The pest can also be useful - wax moth, instructions for using a healing tincture from it

Tell me how effective wax moth is for anemia, instructions for using this remedy are especially needed. The moth larvae ordered from a beekeeper neighbor, he just got this living creature in the hives. A friend, a retired doctor, advised me to make a tincture of them for my daughter, who has an acute iron deficiency. We bought pills, hemoglobin rose slightly, we decided to try more folk remedies. How to prepare this tincture and how to take it?

wax moth instructions for use For beekeepers, it is a real nightmare and a thunderstorm for the entire apiary, but for those who have health problems, this insect is sometimes the only salvation. The moth (aka wax moth) living in hives and feeding on bee products is an excellent raw material for the preparation of medicinal products. Even pharmacies sell wax moth, the instructions for use of which cover a number of diseases. Healing alcoholic tincture can be made independently, only by getting the insects themselves. And then it can be successfully used for both prevention and treatment.

Among beekeepers, the moth is also known as shashen, bee moth, moth. The mole itself is relatively harmless. But the larvae, which are distinguished by their voracious character, live in hives and eat literally everything they see. Not only do they eat honey, they also spoil the framework and themselves hiveand also eat bee larvae.

Healing properties of wax moth

wax moth medicinal properties

Fire-based remedies kill viruses, bacteria and fungi, as well as:

  • increase immunity;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • stimulate wound healing;
  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • anesthetize;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • treat diseases of the digestive tract, oncology, pathology of the reproductive and circulatory systems.

How to make a tincture at home

tincture of wax moth at homeThe tincture is prepared with vodka, and the extract with alcohol as follows:

  1. Vodka tincture. 200 g of larvae are poured into a liter of good vodka. Insist for 14 days, shaking occasionally, then dilute with 500 ml of water.
  2. Alcoholic extract. Alcohol is needed with a strength of 70%, and only 100 ml. And the number of larvae depends on the final result (the concentration of the tincture itself). If you take 10 g of fire, you get a concentration of 10%. Usually this is the minimum concentration, and the maximum is 25% (25 g of larvae). The mole is poured with alcohol and insisted for 2-3 weeks.

For treatment, only young moth larvae, up to 1.5 cm long, of light yellow color are used. They eat more than older individuals, which means they also contain more nutrients.

Wax moth - instructions for use

wax moth instructions for use and featuresThe standard treatment regimen with vodka tincture and alcoholic extract depends on the purpose of use and the patient's weight. For prevention, the tincture is drunk once a day from 1.5 to 3 months, depending on the specific disease. The dose is 3 drops, multiplied for every ten kilograms of weight. If it is an extract, then for adults with serious problems, a 20% remedy is used. For medicinal purposes, use the same dosage, but take the remedy three times a day.

Children are given only an alcoholic extract of 10 or 20% strength. It is forbidden to use vodka tincture for them. For children under 14 years of age, the dosage is calculated based on the scheme: 2 drops of the extract for each year of life, if it is 10%, or 1 drop of 20% of the product.

Useful properties and features of the use of wax moth


