Posts tagged "tincture"

Aromatic and medicinal cedar tincture - the benefits and harms of a healing agent
Aromatic and medicinal cedar tincture - the benefits and harms of a healing agent
Tell me how cedar tincture is made at home, the benefits and harms of such a remedy? An old friend sent me a small bottle, knowing how rheumatism torments me in recent years. ...
Alcohol can also be useful - recipe for chokeberry tincture on vodka
Alcohol can also be useful - recipe for chokeberry tincture on vodka
Tell me the recipe for chokeberry tincture on vodka so that it turns out not a drink, but a remedy for treatment. Once upon a time, my mother always kept her in the house and ...
The best remedy for all diseases is rosehip tincture, benefits and harms
The best remedy for all diseases is rosehip tincture, benefits and harms
How is the rosehip tincture prepared at home, the benefits and harms of such a remedy? I remember how my grandmother made specially for us, even then small children, something like a fruit compote ...
Delicious and healing cranberry moonshine tincture - homemade recipe
Delicious and healing cranberry moonshine tincture - homemade recipe
How is moonshine tincture made on cranberries, the recipe can be found in details? On weekends, we went for a walk with the children to the forest, collected a lot of berries. I prepared fruit drink for them ...
How to take bee moth tincture - basic rules for health promotion
How to take bee moth tincture - basic rules for health promotion
Tincture of bee moth is an effective traditional medicine that has long been used to strengthen immunity, improve brain activity, increase activity and fight chronic fatigue. There are several ...
Isabella grape tincture on vodka - two recipes for a fragrant drink for gourmets
Isabella grape tincture on vodka - two recipes for a fragrant drink for gourmets
How is Isabella grape tincture made with vodka? Recently we were visiting distant relatives, and there we were treated to this drink. Both me and my husband grape wine ...
How to make propolis tincture - three options for a healing potion for all diseases
How to make propolis tincture - three options for a healing potion for all diseases
Can you tell me how to make propolis tincture? Once upon a time, her mother did it to me and gave me something to drink when my gastritis worsened. There is very little product left in the bottle ...
Aromatic apple tincture on vodka - a recipe for drinks for men and women
Aromatic apple tincture on vodka - a recipe for drinks for men and women
Do not tell me how to make apple tincture on vodka, a recipe for women, so to speak, so that it is not strong. Somehow, in a distant youth, she was staying with a friend, and ...
Aromatic, tasty and healthy - blackcurrant tincture with vodka, recipe
Aromatic, tasty and healthy - blackcurrant tincture with vodka, recipe
Can you tell me how the blackcurrant tincture is made with vodka, the recipe for the simplest drink. Do I need to add water to it or will it be enough alcohol? This year ...
Remedy for joints No. 1 - tincture of Adam's apple on alcohol, application and preparation
Remedy for joints No. 1 - tincture of Adam's apple on alcohol, application and preparation
Tell us, in what cases is the tincture of Adam's apple on alcohol used, is it possible to use this agent internally, or only externally? I was visiting a friend, osteochondrosis worsened, just like that ...
Chestnut tincture - medicinal properties and contraindications of a magic remedy
Chestnut tincture - medicinal properties and contraindications of a magic remedy
Please tell us what are the medicinal properties of chestnut tincture and contraindications? With age, varicose veins appeared, and a friend advised me to make such a tincture. She says that she helped her a lot to get rid of ...
The use of tincture of the golden mustache - we strictly observe the dosage so that the treatment is effective
The use of tincture of the golden mustache - we strictly observe the dosage so that the treatment is effective
Tell us how to properly apply the tincture of the golden mustache inside? I read that it helps well with joint problems, and I often suffer from sciatica, especially in the fall, when ...
Tincture on oak bark: a step-by-step recipe
Tincture on oak bark: a step-by-step recipe
Oak bark tincture differs from many other types of tinctures in that it can be prepared in a day. The usual infusion period for such products is from 3 to 14 ...
How to prepare ivan tea tincture at home
How to prepare ivan tea tincture at home
Ivan tea is an herb that occupies an important place in all medical reference books. Its medicinal properties have been known for a long time, so there are a lot of recipes using this plant, and ...
How to prepare cedar tincture: different cooking options
How to prepare cedar tincture: different cooking options
Pine liqueur is prepared from pine nuts. There are many options for preparing this solution. To choose the most suitable one, you need to choose either by the test method (having prepared several at once and then choosing a favorite) ...
How to prepare propolis tincture at home
How to prepare propolis tincture at home
To make propolis tincture as healthy and fortified as possible, it is recommended to cook it at home. The preparation of this solution is not too difficult, but if you know the intricacies of the procedure ...
Cooking an amazing drink - cranberry tincture at home
Cooking an amazing drink - cranberry tincture at home
“Eat, drink, be merry, Russian soul” - this phrase reminds of the ancient tradition of getting together and having fun. In many regions, cranberry tincture is especially popular. Her ...
The healing properties of a unique pomegranate tincture with vodka or moonshine
The healing properties of a unique pomegranate tincture with vodka or moonshine
Pomegranate tincture is a chic alternative to alcoholic beverages, which are often indispensable on the festive table. Moreover, this drink has unique healing properties. The pomegranate itself contains ...
A life-giving drink for all occasions - sea buckthorn tincture
A life-giving drink for all occasions - sea buckthorn tincture
When orange berries appear on thorny bushes in autumn, many rush to stock up on them for the winter. Someone will eat them fresh, while someone will like tincture from ...
Features of calendula tincture and the rules for its use
Features of calendula tincture and the rules for its use
Calendula growing on flower beds is unpretentious, beautiful and incredibly useful. On the basis of herbal raw materials, medicinal preparations are prepared, including an alcoholic tincture of calendula. It is a fragrant dark yellow liquid that has taken over ...
John's wort tincture recipes and health benefits
John's wort tincture recipes and health benefits
St. John's wort tincture is used in official and folk medicine, as well as in cosmetology. The plant on the basis of which it is prepared grows throughout the Northern Hemisphere and is ...
Dandelion tincture recipe and rules for its use
Dandelion tincture recipe and rules for its use
Dandelion has long been used in folk medicine as an effective medicine. Dandelion tincture relieves inflammation, promotes skin regeneration and strengthens muscle tissue. With this healing ...
The use of walnut tinctures on vodka, kerosene, alcohol in folk medicine
The use of walnut tinctures on vodka, kerosene, alcohol in folk medicine
Everyone knows about such a seemingly ordinary fruit, buying a ripe nut to nourish the brain and obtain trace elements. But we know about the tincture of green walnut on vodka ...
Medicinal properties and principles of using vodka tincture on walnut partitions
Medicinal properties and principles of using vodka tincture on walnut partitions
For many centuries, the walnut is considered to be a healing fruit. A unique in its composition, a tincture on walnut partitions with vodka is part of complex therapy ...


