Hoya diseases and pests - a brief description and photo

hoya diseases and pests Knowing what diseases and pests of the hoya can harm your plant, you can avoid many mistakes and save the vine. It is a beautiful curly flower that needs proper care. If you follow the recommendations, then this culture will certainly delight you with amazing flowers with a delicate aroma.

Read the article: onions turn yellow - what to do?

Hoya diseases and pests in the photo

hoya bloom

This type of flower, like other indoor plants, is prone to various diseases. They are provoked by pests or improper conditions for keeping wax ivy.

If the plant is in warm and humid conditions, then it is at high risk of "catching" fungal diseases. But even dry air does not guarantee its protection from insect pests.

When hoya is affected by phytopathogenic fungi, its growth stops. The leaves begin to wither and turn yellow. These pathogens provoke the development of powdery mildew and other similar diseases, manifested in the form of a coating of white, light gray or black. It is easily washed by hand.

The main diseases of hoya caused by fungi:

  1. Powdery mildew develops at very high humidity. It covers the leaves of waxy ivy with a light bloom and spreads quickly throughout the plant. Therefore, it is important to remove all dying leaves and branches in time.powdery mildew
  2. A sooty fungus settles on insect secretions. It covers the leaves with a film and prevents them from breathing.sooty fungus
  3. Rust appears as spots and an orange or red border on hoya leaves.rust

The main control measures are transplanting the plant into new soil, removing the affected parts and treating with fungicides, Topaz, Bordeaux liquid, sulfur or copper compounds.

The main causes of rot

houseplant overflowThis disease is also caused by pathogenic fungi. It develops only at high humidity.

It is provoked by:

  • systematic overflow of a houseplant;
  • content at low temperatures;
  • excess nitrogen in the soil.

Excess water in an earthen coma is the most common cause. It leads to decay of the roots or other parts of the plant, and then to the death of the entire flower. In the affected areas, tissues soften, they turn into a slurry with an unpleasant odor.

excess moistureWhen root rot appears, the situation is more insidious. At the onset of the disease, the plant behaves as if it lacks water. But additional watering only aggravates the situation. To save wax ivy from rot, all affected parts must be removed by treating the cut with activated carbon. If the disease has settled on the roots, then only cuttings will help.

Bacterial infections and insects

withering hoyaPathogenic bacteria cause wilting of the flower, which starts at the top and then spreads to the entire plant. Another characteristic feature is the appearance of spots on the leaves. They quickly spread over the entire surface of the plate, causing yellowing and wilting. Measures to combat bacterial infections are keeping the culture in dry air for the period of treatment and treatment with copper preparations.

Wax ivy is affected by such pests:

  1. Nematodes are colorless worms up to one centimeter in size. They often settle on the roots, as a result of which they do not provide the plant with nutrients. Hoya affected by nematodes turns yellow, sheds leaves, stops growing.nematodes
  2. The spider mite settles on the underside of the waxy ivy leaf. A cobweb forms in their sinuses, and the leaves themselves become stained. The spider mite does not like water, so when it appears, you need to spray the flower as often as possible.spider mite
  3. The scutellum looks like small bumps covered with a layer of wax. It feeds on plant juices, causing it to dry out. Wax ivy leaves first turn yellow and then turn brown. The affected flower dies over time.shield
  4. The scale can be up to 5 mm in size. It attaches to the leaves, secretes sticky drops, on which sooty fungus settles with pleasure. Thus, the plant receives a "double blow", does not start up new shoots and dies.scale insect
  5. Podura differs from other pests in that it can jump. This white-winged insect develops with significant waterlogging of the earthy coma. Only the ground part of the hoya is affected.podura
  6. The whitefly resembles a small moth. Its larvae actively feed on plant sap, located at the bottom of the leaf. The culture is covered with small spots.whitefly

All pests cause hoya leaves to fall off, stop its growth. A weakened plant quickly dies if you do not take measures to destroy insects. Upon detection nematode wax ivy must be transplanted into a new, disinfected soil. In all cases, treatment is carried out with one of the drugs according to the instructions: Aktofit, Aktara, Confidor-maxi, Sunmight, Appolo and others. As a rule, watering and spraying with them is carried out twice with a short break.

How to save a plant from drying out

hoya dries upThere is no need to water the hoya often, she does not like it. At the same time, the flower categorically does not tolerate irrigation with cold water. In the summer, it is watered more often, not forgetting about regular spraying. If the wax ivy begins to dry out, then it is necessary to adjust the watering and bathe the plant. To do this, a non-flowering specimen is immersed in water for 40 minutes. It is also worth cutting off a few cuttings and putting them on rooting.

Blooming wax ivy is strictly prohibited to bathe.

zircon preparationHoya resuscitation assistants are Zircon preparations and Epin. The first restores the root system, and the second saves the ground part (trunk and leaves). The flower is sprayed with Epin's solution, avoiding the sun's rays on the hoya. If you use several means at the same time, then within 10 days even a heavily ruined flower can be saved.

What if the leaves turn black?

hoya leaves turn blackMany do not know why ivy leaves turn black and how to treat them? Pathogenic bacteria often cause discoloration. They infect the plant through wounds or cuts and spread throughout its body. In this case, the branches of wax ivy dry out, ulcers form on the trunk.

One of the reasons that hoya does not bloom is the inappropriate indoor temperature.

To keep ivy from drying out:

  • isolate the plant;
  • trim the affected segments;
  • treat with copper-based preparations;
  • do not spray during quarantine and keep in a dry room.

If the above measures failed to save wax ivy, then it is destroyed. Since another cause of black foliage can be a viral disease that is virtually untreatable.

Why do hoya leaves turn yellow?

hoya leaves turn yellowThis flower does not like extreme conditions of detention: heat or cold. At low temperatures indoors, the hoya's leaves begin to turn yellow, it slows down growth. The discoloration of the plates also occurs with sunburn.

hoya in the interiorYellowed leaves must be removed. They will not restore their tone, but they can become a place for the development of pathogens of various diseases. It is important for a plant to choose a room with optimal lighting or cover the window with a net. Another cause of leaf discoloration can be rot, as well as insect damage.

If the leaves of the hoya turn yellow and fall off, then the cause may be an excess of the sun.

The falling of the deciduous plates can be provoked by various factors:

  • waterlogging of an earthen coma;
  • rearrangement of the plant to another place;
  • cooling, especially in winter due to ventilation.

If the leaves of the hoya turn yellow and you do not know what to do, then the first thing to do is to move the flowerpot from the cold room. To water you need water at room temperature or slightly warm. If there is not a single leaf left on the plant, this is not a reason to throw it away. You can trim wax ivy about 5 cm above the ground and wait for new shoots.

Knowing what hoya diseases are and how to determine them, you can grow a healthy and incredibly beautiful plant. Proper watering and an appropriate room temperature are the key to abundant flowering.

We save hoya - video

Pest control of indoor plants - video


