What to do if indoor anthurium does not bloom for a long time?

Anthuriums will become a beautiful interior decoration if they bloom In South America, they joke, they say, put the anthurium on the ground, and then the plant itself, if necessary, will bury itself in the ground, climb a tree and bloom. Indeed, in the conditions of the subtropics and tropics, where there is everything you need for growth, and the climate is only favorable, it is not difficult to get bright inflorescences.

But what if the flower's place of residence is a window sill in a city apartment, and the indoor anthurium does not want to bloom in any way?

Under the canopy of the rainforests of Colombia and Ecuador, anthuriums will bloom throughout the year without any effort. Therefore, a florist who decides to get an equally spectacular and long-lasting flowering at home will have to try and create a semblance of a foggy high-mountain forest for the pet.

Why doesn't anthurium bloom?

If you violate the rules for the care of anthurium buds, you can not wait

First of all, it is necessary to assess the conditions in which the plant is located. Sometimes anthurium does not bloom due to an oversight or mistakes made by a florist. And until they are fixed, you should not wait for the appearance of anthurium buds.

The discomfort that can affect a culture so that it refuses to bloom is associated with different aspects of the content. It:

  • insufficient or excessively bright lighting that burns the plant;
  • low air temperature at the time of the appearance of anthurium buds;
  • prolonged waterlogging of the soil;
  • inadequate wateringleading to drying out of the roots, wilting of the green part and a deficiency of nutrients;
  • excessive dryness of the air;
  • excess or lack of nutrients in the substrate.

Do not forget that indoor anthurium rarely forms inflorescences if a too large pot is mistakenly selected for it.

Indeed, until the root system completely occupies the entire volume of the substrate due to the plant, the development of the aboveground part is suspended.

Interior decorationNot in the best way, the flowering process is also influenced by the presence of peduncles with already fading inflorescences on the bush. Such cobs take away from the plant the strength necessary for the growth and opening of new buds on the anthurium.

How to make anthurium bloom?

Good lighting is needed for abundant flowering.Asking why the anthurium does not have peduncles, the florist should first pay attention to the level of lighting in the place where the pot stands. The duration of daylight hours and its intensity have a decisive influence on flowering.

Since the formation and deployment of buds in anthurium occurs in spring, when daylight hours are just beginning to lengthen, the plant sometimes does not have enough light. This is reflected in the elongation of the cuttings of the leaves and a paler than usual color. In this case, the pot can be transferred to a lighter window sill or use special lamps for illumination.

It is extremely important for indoor anthurium to be planted in suitable soil. Plants often suffer from an overly dense substrate that does not allow air and moisture to evenly penetrate to the roots, accumulates moisture and causes the multiplication of all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms.

A good soil mixture is one of the guarantors of anthurium bloomAs a result of an illiterate selection of the soil mixture, the plant either dries up or is regularly waterlogged. In the conditions of a foggy rainforest, so named because of the frequent rains that create a haze-like haze in the air, anthuriums are in moist air and soil. But due to the high porosity of the substrate, the root system of the plant does not suffer and, on the contrary, is actively developing. Anthurium, without ceasing, blooms.A similar mixture can be made at home by mixing:

  • 2 parts of humus;
  • 2 parts peat;
  • 1 part perlite;
  • 4 parts ready-made orchid primer.

If there is no substrate for orchids at hand, it can be replaced in the same volume with crushed charcoal, steamed chopped bark of coniferous trees and fine gravel to give structure. Such a soil mixture should have an acidity level of 6.5 to 7.0 units.

Anthurium needs frequent watering without stagnant water in the potPlanting indoor anthurium in such a substrate will provide the plant with the necessary nutrition, and will not allow the roots to experience a lack of air and moisture. They will not be squeezed and will easily wrap around the entire lump of soil in the pot.

Anthurium needs frequent watering, in which its roots would assimilate the entire amount of moisture that has entered the pot.

In the homeland of the plant, it rains almost constantly for 6-9 months, so a dried-up flower will never bloom. For the comfort of the anthurium, the soil is kept moist, but not damp. And the need for watering is signaled by the drying top layer of the substrate.

Regularly applied fertilizers will help keep anthurium blooming at homeIf the soil for indoor anthurium needs moderately moist, then the best air humidity is close to 100%. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to create a semblance of fog in an apartment for a non-blooming indoor anthurium, but it is extremely important to use all available methods to combat excessive dry air.

