Posts tagged "cake"

How to give makuha to chickens: enriching the diet of birds
How to give makuha to chickens: enriching the diet of birds
Tell me how to give chickens makuha? Lately they have been running very badly. From a friend I heard that he feeds his bird with a top and always has eggs. You can dry it ...
How to use sunflower cake in the household
How to use sunflower cake in the household
The diet of farm animals must include sunflower cake. This product has a high energy value, since it contains up to 30-43% crude protein, as well as about 15% ...
We prolong health with the help of cedar oil cake
We prolong health with the help of cedar oil cake
Cedar cake, in other words, meal, is a compressed mass of pine nuts obtained after processing them in the process of cold pressing the oil. Looks like flakes or small ...
Use of coffee pomace in gardening as fertilizer
Use of coffee pomace in gardening as fertilizer
Coffee pomace as fertilizer is a worthy method of using organic waste to feed garden plants. Dry brewed coffee can be added to soil, compost and water to ...
How and when to use mustard cake in summer cottages
How and when to use mustard cake on summer cottages
There are more and more supporters of the use of safe organic fertilizers every day. Among such natural remedies is mustard cake, the use of which in the garden promises not only an increase in productivity, ...


