Proper care for delicate calla lilies at home

bouquet of white calla lilies If you have chosen such an aesthetically pleasing and sophisticated flower as calla, home care involves following a certain set of rules. The main factors that have a beneficial effect on plant growth are light, warmth and a properly selected pot. In the process of cultivation, many more difficulties may arise, which can be circumvented if you “arm” yourself with sufficient knowledge.

Calla in a pot: home care

growing calla lilies in a pot

Despite the fact that this graceful plant is home to sultry Africa, it is often used as a decoration for many interiors around the world. In European countries, this flower is grown exclusively in closed rooms, where all the necessary conditions are created for this. Even if you do not have the appropriate experience to grow calla, home care can be quite simple.

Home specimens are quite unpretentious, they require minimal maintenance. In order for calla lilies to please with a pleasant appearance, it is enough to provide it with light, warmth and a pot of a suitable size. Watering should be plentiful only during the growing season. The rest of the time, indoor calla lilies prefer moderate watering. However, this does not mean that the plant does not like spraying. They must be regular so that the flower can get enough moisture.

When the flowering period is over, watering should be reduced to once a week. Some experts recommend the following method: stop watering from August, and then resume after 1.5 months.

Growing calla lilies at home

calla lilyIt is advisable for beginner growers to adhere to the classic watering scheme. In summer, calla lilies are recommended to be watered once a week, and from the end of August, the procedure should be made more frequent. In general, the plant is shade-tolerant, so the pot can be placed in almost any part of the apartment. The only thing to consider is that calla lilies do not like a lot of sunlight.

calla seedlingsWhen growing calla lilies, home care is also simplified by the fact that this plant easily tolerates the standard (no higher than 20 ° C) temperature regime in the room. If the room temperature is very high, the flower should be sprayed with a spray bottle. From time to time, it can be taken out into the fresh air, while avoiding the scorching sun.

In order for the flowering to be abundant, it is necessary to remove the young root collars that appear during the growth process.

Why does calla not bloom at home?

colored callaDo not expect that it will bloom often enough in a room environment. This usually happens twice a year, or more precisely, in months such as May and October. However, if flowering is completely absent or proceeds rather passively during the indicated periods, then there may be serious reasons for this.

Adverse factors affecting flowering include:

  • frequent changes in the location of the flower;
  • overgrowth of tubers;
  • frequent transplantation;
  • insufficient lighting in room;
  • poor plant nutrition;
  • violation of the rules for care during the growing season.

It is better to fertilize the plant during the period from January to March. This should be done no more than once a week using special means.

calla leaf diseaseWhen growing calla lilies at home, it is very important to protect it from drafts. In the spring, the flower should be gradually adapted to natural light.Leaves on which yellowness has appeared must be cut. If you take care of this plant incorrectly, some diseases may appear, including gray rot, as well as anthracnose and others.

  1. Smirnova Natalia

    my flower bloomed in the first half of January on a window on the east side and in a rather cool place watering is not frequent but sprinkled on it.

  2. Alla Ganina

    Why on an adult calla flower the leaves began to turn yellow and the color of the foliage became less saturated?

    • Olga

      Maybe the plant does not have enough light, or the soil has become poor, or it is flooded, and the roots are rotting. I have a white calla, so it has been growing huge leaves on long petioles for the second year in the winter. By summer, they begin to turn pale and yellow, like yours. I just cut them, even those that are green, but still long. Only young ones remain, then new ones appear, and until next winter the bush is again lush. Try it too, in any case the yellow leaves will soon begin to fade. You can just in case treat it with a fungicide, suddenly some kind of disease.


