Posts tagged "leaving"

How to care for hydrangea: features of growing a garden and indoor plant
How to care for hydrangea: features of growing a garden and indoor plant
Tell us how to care for hydrangea? I have long dreamed of a variety with large white inflorescences, and now I ordered it. While waiting for the parcel, I decided to study what the plant loves. I would like to ...
How to care for bamboo in water and soil
How to care for bamboo in water and soil
Tell us how to care for bamboo? My husband brought me a nice bush from a business trip. I'm afraid I might ruin him out of ignorance. Where is the best place to put the pot and how often ...
How to care for a lemon to be fruitful at home
How to care for a lemon to be fruitful at home
Tell us how to care for a lemon? She planted a seed in the spring, for the sake of interest, and she took and gave a sprout. What should I do with the rastishka now? Such overseas plants have ...
How to care for a gerbera in a pot
How to care for a gerbera in a pot
Tell us how to care for a gerbera? For my birthday, the employees gave me a beautiful gerbera in a pot. I took her home, now I'm thinking where to put it. How often should you water ...
How to care for aloe, choosing a location, pot and soil
How to care for aloe, choosing a location, pot and soil
Please tell us how to care for aloe? The neighbor sold the house and when she left, she gave her flower. Geraniums are predominantly in my flower farm. What to do with this handsome man, mind ...
How to care for a Decembrist so that it blooms profusely every winter
How to care for a Decembrist so that it blooms profusely every winter
Tell me how to take care of the Decembrist? Once upon a time I had an old bush, but it could not withstand my care and slowly withered. For several years I was looking for such a variety with ...
How to care for a flower female happiness: creating ideal conditions for the flowering of spathiphyllum
How to care for a flower female happiness: creating ideal conditions for the flowering of spathiphyllum
Tell me how to care for a flower female happiness? Presented a flowering plant for my birthday, at first the leaves were bright, green. And recently I noticed that they finished and began to dry up. The pot is worth ...
How to care for dracaena at home: finding out the details
How to care for dracaena at home: finding out the details
Tell me how to care for dracaena at home? We have a large palm tree at work, very beautiful. I always wanted such a flower for myself, and this is my dream ...
Caring for the money tree is simple and uncomplicated
Caring for the money tree is simple and not difficult
She took the money tree from work - the flower became completely bad, almost all the leaves fell off, but still alive. He stood with me for a month and even new leaves began to appear, ...
We take care of room primrose correctly
We take care of room primrose correctly
Tell me how to care for a primrose? In the spring, my husband gave me a beautiful bush with lilac flowers circled with a golden border. Now I'm running around the house with the pot, trying to pick him up ...
What to do with lilies after they have faded
What to do with lilies after they have faded
Last year I bought early lilies and planted them in the country in the fall. All took root and overwintered well, and now they are already standing with buds. These are my first beauties ...
Competent care of azalea at home is a guarantee of abundant flowering
Competent care of azalea at home is a guarantee of abundant flowering
Tell me how to care for an azalea? In winter, my husband gave me a flowering bush for my birthday. At first everything was fine, but after flowering it gradually began to wither. Such ...
Competent care of ficus is the key to the spectacular beauty of the plant
Competent care of ficus is the key to the spectacular beauty of the plant
Tell me how to care for a ficus tree? They gave Benjamin's ficus for his birthday, I used to have one like this, but apparently I "starved" him and the bush disappeared. I don't want to ...
Competent care is the key to the lush bloom of violets or how to please the hairy beauties
Competent care is the key to the lush bloom of violets or how to please hairy beauties
Tell me how to care for violets? A friend gave me a luxurious violet with large double buds for my birthday, it will be a pity to ruin the flower out of ignorance. I have green pets ...
We care for cyclamen correctly: what does a flower love
We care for cyclamen correctly: what does a flower love
Tell me how to care for cyclamen? I bought a flower with large raspberry inflorescences on sale, I want to transplant it into a new pot after flowering. Where is the best place to put the flowerpot and how ...
Spring care for blackberries and features of pruning a bush
Spring care for blackberries and features of pruning a bush
In the fall, we planted two bushes of large-fruited blackberries. These are our first plants, so I would like to learn more about the features of cultivation. Tell me what kind of care the blackberry needs in spring, in particular ...
