Posts tagged "ficus"

Melanie's rubbery ficus - home care for a fast-growing handsome man
Melanie's rubbery ficus - home care for a fast-growing handsome man
Are there any peculiarities in such a variety as Melanie's ficus, what should be the care at home for it? A friend gave me a flower, knowing my love for ...
Unpretentious ficus Natasha - home care, photo
Unpretentious ficus Natasha - home care, photo
Tell us about Natasha ficus, home care, photo of an adult plant. It is interesting to know how tall and large it can grow. I bought a bush at a sale, gave it away with a discount ...
Compact and very decorative ficus Kinki - home care for a variegated pet
Compact and very decorative ficus Kinki - home care for a variegated pet
Will the ficus Kinki grow in partial shade? Care at home for him is of particular interest. My colleagues gave me a bush for my anniversary, at first I wanted to leave it in the office, ...
Ficus Benjamin - leaves fall, what to do with this problem
Ficus Benjamin - leaves fall, what to do with this problem
Help save Benjamin's ficus, leaves are falling, what should I do to stop this? The bush was given to me by my son for my birthday, it stood beautiful, lush, until I decided to rearrange the pot in ...
Ficus albumarginata - a variegated handsome man on your window
Ficus albumarginata - a variegated handsome man on your window
Tell us how to grow ficus albumarginate. I bought a small bush from a cuttings from my hands on the market. Its almost white leaves immediately caught my attention - I really love unusual ...
Ficus microcarpa: general characteristics, reproduction, home care
Ficus microcarpa: general characteristics, reproduction, home care
Ficus microcarpa is a representative of the unique Mulberry family. Translated from Latin, the name of the plant means "ginseng". And this is not in vain. The original trunk-root of the ficus resembles the tubers of this plant. ...
How to prune Benjamin's ficus: how to form a crown
How to prune Benjamin's ficus: how to form a crown
Tell me how to cut Benjamin's ficus? I have a young flower, it is three years old. It is, of course, beautiful, but it just grows somehow wrong. Some branches stick out like them ...
How to propagate ficus: two ways of grafting and obtaining air layers
How to propagate ficus: two ways of grafting and obtaining air layers
Tell me how to propagate ficus? A neighbor has long been asking me to exchange flowers, and I myself want to have another plant. Once I tried to root a leaf, but nothing ...
Competent care of ficus is the key to the spectacular beauty of the plant
Competent care of ficus is the key to the spectacular beauty of the plant
Tell me how to care for a ficus tree? They gave Benjamin's ficus for his birthday, I used to have one like this, but apparently I "starved" him and the bush disappeared. I don’t want to ...
A symbol of prosperity and well-being, ficus Benjamin: the nuances of caring for a family amulet
A symbol of prosperity and well-being, ficus Benjamin: the nuances of caring for a family amulet
Not many growers undertake to grow Benjamin's ficus, fearing his capricious nature. Most often, they are confused by the causeless leaf fall of the tree, the change in the color of the leaves and slow growth. And completely in vain, ...
We grow a powerful handsome rubbery ficus in the apartment
We grow a powerful handsome rubbery ficus in the apartment
Ficus rubber or Elastica is one of the most capricious plants. With minimal effort on the part of the grower, it will not be difficult to grow such a flower. Outwardly, the plant is a tree, ...
Plant for large rooms - lyre ficus
Plant for large rooms - lyre ficus
Most florists, when they say "ficus", imagine a tree with small leaves. However, there are among them such varieties, the size of which can only be envied. For example, among the "indoor giants" ...
We grow a miniature tree in the apartment - ficus Kinki
We grow a miniature tree in the apartment - ficus Kinki
One of the most decorative ficuses is considered the Kinki variety - this is a variety of Benjamin's ficus known to all. Such a plant received a large number of small leaves from its parent, but it differs ...
Growing ficus bonsai at home
Growing ficus bonsai at home
For the cultivation of bonsai, ficus has been used not so long ago, but this did not prevent the plastic and responsive plant from becoming one of the favorite among bonsaiists. It's hard to imagine that ...
A variety of ficuses for growing indoors
A variety of ficuses for growing indoors
Ficus are shrubs, trees and even vines, many of which are gigantic in size. Consider a variety of ficuses suitable for home cultivation. Ficus is not ...
Reproduction of ficus Benjamin at home
Reproduction of ficus Benjamin at home
Among the relatives, Benjamin's ficus stands out for its medium-sized graceful foliage and a spreading crown. With the advent of new varieties of the plant, its popularity is growing, and for many flower growers the question becomes urgent: “How ...
Features of care, transplantation and formation of the crown of ficus Benjamin
Features of care, transplantation and formation of the crown of ficus Benjamin
In the countries of the south and southeast of Asia, as well as in Australia, Benjamin's ficus is a common plant that can be found both in the wild and on the streets ...
Why isn't Benjamin's ficus growing? Looking for answers
Why isn't Benjamin's ficus growing? Looking for answers
Of all the tribesmen in the photo, Benjamin's ficus is considered one of the most capricious. And it is not surprising that the question: "Why does Benjamin's ficus not grow or lose foliage?" worries so many ...
Caring for and caring for ficus at home
Caring for and caring for ficus at home
Ficus is an ornamental plant with a huge variety of species and varieties. Caring for a ficus at home is simple, but requires understanding and taking into account the characteristics of this plant. With due ...


