The most delicious fertile variety of remontant strawberries - Lyubasha

strawberry variety Lyubasha Strawberry Lyubasha large-fruited remontant deserves special attention. Thanks to its juicy, fragrant fruits and easy care, summer residents often want to see it in their plots. This variety is distinguished by good yield and unpretentiousness. To enjoy the berries throughout the season, it is enough to adhere to a number of simple rules.

Description of the strawberry variety Lyubasha

productive variety

The plant grows in the form of a semi-sprawling bush. In the process of growth, the variety does not form tendrils, as occurs in other types of crops. Strawberry Lyubasha is distinguished by a strong and rather thick stalk. The berries are in the correct shape. Ripe fruits reach about 22 grams. The pulp is juicy and bright. It is rich in various trace elements, but most of all it contains vitamin C and sugar.

The berries of the presented variety are perfect both for fresh consumption and for processing. Even after freezing, strawberries retain their excellent taste and shape.

The fruits of this plant are rich in:

  • vitamin B3;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium.

continuous flowering of strawberry LyubashaIt is a hardy variety that blooms continuously. If the plant is properly planted and the proper care is followed, then such strawberries will bear fruit for three to five months, depending on the region.

Seeds that have been harvested from hybrids will not give the desired result.

The leaves are small, slightly pubescent. The upper part of the record is glossy and quite pleasant to the touch. The buds are white. An important advantage of Lyubasha strawberry is that it tolerates droughts and high temperatures well. This variety weakly affects infections and pests.

How to properly grow strawberries from seeds?

strawberry seedsMany amateurs believe that this type of culture can only be propagated by seedlings. In fact, there is another, no less effective way. Growing Lyubasha strawberries from seeds is popular all over the world. It is not difficult, but in order to get a young plant, you will need to wait a while.


  1. Seed collection. It is necessary to choose grains from varietal bushes. Berries should only be taken when ripe. Spread the collected seeds on paper so that they dry out. It is best to keep them in a well-ventilated area. If this is not followed, then the remaining pulp may begin to rot. After a few days, transfer the planting material to a tissue bag.collection of seeds
  2. Soil for growing seedlings. Strawberries should be sown in a nutritious substrate. The best option would be a universal primer. You can also prepare the land yourself. This requires mixing part peat and sand, as well as two parts of turf soil. If possible, add a little ash to the resulting mixture. Then ignite the soil at a high temperature or water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.preparation of soil mixture
  3. Stratification. Strawberry grains germinate for a very long time, therefore, in order to speed up the process, seed stratification should be carried out. This is a procedure that involves keeping the planting material for a long time at a certain temperature. The stratification period lasts about three months. You can keep the grains in the cellar or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.strawberry seed stratification
  4. Sowing seeds.Soak the prepared planting material in rainwater and keep it in liquid for three days. This time will be quite enough for the seeds to swell. Then wrap them in a damp cloth and make sure that the paper does not dry out. Those grains that begin to germinate can be transplanted into a box with a substrate.germination of seeds

Seeds should be sown in February. This is due to the fact that this type of plant germinates for a very long time and develops slowly. You can accelerate the growth process by installing near the flowerpot lamp... This is especially true for cloudy days and winter months, when the sun is very rarely shown outside.supplementary lighting of seedlings

Containers with seedlings should be placed only in a warm place. Also on top of each box can be covered with polyethylene. Thanks to the mini-greenhouse, the optimal temperature is maintained in the middle of the vessel throughout the entire period of time, which is most suitable for strawberries.

Also, seeds can be sown in the classic way, but the guarantee that they all will sprout is low. The first shoots are observed in 20-30 days.

The soil for planting strawberry seeds, after cooking, should stand in a cool place for three weeks.

The description of the strawberry variety Lyubasha, which is presented above, fully confirms the positive reviews of gardeners who consider this plant to be the best. To grow this fragrant berry in your area, it is enough to follow the sequence of actions and simple care rules.

Video review of strawberry seedlings