We grow intoxicating dope in the country: planting methods, nuances of care and photo varieties
We grow intoxicating dope in the country: planting methods, nuances of care and photo varieties
A neighbor gave a cone of dope, I want to plant it under the window in the spring. Please tell us in a nutshell about Datura flowers and the peculiarities of planting and caring for them (with photos, ...
We grow bulbous irises: features of planting and care
We grow bulbous irises: features of planting and care
A friend shared a few iris bulbs. In my country house, only ordinary irises grow (those with rhizomes), so there was a small problem of what to do with the bulbs. Highly ...
Two ways to plant morning glory sweet potatoes and the basics of flower care
Two ways to plant morning glory sweet potatoes and the basics of flower care
When buying seeds, I came across a packet of morning glory sweet potato with beautiful purple leaves. Tell me how to plant a sweet potato Ipomoea and take care of the flower. Is it possible to sow seeds immediately on a flower bed ...
Form a lush crown and fleshy caudex in adenium
Form a lush crown and fleshy caudex in adenium
Tell me how to form adenium? I got several seedlings of this flower, I want to grow a squat plump bush. I saw this once visiting a friend and just fell in love with him. Perhaps ...
Dendrobium Nobile has faded: what to do with the orchid next
Dendrobium Nobile has faded: what to do with the orchid next
Last year I was presented with a dendrobium nobile, and in winter it pleased me with delicate white flowers. There were so many of them that the branches could hardly bear such a load. But ...
The many-sided ixia mix: when and where to plant, how to care for a perennial
The many-sided ixia mix: when and where to plant, how to care for a perennial
I have long wanted to plant Ixia in the country, and then a neighbor in the fall gave me a dozen bulbs from her garden with multi-colored inflorescences. Please tell us about the features of growing and care ...
Why is there a white bloom in a flower pot and what to do about it
Why is there a white bloom in a flower pot and what to do about it
Recently, I began to notice that the soil on top of my flowers turned white. This did not affect the general condition of the plants, all the pets are alive and well. ...
Features of planting and caring for anemone blanda
Features of planting and caring for anemone blanda
Tell me, are there any peculiarities of planting and caring for anemone bland? In the fall, a neighbor planted her plants and shared her deals with me. I planted them under an old apple tree ...
Features of caring for a capricious handsome jasmine polyantum
Features of caring for a capricious handsome jasmine polyantum
Please tell us how to take care of polyantum jasmine at home? We gave a flowering bush for my birthday, I don't want it to disappear because of my wrong actions. Where is better ...
Cyclamen - home care in detail for beginner florists
Cyclamen - home care in detail for beginner florists
The butterfly flower is considered one of the most beautiful indoor plants for a reason. For the original inflorescences, the so-called cyclamen, home care for which has its own nuances. And connected ...
Mexican avocado on your window: how to care for an exotic
Mexican avocado on your window: how to care for an exotic
In the fall, for the sake of interest, I planted an avocado seed (thus I have already managed to get a room lemon). The experiment was a success - the bone sprouted, and little by little it grows leaves. Tell me how to care for an avocado ...
Miniature handsome allium city-loving: where to plant and how to care for him
Miniature handsome allium city-loving: where to plant and how to care for him
Tell me where it is better to plant the city-loving allium and how to properly care for it? I bought several bulbs, I want to settle them in the country in the spring. Should I wait until May or ...
We grow unpretentious evergreen Iberis on the site
We grow unpretentious evergreen Iberis on the site
A neighbor shared with me the seeds of a very beautiful shrub that looks like a white blooming ball. Tell me where is it better to plant evergreen Iberis and how to properly care for it? Is it possible ...
Features of care for faded Kalanchoe
Features of care for faded Kalanchoe
Tell me what to do with the Kalanchoe, which has faded? I heard that the bush should be completely cut off, but I'm sorry. But I also want to see flowering next year. How right ...
Spathiphyllum leaves turn black and yellow: why and what to do
Spathiphyllum leaves turn black and yellow: why and what to do
Tell me what kind of plant? Why do the leaves turn black and yellow? Large bright leaves of pure green color with as if painted with clear veins, towering above the pot on strong legs ...
Preparing Kampsis for winter: when and how to cover it
Preparing Kampsis for winter: when and how to cover it
In the fall, I planted Kampsis in my dacha, which I had dreamed of for a long time, and now I worry about how it will spend the winter. The bush is young, and we are constantly at the dacha only in the summer. ...
