Posts tagged "manure"

What manure is better for a greenhouse - choose organic matter for spring vegetables
What manure is better for a greenhouse - choose organic matter for spring vegetables
Tell me which manure is best for a greenhouse? We are engaged in the cultivation of early vegetables for sale, we started just a couple of years ago. We moved to a village and built a large greenhouse instead of a vegetable garden. They only left ...
Cow dung - how to apply for plant nutrition
Cow dung - how to apply for plant nutrition
During the growing season, garden crops need additional fertilizing, especially on poor soils. The introduction of organic fertilizers, in particular, cow dung, helps to provide them with adequate nutrition. This one ...
Which manure is best for fertilizing the garden
Which manure is best for fertilizing the garden
Everyone knows that the introduction of organic matter is a necessary procedure for replenishing nutrients in the beds. However, gardeners often wonder which manure is better? Bird droppings, excrement from cows, horses, ...
How to prepare manure before spreading - the main points of obtaining high-quality organic matter
How to prepare manure before spreading - the main points of obtaining high-quality organic matter
For gardening, organic is the first assistant if you know how to prepare manure before applying to the beds. Usually fresh manure after cleaning the barns is simply piled up ...
How to apply manure: basic requirements for organic soil fertilization
How to apply manure: basic requirements for organic soil fertilization
Manure was and remains one of the most affordable organic fertilizers. Knowing how to apply manure to the soil, you can maintain its fertility and get a good harvest every year. Why he ...
We use chicken humus as fertilizer for the garden
We use chicken humus as fertilizer for the garden
Despite the wide range of chemical fertilizers, most gardeners traditionally prefer to use chicken humus as fertilizer. Such soil fertilization is very effective and at the same time absolutely natural and ...
Lamb manure as fertilizer: composition, application
Lamb manure as fertilizer: composition, application
Lamb manure is used as fertilizer for many plants. Unlike mullein, sheep excrement contains more nitrogen and therefore decomposes well even in heavy soils. But despite ...
How to properly use cow dung for soil fertilization
How to properly use cow dung for soil fertilization
One of the most popular organic fertilizers is cow dung. It is very effective in growing various garden crops, and at the same time it is quite affordable. However, despite ...
How to use rabbit manure for different crops
How to use rabbit manure for different crops
Before using rabbit manure, you should know its composition and characteristics. This is a unique type of fertilizer that can not only enrich the soil with useful microelements, but also soften, ...
We use pig manure as fertilizer in the garden
We use pig manure as fertilizer in the garden
Pig manure is a product of food processing in the digestive tract of pigs. Pig manure as a fertilizer has many properties, both useful and not very, or even extremely harmful, ...
How to use horse manure in the garden
How to use horse manure in the garden
Horse manure is a remedy that is recommended for use in flowering flower beds and garden beds. What's the difference between one manure and another fertilizer? This question is often asked ...
Manure as organic fertilizer in the country
Manure as organic fertilizer in the country
To obtain a good harvest in a summer cottage, soil with high biological activity is needed. What do I need to do? From the summer resident, only the introduction of organic fertilizers is required to ...


