Protection of fruit trees from insect pests

weevil beetle With the beginning of spring, when the air temperature rises to +7ABOUTC - +10ABOUTHarmful insects begin to wake up. The weevil attacks fruit trees first. This beetle is brown or gray in color. Its length can be from 5 to 6 mm. The weevil sits motionless on the bark or branch of a tree, waiting for the flower buds to form buds. Then the beetle climbs into the bud and devours the pistils and stamens of the young flower as soon as it opens.

Weevil control

To preserve the crop, it is necessary to spray the tree with an oily liquid even before flowering. The fact is that these insects absorb oxygen through the pores that are located on the back of the abdomen. If the oil gets on the weevil, it will clog the pores and the insect will suffocate. You can also use an insecticide, which is sold as an emulsion. Emulsion fungicides are also great for weevil control, so weevil is very easy to deal with.

Fight against tree beetles

Wood beetles are insects that gnaw the bark of a fruit tree and feed on its cambium. Such beetles are rare in Russian gardens. They mainly live in hot climates. The tree beetle causes the greatest harm to 3-year-old fruit trees, since their bark is still thin, and the root system is not yet sufficiently strong.

It is very difficult to fight the tree beetle and other insects that feed on the cambium of fruit trees, therefore, preventive treatment is carried out in the southern regions. Potent insecticides are sprayed under the tree and the base of the trunk is wrapped with a special trapping belt. This belt is finished with an adhesive resin mixture. If the insect does not die from the insecticide, it will get bogged down in the poisonous tar. Trying to gnaw through the hunting belt, the tree beetle dies.

Trapping belts are sold in garden stores, but if you need to get rid of grubs or insects that are much less dangerous than tree eaters, you can use fly tape.

Fight against moth larvae

Moths are insects that destroy the still green fruits of the tree. Their larvae creep along the trunk and can hit up to 15 apples or peaches per day. Insects lay eggs on the branches and in the soil near the fruit tree, therefore, in order to get rid of the moth, they are treated with insecticides at intervals of two weeks. The tree trunk is wrapped with fly tape to catch the larvae that hatch under the tree.