Japanese Aucuba Care Basics
Japanese Aucuba Care Basics
Tell me how to take care of a Japanese aucuba at home? They gave it to me as a compact bush, but after a year it stretched out great. Maybe she lacks light? Japanese Aukubu ...
Reasons for the lack of flowering in balcony petunias
Reasons for the lack of flowering in balcony petunias
My balcony is my pride. Every year, with the arrival of warm days, I plant different ampelous plants in special long containers, which my husband hung from the railing. When they ...
Hosta - planting and caring for a beautiful and unpretentious perennial
Hosta - planting and caring for a beautiful and unpretentious perennial
Green hearts of leaves, over which tall peduncles with delicate fragrant flowers rise, are all hosta, planting and caring for which even novice gardeners can do, if ...
Features of growing currants in Siberia
Features of growing currants in Siberia
My husband wants to plant currants in the garden, but I am afraid that the shrubs will not like our winters, because sometimes the frost here is up to 40 degrees. Sometimes even fruit trees ...
We take care of the Ethiopian calla lily correctly
We take care of the Ethiopian calla lily correctly
Last year, my mother gave me her calla - a beautiful big bush. She bloomed with her every year, and for the next year I looked in vain under the leaves ...
How to keep gloxinia from curling leaves?
How to keep gloxinia from curling leaves?
There are several gloxinia specimens among my flower collection. For some time after the acquisition, they actively increased the leaves and even bloomed - I really thought that I managed to find an approach ...
What you need to know about poinsettia transplant?
What you need to know about poinsettia transplant?
Last year they gave me a poinsettia for my birthday, but to my great regret, the bush wilted as soon as it faded. A friend said that it was necessary to transplant him ...
What can be done to make the roses in the vase last longer?
What can be done to make the roses in the vase last longer?
My husband always gives me my favorite flowers for my birthday - roses. I just adore them, and it always becomes sad when the bouquet fades in speed. Tell me how ...
Features of growing and caring for black currant
Features of growing and caring for black currant
This year our garden has been replenished with new "inhabitants" - several varieties of black currant have been planted. Everyone in our family loves currant jam, so they decided to acquire their own vitamins. ...
Watering cacti correctly
Watering cacti correctly
I recently got a small cactus. They gave it to me in bloom, now the flowers have already fallen. I didn’t have such "thorns" before, I like plants with leaves more. Tell me ...
Planting and caring for the fabulous Dutch bulbous iris
Planting and caring for the fabulous Dutch bulbous iris
One of the most beautiful and most romantic plants is the Dutch bulbous iris. Planting and caring for it is a bit of a hassle, but it will more than pay off beautiful ...
We grow a gentle beauty at home - Dieffenbachia Camilla
We grow a gentle beauty at home - Dieffenbachia Camilla
Tell me how to take care of Camille Dieffenbachia at home? My plant is already the second year, I began to notice that the trunk below began to bare, and the leaves brightened. Something she doesn't ...
Challenges when growing calla lilies: yellowing of the leaves
Challenges when growing calla lilies: yellowing of the leaves
My calla lilies all summer stood beautiful and green, and now I noticed that yellow spots appeared on the leaves. Tell me why the calla leaves turn yellow and what to do to ...
Features of maidenhair care
Features of maidenhair care
An elegant variety of maidenhair fern enjoys the attention and love of flower growers. Its delicate small leaves form a lush bright green bush on numerous thin but strong shoots-strings. With proper care ...
What do we know about planting and caring for garden calla lilies?
What do we know about planting and caring for garden calla lilies?
If you decide to decorate your garden with flowers such as calla lilies, there are few rules for planting and nursing outdoors. In general, this plant is quite unpretentious and ...
All about the dormant period in gloxinia
All about the dormant period in gloxinia
One of the most important moments in the development of gloxinia is the dormant period, because thanks to this, the plant can delight with its colorful flowering every year. A rested and rejuvenated flower ...
How to grow Ruben blackberries on your site?
How to grow Ruben blackberries on your site?
Blackberry Ruben, the description of the variety of which cannot fail to attract attention, belongs to the remontant. This is largely the reason for her special popularity. With proper care, the berries grow ...
Features of home care for bougainvillea
Features of home care for bougainvillea
Bougainvillea is one of the most original indoor plants, because none of them has such unusual flowers with stipules of the most diverse and colorful shades. Their ...
Transplantation and care rules for Vriezia Splenriet
Transplantation and care rules for Vriezia Splenriet
The flora of South America is incredibly rich. Vriezia Splenriet or "fire sword" is naturally found in the rainforests of this continent. Epiphytic plant with elongated linear leaves, collected in a lush ...
