Features of care for rhizome and tuberous calla lilies after flowering

calla tuberous and rhizome All indoor plants, in which, after a phase of active development and abundant flowering, a dormant period begins, need special, gentle care. At this time, the growth processes of flowers freeze, and they accumulate strength in order to please again with their flowering next season. If you continue to water and fertilize them abundantly, the plants will not be able to rest, they will be weakened, which will affect not only their appearance, but also the flowering itself, which may not come. Indoor rooms are no exception. calla lilies, because in order to form large and beautiful peduncles again, they need a break.

Due to the fact that callas are of two types (rhizome and tuberous), caring for them has significant differences. Of no less importance is the fact that their dormant period begins at different times. Let's figure out what needs to be done in relation to each species.

How and when do rhizome calla lilies rest?

Calla lilies, in which the root system is formed in the form of a thick rhizome, bloom in winter, respectively, they rest in summer.

Rhizome plants include calla Ethiopian or calla lily - the closest relative of the wild representatives of these flowers with a white blanket. There are also "colored" varieties in which the bracts are brightly colored.

With the arrival of summer, the flowers stop growing, and their leaves begin to fade. At this time, watering is reduced, and the pot is taken out into the open air - on a balcony or on a summer terrace.

In July, the plant should be transplanted into new nutrient soil and placed in a well-lit place where it will start growing again and prepare for the next flowering.

If this garden rhizome calla, it must be dug up in September together with an earthen lump and stored all winter in a dry, cool room, occasionally watering so that the soil does not dry out. In the spring it is planted back to the flower bed.

How to organize a dormant period for tuberous calla lilies?

After the end of flowering of tuberous calla lilies, their leaves also dry out. Then you need to send them to rest:

  1. Garden tuberous calla lilies are dug out at the end of September, the tubers are washed and kept for 2-3 weeks in a room with an air temperature of 5 to 10 degrees Celsius, so that nutrients from the leaves are transferred to the root system. Then the remains of the leaves are cut off and the tubers are sent for storage until spring, after having washed them again and dried them. It is necessary to store calla lilies in paper bags at a temperature not exceeding 7 degrees Celsius (for example, in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator).
  2. Indoor calla tubers can also be removed from the flowerpot and stored in the refrigerator, or you can leave them in a pot, but take it out to a cool place. In spring, the awakened tubers are transplanted into fresh soil, and separated if necessary.

Video about the rest period in calla lilies


