Posts tagged "plectrantus"

How to propagate Forster's plectrantus - we grow a colorful carpet in pots and in a flower bed
How to propagate Forster's plectrantus - we grow a colorful carpet in pots and in a flower bed
Tell me how to propagate Forster's plectrantus. A friend bought herself a bush with very beautiful variegated leaves. Since I love these plants, I immediately started asking for a “piece”. If we cut a twig ...
We study the useful and harmful properties of plectrantus - a fragrant indoor plant
We study the useful and harmful properties of plectrantus - a fragrant indoor plant
The beneficial and harmful properties of plectrantus have long been of interest to connoisseurs of greenery. After all, the plant grows successfully at home and exudes a pleasant aroma. Plectrantus came to Europe from India ...
Elegant handsome plectrantus: common types for home cultivation
Elegant handsome plectrantus: common types for home cultivation
A beautiful shrub, all covered with graceful carved leaves of the most varied colors, has long won the love of flower growers. Even those who know absolutely nothing about Plectrantus will probably find ...
Secrets and subtleties of growing plectrantus at home
Secrets and subtleties of growing plectrantus at home
Growing plectrantus at home is not particularly difficult. He is able to develop successfully even with the most minimal care. The main value of plectrantus lies in its beautiful leaves, which in ...
Interesting facts about plectrantus
Interesting facts about plectrantus
Among decorative leafy indoor crops, the plectrantus plant is very popular among flower growers. It not only looks beautiful thanks to the interesting shape and color of the leaves, but is also one of the ...


