Self-cultivation of thuja seedlings

cultivation of thuja seedlings Thuja seedlings are purchased in the nursery. But if a certain variety of thuja is already growing on your site, and you want to propagate it, then you can grow tree seedlings yourself. To do this, you need to break off a two-year-old thuja shoot from the mother branch and plant it in the ground, you can also grow a stalk from a seed.

In nurseries, thuja is not grown from seeds, since with such reproduction the seedlings do not retain their maternal properties. This method of growing is used by breeders to develop new varieties of thuja. If you want to preserve all the varietal features of the coniferous tree, then it is necessary to grow seedlings from cuttings.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are planted in light fertile soil and are regularly sprinkled. Thanks to constant spraying, the root system of the thuja is formed faster. When coniferous trees are rooting, moisture plays a very important role. Cuttings can be watered every three to four days, but the main thing is to plant them in a room with high humidity.

If you are growing seedlings outdoors, cover each thuja stalk with a transparent wrap or plastic bag. So condensation will begin to form inside the makeshift greenhouse, and the humidity of the air will increase.

In order not to make a separate greenhouse for each cutting, plant the thuja in a hanging planter. Place it in a sunny place, and use the hook to cover the pot with plastic. In the resulting greenhouse, you can plant up to 10 thuja cuttings.

In a greenhouse or under a film in the open field, cuttings should grow for two weeks. They need to be watered every three days.

Choosing a landing site

After the formation of a powerful root system, thuja are transplanted to a permanent place. This should be in partial shade so that the thuja does not burn out in the midday sun, but direct sunlight should hit the tree for at least two hours a day.

The area with young conifers should be protected from the cold wind. If you landed a thuja in an open area, be sure to mulch her trunk circle. A three-year-old thuja can withstand severe frosts. There is no need to mulch it.

Thuja seedlings from seeds

If the climate in your region is changeable, and in spring the air temperature changes often, then in May the thuja will set seeds. The seed boxes can be collected, dried, then removed from the seed boxes and placed in the refrigerator. The seeds will be ready to be potted when stratified. After the first shoots appear, seedlings from seeds are grown as cuttings.


