Posts tagged "blind area"

Insulated blind area and basement around the house
Insulated blind area and basement around the house
Individual structural elements of the building have decorative and functional significance. The most important of them are the blind area and the basement around the house. A protective waterproof coating around the perimeter of the building significantly affects ...
How to make a blind area of ​​a house out of concrete with your own hands
How to make a blind area of ​​a house out of concrete with your own hands
How to make a blind area at home - this question often arises immediately after the completion of the roof. After all, only the blind area can effectively protect the foundation from the consequences of excessive accumulation of moisture in ...
Blind area around the house: types and methods of installation
Blind area around the house: types and methods of installation
The blind area around the house is needed in order to provide its foundation with effective protection from moisture, which is the main cause of the destruction of the concrete base. The blind area is usually used in conjunction with other ...
Clay blind area around the house: installation rules
Clay blind area around the house: installation rules
Clay blind area around the house is one of the first options for the protective layer, which began to be practiced many years ago. This simple waterproofing and insulating device reliably protects the foundation ...
Types of blind area around the house: different styles, functions and technologies
Types of blind area around the house: different styles, functions and technologies
The design of the blind area is simple at first glance. When erecting, it is important to correctly determine the structure, immersion depth, material. Various types of blind area around the house differ in their functionality, external and internal appearance. ...


