Errors when arranging a chicken coop

It is very difficult for novice poultry breeders to properly equip a chicken coop. Some forget about the perches, without which the egg production of laying hens falls. Others do not concrete the floor in the chicken coop... Because of this, rodents can make their way to the chickens.

It is also important to cover the walking area with polycarbonate or at least a netting, so that wild birds do not fly up to the feeders located in the walking area. This will save you feed and reduce the risk of infection in chickens.

Read about drinking bowls for chickens!

Cleaning of droppings and feeders

It is not advisable to leave the earthen floor in the house. It must be concreted and covered with sawdust. The sawdust layer should be at least 20 cm thick, then it will be easier to remove the droppings. Most of the droppings accumulate under the perches, so you need to put a net under them, which will save you time and effort.

To avoid scattering grain, hang the feed hopper 15 cm above ground level and use a closed top feeder.

To help broilers or beef chickens gain weight faster, use Starter and Finisher compound feed... Also, chickens need to be given boiled vegetable peels and herbs.

Arrangement of perches

Novice poultry farmers often make mistakes when arranging perches. They make a kind of hierarchical ladder out of perches, which is why the chickens begin to fight: each hen wants to sit on the highest perch. Because of the fights, the chickens are injured, and they have to be sent to the quarantine zone.

To avoid conflicts between chickens, install perches in the hen house without hierarchy. As perches, wooden bars are used, which are placed at the same level around the perimeter of the house. Each chicken will need approximately 15 cm of roost space.


Novice poultry farmers pour drinking water for chickens into basins. This is fraught with intestinal diseases for birds, as they will definitely crawl into the pelvis with their paws and pollute the water. In such water, pathogenic bacteria multiply. Drinking water will need to be changed frequently. If chickens drink dirty water, then their egg production falls, and the worst thing is that the bird may die from the disease.

To avoid the development of intestinal diseases in chickens, use nipple drinkers... Place them at the level of the bird's back, and connect a large water container to them. Depending on the size of the container, you can skip adding water for several days and your chickens will always drink clean water.

If you heed these tips, your chickens will be healthy and their egg production will increase.

Video: mistakes when constructing a chicken coop


