When to shelter grapes in the Samara region - terms and methods

Tell me when to shelter grapes in the Samara region? I used to live much to the south, where we had practically nothing to hide for the winter. Recently she got married and moved to her husband's homeland, to the Volga region, where he got a house from his grandmother. The plot is large, I did not plan to use so much for a garden, so part of it was taken for a garden, and another was planted with grapes. The first wintering of our plants is approaching, I am afraid how they will bear it. For me, this is also the first winter, what it will be, I don't know yet, but the neighbors say that it can be very cold.

when to shelter grapes in the Samara region Despite the fact that today there are frost-resistant grape varieties, this culture remains a heat-loving southerner. To grow it in colder regions, for example, in Samara, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions, in particular, to organize a shelter. So, the timing of when to cover grapes in the Samara region, as well as the way of preparing the vineyard for winter, are of primary importance. In order for the vine to overwinter well, it is not enough to cover it well, it is important to do this on time and give time to the shoots to fully ripen. Only a ripe and seasoned vine can survive the cold Samara winter. And given that it often has little snow, it is worth taking care of the vineyard in advance.

When to shelter grapes in the Samara region

grape shelter timing

It is not only not worth rushing to hide the bushes, but even dangerous. To prevent the vine from dying, it must go fully ripe during the winter, and still have time to undergo hardening. Covering too early will result in the kidneys disappearing. In addition, they will be defenseless against diseases. And the shoots themselves will not have time to accumulate enough nutrients. This will negatively affect yields in the next season. At the same time, it is dangerous for the bush to pull until the onset of severe frosts. Its shoots will lose flexibility, and will simply break when laid.

The optimal time for laying vines and sheltering shrubs in Samara is late October - early November. By this time, the grapes will have time to ripen and harden.

How to cover vineyards in the Volga region

how to cover grapesThere can be many options regarding what to cover the bushes with. But first you need to prepare the grapes. To do this, remove the vine from the support. Lay it in previously dug grooves or on a substrate of boards, straw. You can cover the top in one of the following ways:

  • just cover with a layer of earth;
  • put arcs and stretch the film or non-woven fabric;
  • lay reed mats;
  • install wooden shields in the form of a gable roof;
  • cover with slate.

grapes covered with reedsAt the same time, it should be borne in mind that all airtight types of shelters should be able to ventilate, both in autumn and early spring. This is necessary so that the vine does not mate during the return of autumn heat or spring thaws.

Shelter of grapes with arcs with a substrate under the laminate - video


