Posts tagged "bacopa"

Bacopa Madagascar - a necessary and useful plant for an aquarium
Bacopa Madagascar - a necessary and useful plant for an aquarium
Bacopa is known for its moisture-loving nature, but the most "wet" can rightfully be considered the Madagascar Bacopa. This plant does not just love water - it lives in it, but in gratitude ...
A snow-white beauty for your home and garden Bacopa Snowtopia
A snow-white beauty for your home and garden Bacopa Snowtopia
In summer, one cannot look at the balconies of amateur florists without admiration: petunias, pelargoniums and other flowers turn them into a fairy tale. Of the ampelous plants, bacopa has been increasingly used lately ...
When to sow bacopa seedlings - the subtleties of growing an ampel flower
When to sow bacopa seedlings - the subtleties of growing an ampel flower
Tell me when to sow bacopa for seedlings? I bought the seeds back in the spring, but forgot to plant them, and there was no more room on the window. But next year I will definitely plant it. ...
Reproduction of bacopa by cuttings is an easy and quick way to get young lush bushes
Reproduction of bacopa by cuttings is an easy and quick way to get young lush bushes
Many gardeners grow perennial bacopa as an annual, because it cannot survive the winter in the garden. Did you know that propagating bacopa by cuttings will help you avoid the annual ...
We study the cultivation of Bacopa - an elegant and unpretentious flowering perennial for the garden, home and aquarium
We study the cultivation of Bacopa - an elegant and unpretentious flowering perennial for the garden, home and aquarium
Lush bakopa bushes with an elegant flowering cap have long been appreciated by gardeners and florists. Despite its tropical nature, it is one of the most unpretentious plants, and growing bacopa is of interest ...
Amazing Bacopa that won't be a hassle to plant and maintain
Amazing Bacopa that won't be a hassle to plant and maintain
Bacopa flower, planting and caring for which is not difficult, is quite popular among gardeners and amateurs. If you follow simple recommendations, then the plant will certainly delight you with a beautiful appearance, which will remain ...


