We grow yellow chrysanthemum in flower beds

I love it very much chrysanthemum, I have many varieties of different colors growing in my flower garden. But my favorite is the yellow chrysanthemum. Tell me, are there any peculiarities of caring for yellow chrysanthemums?

Chrysanthemums belong to the Asteraceae family and are both annual and perennial. They are also divided into chrysanthemums grown in the open field and at home.

It is believed that yellow chrysanthemums attract good luck and symbolize abundance and perfection. The most popular early varieties of this color of chrysanthemums are the Golden Fleece (grows over a meter in height) and Orange (a compact bush no more than 60 cm in height). They begin to bloom as early as August.


Among the late varieties, it is worth noting the Rivardi chrysanthemum, which has unusually beautiful large flowers up to 20 cm in diameter. It blooms at the end of October.


Yellow Chrysanthemum Care

Chrysanthemum care does not differ depending on its variety and color of flowers. It is enough to adhere to the general recommendations:

  1. Lighting. If you grow a flower indoors, you should choose a cool, well-ventilated place for it. It is impossible to put a plant on a sunny windowsill, since it will bloom poorly and will quickly fade. But the lack of lighting will negatively affect the chrysanthemum - it may not bloom at all. So you need to choose the best option with diffused light.
  2. Temperature conditions. Chrysanthemums tolerate coolness well and bloom until frost. Therefore, for the summer, it is advised to take the pots outside and put them in a darkened place on the site. The optimum temperature for growing chrysanthemums indoors is no more than 15 ° C.
  3. Features of watering. In order for the chrysanthemum to please with its flowering until late autumn, water it with settled water (preferably rainwater) 2-3 times a week, preventing the topsoil from drying out, otherwise the plant will disappear. In the summer season, spray the leaves additionally 2 times a day. When storing a pot with a flower indoors in winter, the plant often does not need to be watered, it is enough to slightly moisten the soil from time to time.
  1. Fertilizer. During the period of growth and flowering, chrysanthemum should be fed with complex fertilizers once a week.

How to transplant chrysanthemums?

After the chrysanthemum has faded, the bush is cut off near the ground and placed in a cool place (cellar, pantry) with a temperature of no more than 5 ° C. You can transplant a flower in early spring. Stir turf soil for soil, peat and humus in a 1: 1 ratio, add a little sand and manure. Or bird droppings. Be sure to make a drainage layer. Two weeks after the transplant, the chrysanthemum is fed. You can take out the pot with the plant outside after the frost stops.

If the chrysanthemum grows with one elongated shoot, it is necessary to cut off the top so that the flower begins to bush.


Chrysanthemum breeding methods

Chrysanthemums reproduce in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

In order for the bush to bloom early, the seeds are sown in a container in early March. The grown seedlings are then dived into separate pots.

Among flower growers, the grafting method is more popular: for this, choose a well-developed shoot and cut it off under the leaf. Then root the stalk in a container of small diameter (up to 10 cm) with prepared soil or clean sand.Cover with foil on top to create greenhouse conditions. Transplant rooted and grown young chrysanthemums into a deeper container separately, or into a long container in a row, leaving an equal distance between the bushes.

For more information on how to grow chrysanthemums at home, see the video