What indoor asparagus loves and how to care for a plant
What indoor asparagus loves and how to care for a plant
Asparagus is an original flower, it compares favorably with the usual indoor plants, since it has an unusual leaf shape. Instead of a large leaf plate, the shoots of the plant are densely covered with thin ...
Features of caring for the most fragrant houseplant - jasmine
Features of caring for the most fragrant houseplant - jasmine
They gave me indoor jasmine for my birthday. I don't really like creeper plants, but this bush just charmed me with its white fragrant flowers. Tell me how to properly care for ...
We grow a tender spirea in our summer cottage: tips for planting and caring for a shrub
We grow a tender spirea in our summer cottage: tips for planting and caring for a shrub
The deciduous shrub of spirea has won the love of flower growers for a long time due to its docile nature and unique appearance, which the plant acquires during flowering. Well, how is it not ...
Avocado tree care at home
Avocado tree care at home
Avocado is an exotic fruit that grows on a tall tropical tree. From the seed of this fruit, you can grow a strong seedling, which, with proper care, grows up to 2.5 m in height, ...
Home care for hippeastrum
Home care for hippeastrum
Hippeastrum is grown at home like a green flower. This plant blooms very beautifully on the windowsill. Like all bulbous plants, hippeastrum spends the forces accumulated in ...
Growing calendula from seeds and planting dates
Growing calendula from seeds and planting dates
If a flower is not only beautiful, but also useful, it will definitely find its place in the garden. You can grow the well-known calendula from seeds by choosing the right planting time. ...
Amazing snow globe - kalina buldenezh
Amazing snow globe - kalina buldenezh
Kalina buldenezh is a tree widespread in the middle lane.High decorativeness and undemanding conditions made her an honorary guest in gardens and parks. This ancient variety was prized ...
Rules for growing thuja eastern Aurea Nana
Rules for growing thuja eastern Aurea Nana
Thuja eastern Aurea Nana is a popular dwarf evergreen tree that belongs to coniferous shrubs. This shrub is very capricious to the conditions of detention compared to her ...
Choosing a place in landscape design for thuja Golden Glob
Choosing a place in landscape design for thuja Golden Glob
Golden needles, compact spherical crown and extreme simplicity. Thanks to these qualities, thuja Golden Globe invariably enjoys the attention of coniferous plant lovers and professional landscape designers. Small evergreen shrubs ...
How to get a good salad harvest
How to get a good salad harvest
The salad is eaten all over the world. Because of its beneficial properties, it is used in the preparation of many dietary meals. The salad is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, and its seedlings can withstand ...
What attracts us to thuja western Yellow Ribbon?
What attracts us to thuja western Yellow Ribbon?
Thuja Yellow Ribbon is a beautiful tree with golden needles. It is designed for both single and group landings. With it, you can create a sunny shade against the background ...
A special place in the landscape design of thuja Hoseri
A special place in the landscape design of thuja Hoseri
Small western thuja with a spherical crown are unpretentious, easy to care for and appropriate in the design of large and very modest areas. Therefore, their varieties, including thuja Hozeri, so ...
Thuja Tini Tim will give a special charm to the garden plot
Thuja Tini Tim will give a special charm to the garden plot
Decorative coniferous crops are very popular due to the needles that persist all year round, unpretentiousness and variety of forms. Dwarf thuja Tini Tim is an evergreen shrub that will find a place on any, even ...
The nuances of planting and caring for Woodwardi thuja in the garden
The nuances of planting and caring for Woodwardi thuja in the garden
Tui with a rounded crown traditionally become the center of attraction for the eyes, wherever they are. Thuja Woodwardi is one of the old, well-proven varieties with a dense crown, livable ...
Planting and caring for sparaxis outdoors
Planting and caring for sparaxis outdoors
A unique flower with bright colors and elongated leaves of the iris family is called sparaxis. He fills the site with a riot of colors and brings a special touch to the landscape design. Planting and leaving ...
Amazing varieties of folded thuja will take their rightful place at their summer cottage
Amazing varieties of folded thuja will take their rightful place at their summer cottage
Thuja folded is one of the most common evergreen conifers. Belongs to the Cypress family, a kind of gymnosperms of the genus Tuya. The birthplace of this tree is East Asia, as well as ...
