Growing chives onions from seeds at their summer cottage

growing chives from seeds Growing chives from seeds does not require any special skills. Not only gardeners, but also gardeners prefer to see him on their site. And all due to the fact that the plant has an incredibly beautiful appearance. The plant is not picky, therefore it is in special demand among summer residents.

Description of Luca Schnitt

onion chives in bloom

The culture belongs to the Onion family. It differs from other species in narrow leaves that have an awl-shaped shape. Their length can vary between 25-40 cm. The underground part has an elongated shape. The size of the bulbs is about 4 cm.

Green mass of chives onion retains its appearance and beneficial properties even at a temperature of -4FROM.

Chives are rich in:

  • various amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • sugar;
  • mineral salts;
  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • boron;
  • manganese;
  • zinc, etc.

In addition to the above components, the composition also contains phytoncides. Due to this, the plant is often used to treat colds.

Growing chives from seeds

chives onion bushTo grow a beautiful and high-quality plant, you need to choose the right place for planting. The optimal site is one that is well warmed up by the sun. This is very important, since in the shade or partial shade, the culture stops growing and loses its attractiveness.

Preparing the garden

Chives are sown in the spring, but the soil is prepared in the fall. This is done 2 weeks before frost. Before starting the procedure, the site will need to be carefully dug up. It is necessary to deepen the shovel to a depth of 30 cm.After the bed is prepared, it is necessary to add a small amount organics.

Sowing onions

sowing onion chivesIn the spring, after the snow melts, you can start planting the seeds. The site is leveled and compacted a little. Before sowing the onion, the garden is thoroughly watered. This will help the seeds germinate faster.

The day before the start of the procedure, the grains should be soaked in a growth stimulator. After a day, the planting material will need to be laid out on a paper towel and allowed to dry a little.

Grains are sown on the basis of this scheme: 45-50 x 25-30 cm between rows and bushes, depth from 0.7 to 1.5 cm. Sprinkle the planting material on top with moist soil, compact (but not much). Then re-sprinkle with dry soil. If everything is done correctly, then the first shoots will appear in a week.

Proper plant care

chives onion carePerennial chives do not need special care, but you still need to follow some rules. This is the only way to grow not only a beautiful, but also an incredibly useful plant on your site.

Watering the plant

The culture loves moisture very much, so you need to water the onions often and abundantly. Prolonged drought will negatively affect further development and taste.

Also, do not forget about loosening the soil. Weeding of young plants is especially important. Such a procedure will provide the onion with strong immunity, which is very important for culture.


Top dressing is very necessary for chives. For this, ash, chicken droppings or humus are used. If the soil is poor, then a small amount will need to be added azofoski, kemira or nitrophoska. After the procedure, the bushes should be rinsed with plenty of water.

It is recommended to feed the chives after each cutting of the green mass.


harvestingIf you properly care for the plant, then in one season you can carry out 3, or even 4 pruning.The procedure begins only after the leaves grow up to 40 cm long. Onions are cut for the last time in the first half of September. This will help the bushes to get stronger and gain strength in order to easily survive the severe frosts.

Possible diseases of onion chives

processing requiredMost often, the plant suffers from cervical, bacterial rot. It is also not uncommon to observe powdery mildew on the leaves. This is a dangerous disease that appears in the middle of summer. It is often difficult to recognize powdery mildew on onions. It manifests itself, in most cases, even when it is almost impossible to save the culture. Therefore, in order to prevent such a problem, young plants are treated with special agents.

Sowing seeds early has a positive effect on plant development and their immune system.

Often attacked by shnitt onion fly... Most of all, it affects those plants that are planted on loamy and sandy soils. In order to prevent the appearance of an insect, it is recommended to plant carrots between the rows. This is the only smell that onion fly cannot tolerate. The insect also repels the mulching of the soil with peat.

So that planting chives with seeds does not cause difficulties, you need to follow simple rules and recommendations. Only then will the cultivation of this wonderful plant be a breeze.

Ornamental and useful plant chives onion - video


