We study various ways of reproduction of alocasia

One of the most beautiful indoor flowers Alokazia is a welcome purchase for the indoor gardening lover. Some of them believe that several different varieties will decorate the room, fill the air with health. Care of such a home flower garden will not be difficult - you need the same conditions for all plants. Reproduction of alocasia at home will be the first step towards the implementation of our plan.

Reproduction methods of alocasia

Plant structure

If there is one adult plant in the house, then there is already material for propagation. Alocasia multiplies in various ways:

  • root children;
  • separation of roots during transplantation;
  • stem cuttings;
  • reproduction by rooting of the leaf;
  • seed method.

All types of propagation are based on achieving favorable conditions for the creation of a healthy root system in any method of propagation. The green parts of the plant take root in the substrate, in this case water does not serve as an intermediate link. However, there are special requirements for the substrate.

General rules for alocasia transplant

Transplantation and reproduction of alocasiaIn order for the processes to proceed faster, the florist's task is to organize constant heating of the soil, where the process of creating the first roots is taking place. In this case, the litter itself should contain peat, perlite, sphagnum moss and sand. That is, the rooting site should be moist, warm and breathable. However, systematic ventilation is necessary.

A young leaf of alocasia will appear soon after transplantAnother common action for all types of reproduction except seed. All sections must be dried and sprinkled with a disinfectant. It can be:

  • finely crushed charcoal or crushed black activated carbon tablet;
  • cinnamon powder;
  • wood ash.

Treatment with root stimulants is also used.

For the reproduction of alocasia, spring is usually chosen, when intensive biological activity begins in nature. But rooting can be carried out at any time of the year, except for winter. In winter, a high percentage of lunge.

All work related to touching the juicy parts of the plant should be carried out with rubber gloves. Remove children and animals from the premises during work.

The requirement for the composition of the soil for plants that have already given the first roots and are planted for a long time. For alocasia, the soil is selected loose and low acidity. Such a composition can be purchased at a specialty store or prepared by yourself. Florists use different soils based on peat and leafy soil.

Alocasia varieties at homeThe main thing is that the soil should be moisture-absorbing, lightweight, breathable. A slightly acidic environment ensures the dissolution of the required amount of mineral salts from the soil. Therefore, it is important to comply with all requirements. An example of such a soil can be:

  • humus or biohumus - 2 parts;
  • sheet land - 2 parts;
  • sod land - 2 parts;
  • peat and sand - 1 part each;
  • chopped sphagnum moss - 2 parts;
  • crushed coal, vermiculite, brick chips in total - 1 part.

Purchased soil must be supplemented with the last components. Disinfection of the composition by any means is of great importance. Steaming soil is often used for alocasia. For planting plants in a permanent place, the pot must be high, the ideal shape is a bucket. It is stable and high at the same time. Expanded clay is traditionally chosen for drainage, but you can use pebbles or broken ceramic dishes.

Reproduction of alocasia tubers

Selection of tubers for reproductionWhen transplanting an adult plant, neoplasms can be seen in the roots. These are nodules - babies that can give a new plant in a month or two. Therefore, they must be carefully separated from the roots and placed in a special substrate for germination.

The first dish for a young plant is a plastic small cupThe first pot for a seedling that has given roots can be an ordinary glass of their disposable dishes with a drainage hole. A rooted nodule will throw out its first leaf and unfold it about 2 months after planting.

Alocasia calidor tuberAlocasia calidor is propagated only by tubers; with leaves, this beautiful plant on a long thickened root, towering above the pot, does not multiply.

Propagation by leaves of alocasia

A young plant throws out a new leafFor reproduction, take the lower leaf blade along with the handle. The leaf is kept for several hours, giving it the opportunity to reduce the tugor. After that, the petiole is trimmed, treated with a rooting stimulator and fixed in a special rooting substrate.

Reproduction of alocasia by leaf platesA humid warm microclimate is constantly maintained, airing, and in a month young roots will come out. After that, the leaf is planted in a prepared dish with nutritious soil, but they continue to care for it in greenhouse conditions until the arrow of the next leaf appears from the ground, which means that the plant has taken root and started growing. During reproduction by alocasia leaf, you need to treat it like a baby, avoiding cooling, drafts, drying out or excessive moisture.Seeding alocasia babies

A plant purchased from a store must be transplanted as soon as the quarantine period has passed. Alocasia grown according to Dutch technology feed on hormones, which will quickly run out and the bush will begin to starve. To prevent this from happening, the plant needs to change the soil, at the same time planting additional root sockets and nodules that have arisen. This is material for subsequent reproduction. Even a flower that has dropped its leaves can be reanimated by transplanting the rhizome into a new substrate.

Seed reproduction of alocasia

For reproduction of alocasia, fresh seeds from the fruit after flowering are usedAt home, alocasia does not bloom often, and seeds are very rare. They are formed on the cob in the form of red or yellow berries. Seed germination is maintained as long as they are in a moist shell. Therefore, it is necessary to propagate alocasia with seeds fresh, when they are still wet. For seeds, prepare a light and sour soil based on peat, humus and sand. The seeds are covered superficially, but measures are taken to keep the layer moist, covering the container with glass or foil. The seedlings are sprayed, dived twice and later transplanted to a permanent place. Alocasia of variegated varieties are mainly propagated by seeds. Other propagation methods do not guarantee the beauty of the leaves.

Stem cuttings are rooted in a special substrate, just like leaves.

Proper care for alocasia - video