We plant the thuja western Globoza and its varieties on our site
We plant the thuja western Globoza and its varieties on our site
Thuja Globoza (Thuja occidentalis Globosa) is an evergreen dwarf shrub from the cypress family. Thuja reaches a height of 1 m and a diameter of 1 m.It grows very slowly, adding to ...
Snow-white garden chamomile can decorate any area
Snow-white garden chamomile can decorate any area
Chamomile blooming in the meadow and in the garden leaves no one indifferent. Garden chamomile is a favorite flower of Russian summer residents. Several dozen species of herbaceous perennials can be found in nature ...
We follow the rules of planting and caring for tulips in the open field
We follow the rules of planting and caring for tulips in the open field
The blooming of tulips heralds the triumph of spring. If the site is decorated with tulips year after year, planting and caring in the open field is the key to this success. Perennial bulbous plants come from ...
Care, features of growing thuja varieties Columna
Care, features of growing thuja varieties Columna
Thuja Columna is one of the most popular evergreen conifers. Belongs to the Cypress family. Most often, "western" is attributed to its name, since its name in the scientific ...
Indoor tangerine care
Indoor tangerine care
Mandarin is a tree from the citrus plant family. You can grow it at home from a stone, but then it will take a very long time to wait for the first fruits. To get the first harvest ...
Bonsai: features of caring for a tree at home
Bonsai: features of caring for a tree at home
Employees at work gave me a small sized potted tree for my birthday. Tell me how to properly care for a bonsai? I only know that it must be cut regularly. Miniature garden ...
Popular perennial - Cossack juniper Tamaristsifolia
Popular perennial - Cossack juniper Tamaristsifolia
The natural zone of distribution of the Cossack juniper, one of the most popular species of ephedra in landscape design, covers the south of Europe, west and center of Asia, east of Siberia. Juniper Cossack Tamaristsifolia - popular ...
The highlight of the garden: thuja with a spherical crown shape
The highlight of the garden: thuja with a spherical crown shape
Thuja globular is a frequent visitor to the gardens. The size of this plant can vary from several tens of centimeters to one and a half meters. The color of the crown also differs in different varieties. Grow it ...
Meet the wonderful Western Teddy Thuja
Meet the wonderful Western Teddy Thuja
Thuja western Teddy is a small coniferous plant that looks like a ball. This variety is new, however, very popular among landscape designers and gardeners for its unique shape. The plant fits perfectly ...
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for annual and perennial alissum
Subtleties of planting and care in the open field for annual and perennial alissum
Alyssum does not, like lilies or garden roses, have lush flowers, but the plant does not cease to acquire more and more new fans. A modest alissum, planting and care in the open field ...
Uncomplicated planting and simple care for hazel grouses in the open field
Uncomplicated planting and simple care for hazel grouses in the open field
Planting hazel grouses and care in the open field does not require special skills, so every gardener can cope with this task on his own. It is enough just to know the features of these plants, and ...
Planting exotic ixia in open ground and rules for caring for a southerner
Planting exotic ixia in open ground and rules for caring for a southerner
Ixia is an exotic South African plant that amazes with its beauty and vibrant color palette. In order to dilute it on the site, you should know all the intricacies of planting and caring for ...
We grow walnuts on the site: care features
We grow walnuts on the site: care features
Tell me, what kind of care does a walnut need? Three years ago, I planted seedlings of large-fruited walnut, the engraftment was successful. I would not want to ruin the trees with the wrong approach, since the experience of gardening ...
Planting crocuses of different flowering dates in open ground
Planting crocuses of different flowering dates in open ground
Crocuses: planting and caring for them in the open field requires specific knowledge so that this fragile and delicate flower takes root in the soil and pleases the eyes of the owners with its variegated ...
Planting anemone tubers in open ground and caring for plants
Planting anemone tubers in open ground and caring for plants
Delicate anemones with intricately cut leaves and quivering corollas are equally good in the forest and among the most luxurious garden plants. Anemones, planting and care in the open field for ...
Planting and outdoor care for early flowering perennial primrose
Planting and outdoor care for early flowering perennial primrose
One of the first spring plants to bloom in the garden is a gentle primrose, planting and caring for which in the open field does not require too much effort and knowledge. FROM ...
Why does pelargonium not bloom
Why does pelargonium not bloom
Pelargonium is an unpretentious flower for keeping conditions. With proper care, geraniums will always delight you with beautiful flowers. If pelargonium looks well-groomed, but does not bloom, then the reason may ...
