The most decorative apple tree is the purple beauty of Nedzwiecki apple tree, variety description

Is it possible to eat the fruits of such a tree as the Nedzvetsky apple tree, would you give a description of the variety in detail? Once upon a time we bought two seedlings purely for decorative purposes, they looked very beautiful, with red bark and leaves. Many years have passed and our apple trees suddenly bloomed and gave their first crop, albeit small. My husband tried it, said it was bitter. Maybe they just haven't matured yet or are they looking like that?

apple tree nedzvetskiy variety description No other variety has such an exceptional decorative and hardy character. This is the favorite of landscape designers - the Nedzvetsky apple tree, the description of the variety of which cannot be found in the State Register. For unknown reasons, the apple tree has not received official registration in our country. But this did not prevent it from becoming the subject of study of many breeders, including the famous Michurin I.V. It was this apple tree that became the parent for many decorative, as well as red-meat varieties, and with increased winter hardiness.

Apple tree of Nedzvetsky - variety description

flowering apple tree nedzvetsky

The apple tree was first discovered in the wild at the beginning of the 19th century. And they registered it in the catalogs of Kazakhstan, giving the name in honor of the discoverer. Subsequently, at domestic experimental stations, many studies were carried out on crossing the Nedzvetsky apple tree with other varieties. As a result, such red-flowered species known to all gardeners as Pepin Crimson, Belfleur, Red Standard, Komsomolets and others were bred. All of these hybrids are highly winter-hardy and do well in the northwestern regions.

The Nedzwiecki apple tree itself is a fast-growing beautiful tree with an average height of about 8 m.Although in the wild it has impressive dimensions and grows to a height of almost 20 m.The tree has a chic crown, spreading, in the shape of a ball, the diameter of which exceeds 4 fruits of nedzvetsky

A characteristic feature of the variety is red, and almost everywhere and in its different shades:

  • the bark of young apple trees is purple and smooth, but turns brown with age, and the trunk cracks;
  • branches that are more than a year old generally turn dark purple;
  • leathery oval leaves with a pointed tip only during the flowering period are green, with a purple base, and then turn purple-red;
  • small flowers are painted in different shades of crimson;
  • the fruits are also red, both outside and inside.

The apple tree has a well-developed root system, but of a superficial type. Therefore, for the winter, it is advisable to mulch its near-trunk circle. Although the winter hardiness of the variety is at the highest level. However, as well as resistance to the main diseases of culture.

When it bears fruit and what apples taste like

apples of nedzvetskyThe apple tree blooms in the second decade of May and blooms for only 2 weeks. Moreover, it enters the first fruiting late, despite the rapid growth rates - only from the 10th year of life. The fruits ripen in mid-September - early October. They are small, weighing up to 25 g, rarely - 75 g, similar to large cherries. And the color is almost the same, even darker, red-purple, with a waxy bloom. Purple in color and apple flesh, and on the palate with a clear sourness and slight bitterness, like a wild game.

If you wait until the first frost, the bitterness of apples disappears, but they still do not gain sweetness.

How and where the variety is used

apple tree nedzvetsky in landscape designNedzvetsky's apple tree is considered more of an ornamental variety.It is planted in city parks or private plots for the purpose of decorating them. Blooming tree reminds sakuru, and the red-leaved crown stands out in bright contrast against the background of a green lawn or other plants. That is why apple trees are planted in contrasting group compositions or as tapeworms. However, the hybrid does not do with decorativeness alone. From apples, you can make a beautiful jam with an original taste or add them to compote.

An excellent decorative variety - Nedzvetsky apple tree


