Posts tagged "pakhistakhis"

Flower with candles pachistachis - care at home for a thermophilic exotic
Flower with candles pachistachis - care at home for a thermophilic exotic
Tell me, when pachistakhis begins to bloom, what should be the care at home for it? I bought a young bush in about November, tempted by a photograph of its unusual inflorescences, candles. Per ...
We do pruning and form a pachistachis bush
We do pruning and form a pachistachis bush
If pachistachis appears in the grower's collection, pruning and shaping the bush will help its owner to achieve abundant and long-lasting flowering from the flower. Knowing about this feature and maintaining optimal ...
Proper care of pachystachis at home
Proper care of pachystachis at home
In order to grow healthy and lushly blooming pachystachis, home care for this plant must follow certain rules. It is important to choose the right soil and utensils for growing, to maintain ...
Types of pachistachis and features of its cultivation at home
Types of pachistachis and features of its cultivation at home
It is quite simple to grow pachistachis at home, the types of which will be described below. The main thing is to comply with certain conditions and take into account the characteristics of a particular type of plant. Pachistachis is ...


