Varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers with photos and descriptions

In the photo, different varieties of thick-walled pepper With the right selection of varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers for your summer cottage, you can provide your family with tasty and healthy fruits for the whole year. These are amazingly delicious all kinds of canned salads and sauces, first and second courses with the addition of pepper, stuffed, fried, pickled and fresh peppers. Sweet peppers that came to us from Central America are not quite suitable for the weather conditions in Russia.

In harsh climatic zones, preference is mainly given to early, early maturing and mid-season varieties. At the same time, early ripening varieties have the best yield. Later varieties are grown for harvesting. Breeders have tried to create low temperature resistant, unpretentious varieties of different colors with a wonderful taste. You can only harvest a bountiful harvest seedling method with the subsequent planting in open ground or a greenhouse of varieties of pepper suitable for the conditions of your climatic zone. Read on for more details.


  1. Pepper varieties for dachas in Belarus.
  2. Thick-walled peppers in the dachas of the Moscow region.
  3. Sweet peppers in the suburban areas of Siberia and the Urals.
  4. A selection of photos of the best varieties of thick-walled peppers.

Pepper varieties for dachas in Belarus


Breeders have developed excellent varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers for Belarus. Summer residents of the Gomel and Brest regions today have the opportunity to grow thick-walled peppers in the open field, collecting a good harvest. In other areas, pepper is best planted under a film.

  • Of the early varieties, the varieties "Alesya" and "Boogi" have proved to be excellent. Bushes of short stature give amazing tasty fruits with a wall thickness of 7-8 mm. You can use dark green peppers during technical maturity or wait until they are fully ripe and have a bright red color.
  • Red and yellow "Cube" gives a wonderful harvest on the Belarusian soil. The taste of the fruit leaves no one indifferent. The weight of one pepper can reach 250 g. Lecho of yellow and red varieties has an unusual taste, which was appreciated by gourmets. The crop can be transported over long distances and stored.
  • Thick-walled pepper varieties "Parnassus" refers to mid-season varieties. Fruits in the form of a cube or heart of large sizes, when ripe, acquire a yellow-orange color. The walls are up to 10 mm thick, dense, fragrant and have good taste. Suitable for fresh and canned consumption.
  • The Master hybrid is distinguished by its endurance to disease damage and temperature extremes. When fully ripe, the fruits acquire a rich red color. Cone-shaped peppers are good for stuffing, canning and adding to salads.
  • The mid-ripening variety "Bogatyr", "Spartakus", "Red Knight", "Golden Rain" when grown in greenhouses give a higher yield than in open beds. Good taste, but smaller fruit size than early peppers. Perfect for making sauces, rolling salads.

Thick-walled peppers in the dachas of the Moscow region

Minerals and vitamins contained in the pulp of sweet pepper have a difficult positive effect on the human body, and are one of the best components of a natural pharmacy. This is one of the reasons to learn how to grow a heat-loving vegetable in closed and open beds.A little theory, effort, investment and very soon the first yellow, green, red and even purple juicy fruits will appear on the table.

Summer residents of the Moscow region have a large selection of varieties of sweet peppers for growing on their own garden beds... Fruits differ in color, shape, weight.

The most popular early varieties of thick-walled sweet pepper for the Moscow region:

  • The golden-white "Fidelio" ripens just 90 days after germination. The fruits are large. The owners will be pleased with the high harvest.
  • The bright orange variety "Orange Miracle" will delight you with its excellent harvest and beautiful large fruit weighing up to 250 g.
  • From bright green to purple-red, the fruits of the varieties "Rhapsody" and "Winnie the Pooh". The first is resistant to diseases, and the second is distinguished by a friendly harvest, storage duration.
  • For growing in greenhouses choose "Semko" and "Agapovsky". Wonderful varieties of excellent taste and beautiful-looking fruits will decorate the table.
  • Beautiful elongated fleshy fruits at the "Atlantic". It has proven itself well in indoor and outdoor cultivation.

Of the mid-season varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers, I would like to highlight the “Gift of Moldova”, “Golden Rain” and “Volzhanin” peppers. The fruits are slightly less in weight, but tasty with a bright color. The harvest is surprisingly stable and the peppers are not afraid of any diseases.

There are a lot of varieties suitable for growing in summer cottages in the Moscow region, and you cannot plant all of them in your beds. Try to plant "California Miracle", "Bulgarian 79", "Fat Bag".

Sweet peppers in suburban areas of Siberia and the Urals

Today it is possible to grow a decent harvest of sweet pepper even in the harsh conditions of Siberia. To do this, you will have to build a small greenhouse or provide plants with plastic cover for the night and on cold days.

It is necessary to choose thick-walled sweet peppers for Siberia and the Urals from the most unpretentious varieties that take root in cold regions:

  • The early ripe "Kolobok" is distinguished by small green fruits and a compact bush. The vagaries of nature are not a hindrance to getting a bountiful harvest.
  • The bright green and red color of "Montero" is suitable for eating fresh, fried, stuffed, rolled up.
  • "Edino" is extremely unpretentious and is able to please a summer resident of any climatic zone.
  • Large yellow "Sylvia" will decorate the table and will surprise you with its taste.
  • Low bushes "Topolin" will endow the owners with large dense fruits weighing up to 150 g.
  • In the highlands of the Urals, such varieties of early toasted peppers as "Kubyshka", "Kudesnik", "Sonata", "Barguzin" please summer residents with a good harvest.
  • The mid-season "Swallow" is suitable for open and closed cultivation.
  • The pyramidal fruits of the "Firstborn of Siberia" are good for stuffing and preservation. It showed itself excellently in any growing conditions.
  • For harvesting for the winter, you should plant "Victoria" and "Gift of Moldova".
  • Juicy small-sized fruits appear in abundance on the bushes of the "Purple Star of the East", "Zaznoba", "Marabou".
  • The bright red color of the “Gambler” variety will please you with its tender pulp.
  • The fragrant, thin-cored fruits of the mid-season "Alyosha Popovich" have proven themselves well both in blanks and on the table. Experts call this variety a universal one.

When choosing pepper for your site, you should take into account its qualities:

  • Give preference to hybrids, early and mid-season varieties.
  • The sweeter the pepper, the more valuable.
  • Productivity from one bush is important for small planting areas. The financial issue and labor costs are also better to be reduced.
  • The larger the fruit, the more pulp and vitamin.
  • Thick-walled peppers taste different from thin-walled peppers.
  • For seaming, it is better to use fruits of different colors. The salad looks especially beautiful.
  • For open planting, choose low-growing bushes. Tall plants are suitable for greenhouses.

To help you choose the best varieties, we have compiled photos of the thick-walled sweet pepper varieties described in our article.

A selection of photos of the best varieties of thick-walled peppers

  • Variety "Player"
    In the photo, a variety of thick-walled pepper - Player
  • Variety "California Miracle"
    In the photo, the variety of pepper - California miracle
  • Variety "Zaznoba"
    In the photo, the variety of pepper Zaznoba
  • Variety "Agapovsky"
    Agapovsky pepper variety
  • Variety "Yellow Orange"
    Pepper variety Yellow orange - photo
  • Grade "Golden rain"
    Pepper variety Golden rain
  • Variety "Swallow"
  • Variety "Kolobok"
    Gingerbread man
  • Variety "Semko"
    Thick-walled pepper variety Semko
  • Variety "Topolin"
    Pepper variety Topolin
  • Variety "Purple Star of the East"
    Purple Star of the East

Video about choosing a pepper variety for growing


