When to plant raspberries in spring, the pros and cons of spring planting

Tell me when to plant raspberries in spring? Agreed with a neighbor in the country, she will give me the delenki remontant raspberry... It is not possible to plant in autumn - we have poor soil. But there will just be an opportunity and time to prepare the site and apply fertilizers.

when to plant raspberries in spring For fruit and berry bushes, including raspberries, autumn is traditionally considered the best planting and breeding period. Autumn planting is guaranteed to ensure the flowering of raspberries next spring, and, accordingly, the harvest. However, it is not always possible to plant seedlings before winter. Working summer residents simply do not have enough time. Often it is also possible to find the desired variety on time. In this case, planting work is already postponed to spring, which is also quite acceptable. When to plant raspberries in the spring so that recurrent frosts do not destroy the young bush?

Advantages and disadvantages of spring planting raspberries

raspberry bush

Have planting raspberries spring has both pros and cons. The following facts can be safely attributed to the advantages:

  1. The seedlings planted at this time have all the conditions for the formation of a strong and developed root system. There is still enough moisture in the soil after winter, which minimizes the concern for the plants with regard to watering. An exception is spring without rains - then watering is simply vital.
  2. By the time of the hot summer days, such bushes already have time to firmly take root. The risk of death of adopted raspberry seedlings in the summer is minimal. But raspberries planted in the fall may not survive the winter, especially if you delay planting.

As for the disadvantages, the only drawback of spring planting is the lack of fruiting. Most often, young bushes tie the first berries only next year.

When to plant raspberries in spring?

planting raspberriesThe specific dates for planting a tasty and healthy shrub depend on the growing region. In areas where spring comes early and quickly, this can be done from the third decade of March. But in regions with a long winter and late and cold spring, it is better to postpone planting work until late April - early May.

The only condition that it is advisable to observe is that the buds on the seedlings should not have time to open. In this form, raspberries take root easier and faster than bushes with leaves.

In any case, deciding to plant raspberries in the spring, it is important not to miss the right moment. Planting too late will only aggravate the position of the seedling. In dry soil that has managed to evaporate moisture, it will not develop, but will fight for survival. And it is not a fact that the fight will be successful. So be guided by the weather in your region, and then by the fall you will have a completely mature plant.

Video about the nuances of spring planting raspberries


