Posts tagged "geese"

Early ripening and super-tolerant geese Linda - breed description, photo
Early ripening and super-tolerant geese Linda - breed description, photo
It is interesting to know how Linda geese differ from other breeds, a description of the breed, a photo of birds. We have very few young animals this year. Although the geese sat on the eggs, ...
How to pluck a goose quickly at home - the most effective ways
How to pluck a goose quickly at home - the most effective ways
Advise how to pluck a goose quickly at home? There were about a dozen birds left, and the young were already brought out, so the old geese and his wife decided to cut out. Yesterday I scored one major ...
Goose with apples in the oven: 3 best recipes
Goose with apples in the oven: 3 best recipes
This dish has a festive aura. Goose with apples in the oven is usually prepared for New Year and Christmas. Remember how Dickens' heroes were looking forward to the appearance of the baked ...
Goose with prunes and apples: cooking secrets
Goose with prunes and apples: cooking secrets
A rich festive table in Russia has always been a sign of prosperity and well-being. Goose with prunes and apples is served for Christmas, family celebrations and for no reason just to ...
The age-old tradition of Russian chefs is a goose baked in the oven for a festive table
The age-old tradition of Russian chefs is a goose baked in the oven for a festive table
Each person tries to adhere to the traditions that he inherited from grandfathers and grandmothers. Culinary masterpieces are not the last in this business, especially the goose baked in the oven, ...
How to choose a goose for breeding work
How to choose a goose for breeding work
Geese are the second largest poultry population in the world. They are second only to chickens. There are about 3,000 goose breeds and subspecies in the world, and breeders are constantly ...
Winter keeping geese
Winter keeping geese
Geese tolerate low temperatures well. Thanks to their feathers and down, they can withstand a sharp cold snap down to -20 ° C. This feature makes them ideal birds for winter keeping. ...
How to start keeping geese
How to start keeping geese
Geese were common in Russia until the 18th century, but with the advent of broiler breeds of chickens, turkeys and ducks, fewer and fewer farmers decide to have this bird. Nonetheless, ...
Choosing for ourselves geese of the Tula breed
Choosing for ourselves geese of the Tula breed
Geese are the second largest group of poultry. There are more than 3,000 breeds of this bird in the world. All breeds are divided into: downy; meat; fatty. Downy breeds are grown for ...
Goslings pinch each other: why and what to do?
Goslings pinch each other: why and what to do?
Last year, domestic geese laid a lot of eggs, and five dozen chicks hatched. However, almost half of the brood died - they were killed by stronger goslings. Tell me why the goslings are pinching ...
Learning to raise and care for goslings at home
Learning to raise and care for goslings at home
Growing goslings at home is considered a profitable business. Adult birds are used for two purposes - for meat or for obtaining eggs. Chicks reach maturity in 4-6 ...
Knowing exactly what to feed the goslings from the first days of life, you can grow a healthy livestock
Knowing exactly what to feed the goslings from the first days of life, you can grow a healthy livestock
Geese are one of the smartest herd birds. Every poultry breeder must know what to feed the goslings from the first day of his life, so that the gosling is correct ...
Artificially hatching goslings in an incubator at home
Artificially hatching goslings in an incubator at home
Breeding goslings in an incubator at home is considered a profitable and interesting business. A birdbreaker will be able to sell meat and provide a useful product for his family. Highly appreciated ...
Feeding and keeping goslings for the first 3 weeks of life
Feeding and keeping goslings for the first 3 weeks of life
Domestic geese are hardy and unpretentious birds, however, in order to grow an adult out of a small chick, you will have to adjust to the rhythm of the chicks' life. To keep the livestock healthy, little goslings ...


