Harvesting grape leaves for dolma: salt, pickle, freeze

grape leaves for dolma Dolma - an unusual culinary dish reminiscent of traditional cabbage rolls, only grape leaves act as a wrapper. Harvesting grape leaves for dolma is not laborious and has several manufacturing options. These include salting, pickling, freezing and dry storage. Any method of storing the future wrapper contributes to the preservation of useful substances, only taste is distinctive. The main thing is to observe all stages of canning. Below will be presented various descriptions of harvesting grape leaves for the winter for dolma, and which recipe to use is up to you.

Grape leaves quite famous as an ingredient in kitchen dishes in the East. Here it is just beginning to gain its popularity. And not in vain, because the leaf is completely permeated with useful microelements, moreover, it has a pleasant aftertaste. Edible culinary masterpieces from such plants relieve pain with varicose veins, relieve swelling, and improve blood circulation. As an antiseptic, the leaves are able to heal wounds and stop minor bleeding. This gift of nature contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, C and minerals - iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium. The listed positive components must be preserved by closing them in jars for further consumption. Preservation of grape leaves for dolma is the most rational preservation for a long time. It is in the dish with the beautiful name "Dolma" that these green leaves are often used.

Freezing grape leaves

frozen grape leaves

Almost all vegetables and fruits lend themselves well to the freezing procedure. This method requires a good freezer. For those who wish to learn how to freeze grape leaves for dolma, simple steps are provided below.

Freezing steps:

  1. Cut off the leaves without cuttings. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.remove the cuttings and rub the leaves
  2. Fold 10 pieces of sheets one by one and roll tightly into a tube. To prevent the form from disintegrating, it must be secured with cling film, wrapping the leaves. Fold in a cellophane bag and send to the freezer.pack in oilcloth and put in the freezer
  3. Before cooking, pour over the finished frozen leaves with hot water and start cooking.

Leaves should not be washed before freezing, as the remaining drops will turn into ice and disrupt storage.

Preparation and storage of dried grape leaves

grape leaves in a jarHarvesting grape leaves for dolma by drying them is no more laborious than freezing them. Such canning allows you to preserve all the beneficial elements in the plant and its unsurpassed aroma.

Option 1:

  1. Wash and dry the grape leaves.wash and dry the grape leaves
  2. You will need regular glass jars to store the leaves. Sterilize glass containers.we sterilize the jar for the blank
  3. Place 10 pieces of leaves on the bottom, lightly cover with salt. Make the next similar layer with salt. And so on to the very top. Then tighten the lid tightly.lay out the leaves in layers and sprinkle with salt
  4. The workpiece is ready!

Option 2:

  1. Remove dust from cut leaves, dry and arrange in stacks one on one.stack clean leaves
  2. Sprinkle with salt and roll. For the procedure, you will need plastic bottles that are clean and dry inside. Place the resulting wraps in a bottle through a thin neck. Fill the plastic container to the top and tighten the lid.fill bottles and screw cap
  3. Store in a cool place.

Pickling grape leaves

pickled grape leavesNot everyone still knows how to pickle grape leaves for dolma. This method involves storing raw materials for dolma in glass containers filled with marinade. A longer process than salting, but the result is also tastier. Leaves, saturated with brine, become more aromatic and piquant.

Marinating steps:

  1. Pack the pure grape leaves in 10 pieces and wrap each batch in a tube.roll 10 leaves into a tube
  2. Place the tubular leaves tightly in jars and pour boiling water over. Leave for 5 minutes, then drain the water.put the tubes in a jar and pour boiling water
  3. Prepare 1 liter of marinade that includes 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar and one tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and salt. Boil until the bulk dissolves.boil the marinade for pouring
  4. Pour boiling marinade into jars of raw materials and immediately close with tin lids.

If the leaf tube is opening, it is better to secure it with a toothpick or thread.

Salting grape leaves

Those who do not like the sweet and sour taste of preservation will look for a recipe for how to pickle grape leaves for dolma. Leaves in this way are stored in glass jars in brine. Therefore, glass jars should be sterilized before starting work. Your attention is provided with two options for salting, one under a nylon cover, the second assumes long-term storage under a metal twist.

Option 1:

  1. Pure leaves, rolled up, individually or in a group of several pieces.roll clean leaves
  2. Tamp the glass container with twisted leaves.put the tubes tightly in the jar
  3. Prepare a brine consisting of 100 grams of salt in 1 liter of water. Pour the raw materials with a boiling solution and close the jars with nylon caps. Place in a cellar or refrigerator.prepare saline solution
  4. Before preparing the next dish from these leaves, they will need to be soaked in clean boiled water.soak the leaves in water before use

With this storage method, the leaves are partially deprived of their beneficial properties, but the aroma remains unchanged.

Option 2:

  1. Grape leaves are also rolled into tubes and placed in jars to the top.put folded leaves in a jar
  2. Boiling water is poured into jars with raw materials and left for 5 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice.pour boiling water into a jar
  3. Prepare brine from 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and 1 liter of water. Pour cans with them and tighten with metal lids.prepare the brine
  4. Salting grape leaves for dolma is ready. After a month, the leaves will be suitable as a shell for dolma, they will not need to be additionally soaked.send for storage

A 1 liter jar contains 70 rolled sheets.

Canning grape leaves in tomato juice

Those who are bored with recipes for canning leaves that are bored from year to year are encouraged to store them in a tomato. Harvesting grape leaves for dolma in tomato juice is not at all difficult. For her, you need a freshly squeezed tomato, the amount of which comes from the number of prepared cans. 1 can is 1/3 of the liquid if the leaves are tightly packed to the top of the can.

Canning stages:

  1. Fresh, freshly picked leaves should be placed in very cold water for about an hour.soak the leaves in cold water
  2. Pack in 10 pieces and roll into rolls.
  3. Place in a jar up to the shoulders. Pour boiling water over for 15 minutes. Drain the water.fill the jar with leaves and pour boiling water
  4. Boil tomato juice (you can add a little salt) and pour jars of herbs over it.boil tomato juice
  5. Screw on, turn over and wrap in a blanket. Wait for it to cool completely. Then give the banks their usual position and send them to the pantry.grape leaves in tomato juice After opening the jar, ready-made dolma leaves do not require additional processing or rinsing, but are immediately used as a wrapper.

Tomato juice, in which grape leaves were stored, will perfectly act as a sauce.

Dolma is further prepared from canned grape leaves. Traditionally, it is customary to wrap minced meat with rice in them, but you can deviate from the generally accepted regulations and fill with vegetable filling. For example, dolma with carrot core will be very popular with vegetarians. Enjoy your meal!

  1. Nina

    Wonderful recipes I go to work with leaves and I will make blanks

  2. Alexandra

    I do not know how to twist a can of 90pcs of leaves in a 700gr


