an easy way to prepare an unusual dessert.

Ingredients needed:

  • freshly picked lingonberries;
  • autumn pear varieties;
  • granulated sugar white;
  • boiled water.

rinse and dry the lingonberriesThe berries are thoroughly washed with water. Pour boiling water over for 3 minutes. Discarded in a colander. Dry on a kitchen towel. Washed pears are peeled. Cut into small cubes.

boil lingonberries and pears in syrupSyrup is boiled in a large saucepan. Pour water first. When it boils, add granulated sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon. Lingonberries and pears are added. Boil for several minutes. Remove from fire. Leave for 4 hours, then cook again for about 10 minutes. Packaged in steamed jars. Seal with lids.

A thick fruit and berry mixture is used for filling rich pies.

Amazing and aromatic jam

aromatic lingonberry jamNowadays, there is an abundance of sweets that are served with tea. However, nobody canceled the natural product. Let's get acquainted with a simple recipe for making lingonberries for the winter.

For cooking, you need 3 components:

  • berries;
  • granulated sugar;
  • water.

Lingonberries are sorted out. They are washed under the tap. Dry lightly on a kitchen towel. Then pour it into a pot of water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, stirring continuously. Add granulated sugar. Simmer at an average temperature for about 45 minutes. The resulting jam is placed in a glass container. Close with lids. When the product cools down, take it to the cellar. In winter, it is served with tea as a natural sweet dessert.

Lingonberry recipes for the winter in tandem with an orange

lingonberry and orange dessert

If you combine wild berries with citruses, you get an excellent delicacy. Ingredients needed:

  • lingonberry;
  • water;
  • large oranges;
  • granulated sugar.

boil lingonberries with sugarWashed berries are placed in a refractory container. Sprinkle with granulated sugar. Stir. When the juice appears, put on fire. Cook at low temperature for 15 minutes.

chop an orangeOranges are washed under the tap. Dip in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Then they take it out, wipe it with a towel. Cut into large slices, removing the bones. Pass through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is poured into the berries. Stir constantly, cook for 20 minutes.

lingonberry and orange jamThe ready-made jam is laid out in clean jars. Cover with tin lids. When it cools down, they take it to the cellar for storage. In winter, it is used as a remedy for colds.

Ruby jelly for the winter

lingonberry jelly

Translucent jelly is successfully prepared from lingonberry berries. It has a delicate aroma and divine taste. For the dish you need ingredients:

  • berries without damage;
  • white sugar;
  • gelatin;
  • water.

grind lingonberries with a crushLingonberries are poured over with boiling water, after which they are thrown into a colander. Gently grind with a crush. The gruel is collected on cheesecloth folded in two layers. Squeeze out the juice. Add granulated sugar. Stir vigorously until the bulk product is completely melted.

to cook lingonberry pureeThe mixture is poured into a saucepan, placed on the stove. Bring to a boil. Pour in gelatin. Stir and simmer for another 2 minutes. Berry jelly is placed in jars, sterilized for 10 minutes in boiling water. Roll up the lids.

Lingonberry in its own juice

lingonberries in their own juiceTo create a vitamin drink, a simple recipe is used that includes only one component. The berries are carefully sorted out and washed under the tap. Divide into 2 parts. One of them is rubbed, after which the juice is squeezed out.

lingonberry juiceThen the resulting liquid is combined with the rest of the fruits in a separate container. Bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from fire. Poured into a suitable container. Clogged up and taken to the cellar. In winter, the product is diluted with hot water and drunk during a flu epidemic.

Classic sauce for the holiday table

lingonberry sauceAlmost all housewives try to surprise their dear guests with original concoctions. Therefore, they have exclusive dishes in their bins. One of the most popular is red lingonberry sauce.

To create it, they take products:

  • fresh ripe berries;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • granulated sugar;
  • thyme;
  • cloves;
  • cinnamon (crushed);
  • salt;
  • water.

cook lingonberriesPrepared fruits, spices, sugar and salt are placed in the container. Pour in water. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. Then spices are removed from the sauce, and the gruel is transferred to jars. Seal with lids. Store in a cool place. Served with baked poultry.

The product goes well with the stewed hare, giving the dish a spicy taste.

Intoxicating drink for women

lingonberry wineNot all ladies like to drink cognac or vodka. Alternatively, learn how to make lingonberry wine. For a drink, take 3 components:

  • scarlet fruits (2 kg);
  • clean water (2 l);
  • granulated sugar (900 g).

wine making processUnwashed lingonberries are thoroughly rubbed with hands or a crush. The resulting slurry is poured into a jar. Add some granulated sugar and water. Mix well. Cover with clean gauze. They are taken to a dark place where the temperature is maintained at least 22 ° C. The workpiece is left for 4 days, stirring occasionally.

The fermented gruel is filtered into a saucepan. Add some granulated sugar and mix well. The resulting liquid is poured into a jar. Cover with a special wine-making lid and heat for 5 days.

bottle lingonberry wineAt the end of the appointed time, 3 glasses of liquid are decanted from the container. Sprinkle with sugar, mix and return. Cover with a lid. Leave to ferment in the same place for 4 weeks. Then the wine is removed from the lees and tasted. Add sugar if necessary. Poured into bottles. Store in a cool place. Pour into a clean container every 3 weeks.Ready-made lingonberry wine is served with meat products or chocolates.

To get a fortified drink, pour in alcohol or vodka.

Lingonberry recipes for the winter - freezing and drying berries at home

freezing lingonberryTo enjoy the "fresh" fruits of lingonberries in winter, use freezing. For this, the berries are thoroughly washed. Lay out on a flat surface, take out into fresh air. There they dry completely. The berries are placed in small cellophane bags or containers. They are sent to the freezer.

If you want, you can make juice from the berries and freeze in plastic bottles.

berry drying processFor high-quality drying of lingonberries, you will need an oven. First, the fruits are washed and dried naturally. Then carefully scatter over the entire area of ​​the baking sheet. Placed in the oven. Dry the product at 50 ° C for about 4 hours. So that the berries evenly lose moisture, mix with a spatula every 60 minutes.

dried lingonberriesThe finished fruits are poured into a clean glass container. Cover with a lid. Store in a cool dry place. The product is used to prepare various hot drinks. Steamed berries are popular with children as a vitamin dessert. They serve as an original addition to meat dishes and winter salads.

Acquaintance with popular recipes for harvesting lingonberries for the winter shows the importance of wild berries. It is successfully soaked with honey and sugar. And with spices, a spicy product is obtained. It is used to make an exquisite sauce for kebabs or baked poultry. Vitamin desserts in the form of jam, jam, jelly contain an abundance of useful elements. The berries make an excellent filling for pies. Fans of intoxicating drinks create ladies' wine. The frozen product is suitable for preparing hot vitamin drinks. Dry berries are consumed raw. Let the amazing scarlet fruit delight the hearts of all chefs.

Video about the properties of lingonberry

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