Proper planting and outdoor care for phlox
Proper planting and outdoor care for phlox
The first cultivated varieties of phlox graced European greenhouses and parks in the 18th century. Today phlox, planting and care in the open field, which novice summer residents can do, alone ...
Planting hosts of different varieties and caring for it in the open field will give good results.
Planting hosts of different varieties and caring for it in the open field will give good results.
Every owner of a garden plot dreams of making it attractive and unique. Hosts can help in this, planting and caring for which in the open field does not require serious skills ...
Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in the open field is within the power of everyone
Planting and caring for wonderful marigolds in the open field is within the power of everyone
For a plant such as marigolds, planting and care in the open field is not difficult. These flowers can be planted both for flower bed decoration and as a medicinal ...
We grow gladioli at home: how to care for flowers
We grow gladioli at home: how to care for flowers
This year I ventured to plant gladioli in my country house, although I prefer perennial flowers that winter in a flower bed. All the bulbs have taken root successfully, despite my lack of such experience. ...
We carry out planting and care in the open field for a stranger babiana
We carry out planting and care in the open field for a stranger babiana
Some corms, such as gladioli, are incredibly popular, while others are still unknown to a wide range of gardeners. These decorative rarities include babiana, planting and care in the open field for ...
Features of indoor lemon care for fragrant fruits
Features of indoor lemon care for fragrant fruits
Indoor lemon will only bear fruit with proper care and provided that a high-quality plant seedling has been chosen. It is important to choose the correct pot for transplanting the seedling. Because ...
We choose a rhododendron for our garden, we plant it and learn how to care for the plant
We choose a rhododendron for our garden, we plant it and learn how to care for the plant
Shrubs and trees, which form the numerous genus of rhododendrons, attract gardeners with flowers of different sizes, colors and shapes. But if the summer resident liked the rhododendron, planting and care in the open field will force ...
We grow capricious ranunculus - planting and care in the open field
We grow capricious ranunculus - planting and care in the open field
Various types of buttercups are found in Europe, Asia and Africa. The subject of interest for gardeners is the cultivation of Asian plants, better known as ranunculus, planting and care in the open field for ...
Different planting methods and rules for caring for mirabilis in the open field
Different planting methods and rules for caring for mirabilis in the open field
Mirabilis is a truly unique plant, originally from America, proudly bearing the title of "night beauty". Flowers have a variety of colors, based on the individual species. Night beauty can attract attention and ...
What to do if fruiting does not occur after cherry blossoms?
What to do if fruiting does not occur after cherry blossoms?
For the second year now, something incomprehensible is happening in my garden - the cherry blossoms, but there are no berries. Tell me what could be the reason and how to make the tree ...
Easy planting of Heuchera in open ground
Easy planting of Heuchera in open ground
It is hard to believe, but there are decorative deciduous plants that can outshine the most spectacular flowers with the brightness of greenery. Will accept that - geyhera, planting and care in the open field for which is not difficult ...
We grow brugmansia: features of care and methods of reproduction
We grow brugmansia: features of care and methods of reproduction
I was presented with an adult brugmansia in a tub. I don’t know what to do with her, because I’ve seen such a miracle for the first time, and then my mother also asked for a “piece”. Tell me how ...
It is very important to know when to plant beans in open ground in different climatic zones.
It is very important to know when to plant beans in open ground in different climatic zones.
Beans are an irreplaceable vegetable crop in the diet of any person, both as a dietary product and for the complete replenishment of protein and energy for people involved in sports or hard work. To ...
To decorate the flower bed, we plant and care in the open field of nasturtium
To decorate the flower bed, we plant and care in the open field of nasturtium
Climbing or bush nasturtiums are one of the most memorable flowering annuals, pleasing to the eye from the first half of summer until frost. If nasturtium has taken root on the site, planting and leaving ...
Growing crocosmia outdoors is easy and simple
Growing crocosmia outdoors is easy and simple
Crocosmia or montbrecia is a perennial native to Africa, belonging to the Iris family. Despite the fact that crocosmia is a capricious plant, planting and care in the open field is possible ...
To create a rock garden, we grow young in the open field
To create a rock garden, we grow young in the open field
Rejuvenated, capable of rooting among stones, content with drops of water and multiplying in the most difficult conditions, is rightfully recognized as the most unpretentious plant. If for decorating a rock garden, borders or other ...


