ROSES: planting, pruning, reproduction (cuttings, layering), video

growing roses Many flower growers and summer residents dream of growing roses on their flower growers. These are unpretentious flowers, but they require good care. First of all, you need to remember that you need to plant a bush so that the grafting site is hidden in the ground by 5-6 cm.This is necessary so that in case of freezing of the bush, new shoots of a varietal rose can germinate from the branches hidden in the ground, because if they appear below the vaccination, it will be, most quickly, a rosehip. Read about cuttings of roses!

After planting, the bush must be watered abundantly with water (at least 10 liters), it is advisable to mulch the ground under the rose with sawdust. This will help trap moisture. How to plant, cut and propagate roses correctly is described in detail in the video plot. Read:how to grow a rose from a cutting at home in the fall?