For this, plants are irrigated from a spray bottle, household moisturizers and other improvised means are used. A regular sump filled with gravel for drainage and filled with water works effectively. Fill a shallow saucepan with coarse gravel. If you put a pot with indoor anthurium on the surface of a layer of gravel, it should not come into contact with moisture, but the existence of the plant will become more comfortable.

Sometimes lovers of indoor plants, diligently watering and replanting their pets, absolutely forget about such a necessary measure as fertilizing home plantings.

When indoor anthurium does not bloom, one of the reasons for this is a lack of nutrients. Loose soil for anthurium, consisting of rather large fragments, cannot always provide all the elements vital for the growth, development and flowering of a culture. Therefore, during the active growing season, from spring to autumn, the plant must be fed.

Anthurium pleases a caring gardener with its appearance and floweringTo do this, it is easy to use complex formulations for flowering plants, but you need to remember that an excess nitrogen able to cause increased foliage growth. But at the same time, the overfed anthurium will stop blooming. And sometimes an excess of fertilizers causes acidification of the substrate and the development of rot on young roots.

It is best to feed it with a composition with a high content of phosphorus, an element extremely important at the stage of flowering and the formation of ovaries, to stimulate the appearance of buds on the anthurium. Today, flower growers are increasingly using granular fertilizers with long-term activity. Such funds can be applied every three months, and the label should indicate that the dressing is intended for flowering crops.

The purchased anthurium stopped blooming

A diseased plant can be healed and made to bloom againNovice lovers of tropical plants are often faced with the fact that the recently purchased anthurium, which amazed with an abundance of flower stalks, has stopped blooming. At the same time, new foliage on the green pet is not visible. How to help the plant, heal and make the anthurium bloom again?

Such an instance, first of all, must be transplanted and given to gain strength. From industrial plantations to counters, most indoor plants come in transport pots and a small amount of peat soil, abundantly flavored with fertilizers and chemicals. These funds, the supply of which is designed for a couple of months, make indoor anthurium bloom. But neither the roots nor the aerial part, which also supplies food, develops. If you do not take urgent measures, the plant is depleted and often dies.

After transplantation, the pet needs several months to strengthen and build up the root mass. If the proper conditions are maintained, then in the spring the long-awaited flower stalks will appear on the anthurium.

Sometimes flower growers cannot wait for the flowering of young plants, which previously did not delight the owners with bright inflorescences. To provoke such a room anthurium to form buds, you can use the methods used in greenhouse farms.

After winter rest, the flower will again give many peduncles.In late autumn or early winter, anthurium is placed in a room with a temperature of 16–20 ° C. It should be light in such a room, and if necessary, artificial lighting should not be abandoned. The plant needs regular watering, but not as abundant as in the summer months, when the air is noticeably warmer. The soil should be damp, but never wet.

After 1.5-2 months, when the crown is replenished with new shoots, the anthurium is transferred to heat and watering is increased. The optimum temperature for this period is 22–24 ° C. Anthurium, not blooming before, will definitely release the first peduncle. And the subsequent flowering, if you do not forget about proper care and comfort for the anthurium, will last about six or eight weeks.

How to properly water anthurium - video

  1. antonina

    anthurium needs hot baths of 50 degrees, it blooms without stopping for 4 years in winter and in summer from the top, watering is not needed only baths until it picks up moisture

  2. Larissa

    Antonina, an interesting tip about a hot bath…. I beg you, tell us about this in more detail…. I have no experience at all with Anthurium ..

  3. Evgeniya

    I was given an anthurium for my birthday, before that I did not have any plants at all at home except for orchids. Well I started to read what and how it should be, somehow I found an article on the site, the article is very accessible, everything is written in understandable language (for beginners in this business). Very convenient, I liked it, there are no more questions about caring for the anthurium))))

  4. Kate

    after planting in 3 pots of anthurium in soil for anthuriums with drainage, it did not bloom for half a year, many leaves immediately turned yellow ... an ear appeared, a month grew and when a small flower appeared, it curled up and became lethargic. What is it? Before the transplant, I lived in my native soil from the store for 2 years, everything was fine, now under the same conditions, but it does not bloom, except for this unfortunate flower.


