Post-flowering grape care for a good harvest

work in the vineyard after flowering Planting our favorite grape varieties on our site, we dream of getting good harvests in a few years. And now the plant has grown, the first inflorescences have appeared - there will be a harvest. It's just too early to calm down. Now is the time to work on getting the desired results. We must help the plant to please us with sweet berries in the fall. What do we have to do?

Green works

The flowering stage of grapes is over. Ovaries have appeared and berries begin to develop. During this period, the gardener has a lot of work. It's time green works in the vineyard:

  1. It is necessary to check the condition of the bushes. Tie up the grown shoots, arrange them beautifully on the trellis, so that the sun's rays warm the future harvest, and the wind blows the bunches well. Remove shoots from previously dormant buds near the roots.
  2. Carry out work on the normalization of the harvest. You will have to remove the extra bunches or shorten the bunches by one third. Such normalization is needed for table varieties.
  3. Working with stepchildren.

As a result of notching the bunch, the remaining part will delight with larger berries.

When the berries grow, remove small underdeveloped berries with tweezers or scissors, which will give the bunches a presentation. In varieties with dense bunches, it is best to remove half of the berries to avoid the appearance of crushed and deformed fruits. A medium bunch of bunches is better ventilated, and the berries do not rot. This type of work on grapes allows you not only to get beautiful bunches, but also to preserve the berries until they are fully ripe.

Working with the stepchildren, the task is to provide the developing bunches with foliage cover from the sun. Therefore, the stepsons are not completely removed, but the growth points are pinched. If the bush is very thickened, then it is necessary to remove the extra stepsons.

Processing and feeding

After carrying out green work, it is imperative to treat the bushes against the development of various diseases. It is best to use complex systemic drugs. We recommend you make your choice in favor of Ridomil, Horus, Acedan. Against grape itch, it is necessary to add the drug Karate to the solutions of the proposed drugs.

Carry out the treatment even if no damage is visible on the grape foliage.

The next stage of work in the vineyard will be foliar feeding. Plantafol includes complexes of basic and trace elements. The Clean sheet preparation also proved to be the best.

If the weather is dry and hot, the vineyard should be given a drink.

Work in the vineyard after flowering - video


