Stunningly beautiful azalea indica in your collection

azalea indica Azalea indica is one of the most popular indoor plants. It is it that is most often used in order to complement the interior of the room and make it more saturated and attractive.

Azalea Indica: plant description

beautiful azalea flowers

In nature, the flower can be found in the mountain forests, where high humidity is constantly kept. The bush grows up to 50 cm tall. The root system is very close to the soil surface. The leaves are small, rich green. The twigs are brown or reddish in color.

Some varieties of azaleas can be grown in the Caucasus and some European countries.

In indoor conditions, azalea blooms from December to January. But there are some species, the period of which falls in February-March.

Popular azalea varieties:

  1. Stamp.
  2. Mix indicator
  3. Red.

The plant belongs to the well-known genus of Heathers. Most often, azalea can be found in the countries of Southeast Asia and the Himalayas. The plant also grows on the lands of New Guinea.

Choosing a place and substrate for planting

azalea indica on the windowsillThis is one of the most important points on which the appearance of the plant depends. The pot should be placed on windows where there is a lot of diffused light. Direct sunlight can negatively affect the development of the bush and its flowering.

The best locations are the west and east windows. But if this is not possible, and you put a flowerpot in the southern room, then it is recommended to shade the plant during the hot period of the day.

It is forbidden to keep a flower near heating appliances and under the included air conditioner. You should also avoid drafts and frosty air. They are also harmful to azaleas.

Soil selection

soil for azaleaIt is best to plant the plant in acidic soil. You can buy it at any flower shop. The best option is a substrate that is intended for rhododendrons.

You can also prepare the soil at home. For this, peat, sand, deciduous soil are combined in equal parts. Don't forget about drainage.

Azalea indica home care

Azalea care at homeIf you follow all the conditions of care, the azalea will thank you with a lush beautiful flowering.

Temperature indicators

The plant loves cooler air. The optimal indicators are numbers from +10From to +15C. If in winter such conditions will be easy to create, then in summer everything is much more complicated. Many growers move the flowerpot to a cool room or drop it into the soil. In this case, it is worth closing the container from insects getting inside. For this, a nylon stocking is pulled onto the flowerpot.

In the fall, it is recommended to take the flower to the loggia or to an unheated room. This will help the plant to lay a large number of buds, which will delight you with bright colors closer to spring.

Irrigation and air humidity

irrigation azaleasAzalea is a flower that loves moist soil. Therefore, in order for the bush to be beautiful and develop well, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the soil. It is necessary to water the plant only with settled liquid without any impurities.

Azalea does not tolerate fluid stagnation.

In the cold period of the year, it is recommended to reduce the number of procedures by half and completely stop spraying.

The water that has collected in the pan must be constantly poured out. This will help prevent root decay. It is recommended to acidify the liquid once a month. For this, citric or oxalic acid is used.Add it with the calculation of 0.3 g per 1 liter of pure water, room temperature.

Pruning and pinching bushes

pruning azaleasThis procedure is mandatory as it increases the flowering intensity of the azalea. The first procedure is carried out in May immediately after flowering. At the same time, all weak, sluggish and deformed branches are cut off.

If you do not engage in pruning and pinching, then after some time, the bushes will become looser, and the flowers will be small.

During the summer period, all young shoots should be pinched, and elongated ones should be pruned. 4-5 leaves should be left on each branch.

Also, without fail, pinch the shoots that appear near the flower sinuses. If everything is done correctly, then new branches will already appear in 2-3 weeks.

Diseases and pests

aphids on azaleasThe plant is quite resistant to disease, but if you break the rules of care, then the leaves can infect different insects. Most often observed on azaleas shield, flower moth, whitefly, mealybug, aphid. The spider mite, thrips, also feeds on indica leaves.

Transplantation and reproduction of Indica azalea

azalea transplantIt is recommended to change the soil of the plant if absolutely necessary. This is done in the event that the flowerpot has become small, the roots have crawled out, or the underground part has begun to rot.

Young specimens change their capacity and soil every year. Instances that are more than three years old are transplanted every 2 years. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the earthen lump remains intact. Therefore, it is best to use the transshipment method in this case.

Breeding methods:

  • seminal;
  • grafting;
  • graft;
  • division of the bush.

The easiest way is grafting. Although a mini greenhouse is needed to grow a new plant in this way, most gardeners prefer this method.

Cuttings should be removed in the spring. The best way to do this is to choose shoots that were pinned last year. The length of the planting material should be within 10 cm. The lower leaves are torn off, and the planting material itself is placed in a container with wet sand or peat. They need to be deepened no more than 5 cm. After that, the container is covered with polyethylene or transparent glass. For fast rooting, it is necessary to observe high temperature and humidity (about +25C, 80%).

Cuttings should be sprayed daily with water and opened to allow fresh air to flow. After 3 months, they can be transplanted into separate containers.

As for the reproduction of azaleas by dividing the bush, this method is only suitable for plants that are 3 years old.

Proper planting and caring for the Indica azalea is the key to a beautiful and healthy plant. If everything is done in a timely manner, then your home will always be decorated with huge and colorful inflorescences.

Difficulties of growing azaleas - video


