Rubella treatment for fish

fish treatment Fish, like any other living organism, is susceptible to infectious diseases. If a carp or crucian carp in your pond gets sick with rubella, then you need to urgently take action.

The first signs of the disease are lethargy of the fish and the appearance of red spots on the scales. This is the so-called "precautionary" stage of rubella. At this stage, the fish's body can cope with the disease on its own.

If the immunity of an individual is weakened, the disease moves on to the next "acute" stage. At this stage, the redness becomes ulcers. They are distributed throughout the body. After about a week, blood poisoning occurs and the fish dies.

Rubella causes

Rubella is an infectious disease that occurs due to water pollution. It happens for several reasons:

  1. Due to overpopulation of fish in the pond. The bacteria do not have time to process the waste products of too many crucians. Water pollution occurs, fish immunity weakens.
  2. Decomposition and souring of feed uneaten by fish. In this case, ammonia is released into the water, which reacts with oxygen, forming nitrates. As a result, the fish suffers from oxygen starvation, which leads to a decrease in its immunity.
  3. Unfavorable wintering. If oxygen does not get under the ice crust, the fish will not hibernate. The result is a weakening of immunity, a reduction in the number of livestock in the winter, and in the spring of infection of fish with rubella.

Focusing on these reasons, you can prevent and treat the disease.

Rubella treatment

Drop off at pond plants that will process nitrates. All higher algae have this property. If you balance the ecosystem of the pond, the risk of rubella will be greatly reduced.

Use antibiotics to treat rubella. Refreshing the water in the pond will also help cope with the disease.

For prophylaxis, prepare a methylene blue solution. Soak corn in it for a day. Feed the fish with grain for three days in a row. Apply corn in the spring and fall when the fish are willing to eat. Such a remedy can cure rubella at the "precautionary" stage.

After treatment, the disease turns into a chronic stage. The fish is a carrier of the disease and can infect healthy individuals. For humans, this infectious disease is safe, so fish that have had rubella can be eaten.

  1. Victor



