A stunning find for gardeners - exquisite varieties of lemon balm

melissa at the dacha Several millennia ago, enterprising Greeks cultivated grass on their plots with a lemon scent. Various varieties of lemon balm continue to attract the attention of gardeners who have appreciated the beneficial properties of the exquisite herb. Translated from Greek, the word "melissa" means "honey", which indicates that bees love this cute plant very much. If you rub the foliage on the surface of the hive, they instantly fly to the smell. But the plant is not only to the liking of insects. People use it extensively in cooking, aromatherapy, and to treat certain diseases. Let's take a closer look at the varieties of this aromatic herb.

Amazing Melissa varieties - a generous gift from the earth

lemon balm varieties

Lemon balm occupies a special place among the many aromatic herbs. In Europe, it is found in front gardens, in vegetable gardens and even in flower pots on balcony... The main reason is the amazing smell and many valuable elements.

True culinary experts who dream of combining citrus, mint and honey aromas into one "bouquet" choose lemon balm. It is used for preparing drinks, as a spice for meat and fish dishes.

Biologists distinguish between several varieties of lemon balm, which grow successfully in Russia and neighboring countries. Each of them has its own characteristics and external differences. Let's take a closer look at the exquisite aromatic herb.


lemon balm IsidoraA perennial of this variety often grows up to 80 cm in height. Long erect shoots topped with many green leaves with a light green tint. They are all oval in shape and have serrated edges. If you rub the fleshy leaves of Isidore lemon balm in your hands, you will feel a specific lemon aroma. During flowering, small buds of a lilac hue appear. The variety is grown in two ways: by seeds in open ground and using seedlings. In order for the seedlings to develop successfully, they are placed in a room where the temperature does not drop below 10 degrees.

For seedlings, seeds are sown in the second half of March. Ready sprouts are transplanted into the front garden at the end of May. Isidora grows on one site for about 5 years.

This lemon balm variety loves spacious and well-lit places where there are no drafts. Despite this, the plant successfully tolerates the winter cold and severe frosts. Isidora tends to grow rapidly, bringing abundant harvests to its owners. The foliage is harvested in the second year after planting on the site before flowering or after it. Raw materials are dried in a darkened room with excellent ventilation. It is used to treat colds, depressive conditions and as a pain reliever.


lemon balm square danceThe variety belongs to perennial plants that love loose soil and moderate humidity. As a rule, the grass reaches a height of over 70 cm and visually resembles a sprawling bush in miniature. Foliage has the following features:

  • fleshy texture;
  • oval shape;
  • dark green color;
  • pointed tips;
  • edges with fine teeth.

melissa in the openMelissa Quadrille is grown in open places where there is an abundance of sunlight. The variety does not always tolerate severe winters, so it is better to breed it in areas with a warm climate. At the end of July, pretty light-colored buds appear on the shoots. The foliage smells like citrus and tastes slightly bitter. In cooking, it is used dried and fresh as a seasoning for the following ingredients:

  • meat and fish;
  • vegetable salads;
  • potato dishes;
  • bakery products;
  • the drinks;
  • desserts.

The plant is appreciated for essential oils and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on human health.

Almost all types of lemon balm should not be used by people with low blood pressure. Before using, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Lemon flavor

grade Lemon flavorGardeners are especially impressed by this fragrant giant that has conquered a meter height. Its exquisite foliage is bright green with yellow streaks. It has an unusual shape resembling a heart with a pointed tip. The edges of the plate are indented with miniature teeth, which gives the plant a stately appearance.

Lemon balm is grown with the help of seedlings, which are planted in open ground at the end of May. In order for it to successfully take root, gardeners cut off all the shoots several times a season. Traditionally, they are dried and then used in cooking or as a medicinal drug.

lemon balmIt has been noticed that lemon balm Lime contains a large amount of essential oils and vitamin C. Therefore, it is used as an antimicrobial agent when such problems arise:

  • disorder of gastrointestinal tract;
  • cold;
  • heartache;
  • nervous disorders;
  • stress.

Lemon balm broths help relieve toxicosis in pregnant women, which is an invaluable help for them in this difficult period of life.


lemon balm PearlRepresentatives of this perennial grow up to 110 cm. Leaf plates are oval or ovoid in dark green color. Their surface is smooth, slightly glossy. The edges are serrated. Melissa Pearl has a pronounced aroma that exudes a cut lemon... It tastes like a bitter spice, therefore it is widely used by culinary experts to create various savory dishes. The first time shoots and foliage can be cut off when the plant is 2 years old. On one site, the Pearl grows successfully for no more than 5 years. After the expiration of the term, it is advisable to transplant it.

For medicinal purposes, it is better to use leaves dried in a closed, well-ventilated area.


Melissa variety DozyaThe perennial is distinguished by its tall shoots, reaching a height of about 80 cm. The numerous foliage of the plant is oval in shape with jagged edges. It is painted in dark green saturated color. It is grown with seeds or seedlings in areas with loose soil, where there are no drafts.

In order for the fragrant lemon balm Dozya to give bountiful harvests of greenery, gardeners do pruning once every 2 months. The procedure helps the plant to take root in order to develop successfully. In winter, the perennial can suffer from severe frosts, therefore it needs additional shelter.

Pure gold

Melissa varieties Pure goldLemon grass is distinguished by bright yellowish or golden leaves. Their shape is ovoid, the tips are serrated, the surface is porous. During flowering, white flowers appear on lemon balm, which eventually acquire a purple hue. Since the variety was artificially bred, it is best grown in pots or containers. Accordingly, take it into the house for the winter. In addition, direct sunlight on foliage causes burns. In order for lemon balm Pure gold to grow magnificently, it needs top dressing. Fertilizers are applied in the first week of March.

Lemongrass leaves are dried and then used to treat colds, insomnia, and as a sedative.

Tsaritsynskaya Semko

variety Tsaritsynskaya SemkoThe plant exudes a strong citrus aroma even with a light touch. It grows, like its relatives, up to about 70-80 cm. For 5 years, lemon balm sprouts abundantly and grows. But it cannot boast of frost resistance, therefore it needs shelter. During flowering, cute white flowers with a pleasant lemon scent are formed on the shoots.

Although the plant does not require special care, it still needs feeding and weed cleaning. Two times a season, gardeners recommend cutting off all shoots that can be used in cooking and prepared for the winter.

It is advisable to dry lemon balm leaves in the attic at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. Otherwise, the plant will lose its valuable properties.

Amazing melissa in the country - video


