Posts tagged "boxwood"

Appreciate the beneficial properties of boxwood for the body
Appreciate the beneficial properties of boxwood for the body
Evergreen hedges, graceful sculptures in English gardens are admired by many. But the beneficial properties of boxwood were noticed in ancient times. Traditional healers actively used ...
Evergreen long-liver boxwood Colchis
Evergreen long-liver boxwood Colchis
In the fall, I accidentally got a few cuttings of Colchis boxwood. I rooted them and now my plants are doing quite well, they have started up young branches with new leaves. Such a plant ...
Preparing boxwood for winter will help preserve a beautiful garden design
Preparing boxwood for winter will help preserve a beautiful garden design
Boxwood is an evergreen ornamental plant. Many gardeners consider this shrub to be slow-growing, but this opinion is erroneous. Like all plants, boxwood responds very well to organic feeding and ...
We do a boxwood haircut to create a beautiful composition
We do a boxwood haircut to create a beautiful composition
Boxwood is an ornamental shrub used by landscape designers when designing a hedge. The southern shrub grows up to four meters in height, so you can make real green from it ...
We propagate boxwood by cuttings
We propagate boxwood by cuttings
Boxwood is an ornamental perennial shrub. Many landscape designers use it when creating a hedge. The evergreen shrub tolerates shearing well and can therefore be given any shape. ...
Problems with growing boxwood
Problems with growing boxwood
Boxwoods grow for 4-5 years within the city. Now there is a good young growth, and strange spots appeared on the old leaves - brown ones, then they dry out and the twig dies off. What ...
How to transplant boxwood?
How to transplant boxwood?
In the fall, I rooted several boxwood cuttings borrowed from a neighbor - I really liked her hedge, I wanted one for myself. And I specially purchased one variety in ...
Breeding methods for boxwood
Breeding methods for boxwood
Last year I bought a boxwood bush. I didn't cut it too hard and got a gorgeous bushy bush. Seeing the result, my wife wanted to make a hedge out of it along the alley. ...
Artificial boxwood from China
Artificial boxwood from China
Hedges, bizarre bushes, flower beds with a selection of plants planted in such a way that the flower bed blooms from early spring to late autumn, delighting with its colorful flowers - all this ...
We present to your attention a photo and description of different types of boxwood
We present to your attention a photo and description of different types of boxwood
In the ancient world, boxwood was considered a precious plant due to the similarity of wood to amber. For its extraordinary hardness and density, which allows the tree not to sink in water, it was nicknamed "iron". Also ...
Caring for boxwood at home
Caring for boxwood at home
Forming a dense, easy-to-cut and shaping crown, boxwood is one of the favorite plants of landscape designers. Based on this evergreen shrub with a dense compact crown and ...
Learning to propagate boxwood on your own
Learning to propagate boxwood on your own
Boxwood is a beloved evergreen plant with small leathery leaves, which has long been used in landscape design and to decorate interiors. Now you won't surprise anyone with a flower bed with ...
Planting and caring for boxwood in the Leningrad region
Planting and caring for boxwood in the Leningrad region
The boxwood tree and shrub that has recently become fashionable, although not too whimsical, requires certain knowledge. To get the best results, you need to know exactly how ...
Planting and caring for boxwood evergreen at home
Planting and caring for boxwood evergreen at home
Boxwood (other names - beech, busk, stone tree) is a beautiful evergreen shrub with very hard wood that can decorate any landscape. This pliable plant easily tolerates ...
We grow boxwood to decorate the summer cottage
We grow boxwood to decorate the summer cottage
Boxwood is a beautiful southern plant that came to us from the Mediterranean. It is used to decorate courtyards, gardens, flower beds, parks and squares. Boxwood is very easy to cut, so ...


