Posts tagged "goldenrod"

Bright herb goldenrod: useful properties and contraindications for use
Bright herb goldenrod: useful properties and contraindications for use
Among the many plants on planet Earth, there is one unusual thing - goldenrod, the useful properties and contraindications of which are of interest to many enterprising healers. Today this pretty plant is found almost throughout ...
Josephine goldenrod - compact perennial for low hedges
Josephine goldenrod - compact perennial for low hedges
In our city park there is a whole alley of lush bushes that stand for a long time, covered with yellow flowers. Recently I learned that this is Josephine's goldenrod. I also want to ...
Solar flowering goldenrod hybrid and its popular varieties
Solar flowering goldenrod hybrid and its popular varieties
In summer, beautiful and rather tall bushes with yellow panicles bloomed at neighbors in the country, I learned that this is a hybrid goldenrod. I liked them very much, but I would like ...
Gift of the Sun - goldenrod
Gift of the Sun - goldenrod
At the end of summer, in the garden plots, you can see a sunny plant of bright yellow color with small flowers collected in a pyramidal panicle. This is a goldenrod. And this is not just a plant, but ...


