Dahlia planting dates

Tell me when to plant dahlias? Last year I acquired a very beautiful variety, I plant this plant for the first time. The seller immediately warned that the roots need to be dug up for the winter, but when they can be returned to their place in the garden, I forgot to ask.

when to plant dahlias Dahlias are one of the most beloved, one might even say classic plants. They were grown by our grandmothers, but today these perennial beauties have not lost their popularity and are still in demand among flower growers. Indeed, it is true, how can you not like the proud bushes with large green leaves and original large buds of the most varied colors? Simple or double, with round or narrow petals, one-color or with several contrasting shades - the original dahlia flowers look great both in the garden and in a bouquet.

In general, growing these tuberous flowers is not difficult, the only nuance that should be taken care of is associated with the thermophilic nature of the dahlia. Although they are garden plants in open ground, they can winter only in warmth - when the air temperature drops to 0 degrees, the aerial part of the plant completely dies off, and the fleshy juicy tubers of dahlia, left in the soil for the winter, freeze.

With the arrival of spring dahlias can be planted again on a flower bed, but the need for heat also leaves an imprint on the planting itself, because if you take out tubers (as well as seedlings) prematurely outside, most likely they will die from return frosts. In this regard, it is important to know when you can plant dahlias, given the form in which the plant is grown, namely:

  • seeds;
  • tubers.

When to sow seeds?dahlia seedlings

The seed method is not often used, since not everyone is ready to tinker with the seedlings, and have the opportunity to provide them with proper development conditions. But if you decide to experiment or you come across a variety that does not form tubers (there are also such dahlias), then you can start sowing seeds in March. The hardened seedlings are transplanted outside when stable positive values ​​are established and frosts pass.

Most of the annual varieties of dahlia are sown directly to the garden bed, bypassing the "seedling stage", for example, a compact form Funny boys... This should be done no earlier than May, and for the first time it is better to cover the site with a film.

When to plant tubers?planting tubers

The time of "moving" dahlia tubers from the room back to the flower garden depends on the growing region and the moment when the final heat comes:

  • in the south, with its early spring, tubers can be planted in the soil from the second half of April (while there is still moisture);
  • in the middle lane, where spring is late and at its beginning there are often recurrent frosts - not earlier than mid-May;
  • in the northern regions, planting will become possible only closer to June.

When to expose dahlia tubers for germination - video


