Choosing crops for planting after potatoes

Tell me what kind of vegetables you can plant after potatoes? Previously, this root crop occupied the entire site, now we do not need so much. We want to plant more cucumbers and tomatoes for sale instead. Can you do this?

potatoes in the garden Growing garden crops on the site, each summer resident hopes to get a good harvest, which will provide him with natural products. However, yield does not only depend on regular planting maintenance. Crop rotation plays a major role. Without observing the rules of plant alternation, not only the yield decreases, but also the frequency of their diseases increases. Take potatoes - what else grows in the beds in such quantities?

Occupying most often more than half of the garden, it leaves limited space for other crops, and next season it is very problematic to swap them, there is nowhere to accelerate. It is good that there are plants that are able to grow in the former potato beds. What kind of vegetables can be planted after potatoes?

"Heirs" of the potatobeets in the garden

The following crops can inherit after potatoes:

  • root vegetables (radish, radish, beet);
  • cabbage of all kinds;
  • cucumbers;
  • onion and garlic;
  • spinach and salad;
  • legumes;
  • pumpkin crops.

As for greens such as dill and parsley, it is not recommended to sow them instead of potatoes, but it is allowed as a last resort.

For what crops is potato a bad predecessor?tomatoes in the garden

As you know, potatoes belong to the nightshade family. And one of the rules crop rotation states: you can not grow one after another crops belonging to the same species. This is due to the fact that during the growing season, harmful bacteria accumulate in the ground, causing diseases of representatives of a particular family. In addition, they are all susceptible to attack by the same pests.

Based on this, on last year's potato beds, you cannot plant:

  • tomatoes;
  • peppers;
  • eggplant;
  • physalis;
  • strawberries;
  • strawberries.

How to restore soil fertility when re-growing potatoes?fertilizer for potatoes

Unfortunately, quite often potatoes are planted almost where they were before, especially if the planting scale is large, and the area of ​​the garden is small. Still, this is the main vegetable in our diet, which there is nothing to replace. What's a soup without potatoes or mashed potatoes?

Growing potatoes in one place is allowed no more than three years in a row.

In this case, you need to take care of the application of fertilizers, because this culture "impoverishes" the soil in potassium and phosphorus. Mineral fertilizers and ash are applied during planting in the hole, and manure is scattered around the site for digging.

They "work" well to restore fertility and sideratessown after harvesting the root crop.

Soil processing after potatoes - video


