Lawn maintenance is essential all year round

lawn care In order for the lawn to be beautiful and delight you for a long time, you need to constantly look after it. The care includes:

  1. Top dressing with nitrogen fertilizers in early spring.
  2. Scarification and aeration.
  3. Periodic trimming and constant watering in summer.
  4. Top dressing throughout the season with complex mineral fertilizers.

Let's take a closer look at each stage.

Top dressing of the lawn in early spring

After the end of winter, when all the snow on the site has melted, you can start working on the lawn. In early spring, in March, it is necessary to add ammonium nitrate to the soil at the rate of 30-40 g per 1 m2 area.

Do not fertilize under a roll lawn if it is planted in late autumn and has not had time to take root. Top dressing can be done only after complete rooting of plants.

Scarification and aeration

After the soil dries well, sometime in early April, it is necessary to scarify and aerate the lawn.

This is necessary in order to remove the dense caked "felt" formed from dry grass. It interferes with the growth of young shoots, as well as the penetration of sunlight into the lower layer of the lawn. Nutrients, oxygen and moisture do not go well to the roots of plants, which can lead to their death.

If you have a small front lawn, then aerate it with a rake. If the lawn covers a large area, it is best to aerate with a gasoline or electric aerator. It performs two functions at once: scarification and aeration. With knives located on the shaft of the working body, he combes all last year's grass and pierces the soil, improving the structure of the lawn.

Better to use gasoline aerators. They are more powerful and easier to use.

Cutting and watering

Walk through the site immediately after aeration lawn mower... This will ensure that the surface is leveled and any dry grass lifted up is collected. Then we add ammonium nitrate: 3-4 kg per 100 m2 area.

When the warmth comes up to +15 -20 degrees, we turn on watering. In the spring, you can water every other day.

In summer, at a temperature of +30 degrees and above, the lawn must be watered daily! Mow the grass - once a week, at a height of 5-10 cm.

Top dressing of the lawn throughout the season

After June and until mid-September, feed with complex mineral fertilizers, such as nitroamofoska. It contains all the necessary elements for good plant growth and development.

If you follow all the recommendations, then you will have a gorgeous emerald lawn.


