Popcorn corn varieties - getting ready to make your favorite treat at home

Tell me what varieties of corn for popcorn are? I don't really like him myself, but my grandchildren have grown a little and this is their favorite delicacy. Now I have to go to the city and buy corn, because in our village they don't sell it. At the family council, it was decided that it was time to grow it on its own. There is enough space in the garden, my husband has even planned out where we will plant. What do you advise?

corn varieties for popcorn An interesting movie will captivate even more if you combine watching with eating popcorn. It is not for nothing that it is sold in cinemas, but a tasty and light delicacy can be made at home. The only caveat is that neither the usual "feed", nor sugar corn will not work: there are special varieties of corn for popcorn. Only from them are obtained airy, inside-out seeds. What does it depend on and how to choose the right variety?

What makes popcorn corn different

popcorn and corn

If you have ever made popcorn at home, then you probably know that initially whole grains explode under the influence of high temperatures. This is due to the fact that there is starch and water inside in an ideal ratio. This is the secret of the explosion. Too "juicy" corn, containing a lot of liquid, will not explode, since it does not have enough temperature. But the grains will not burst, and if there is not enough water, the shell simply will not be able to open. For this to happen, there must be a small amount of water inside the grain, which is enough to break the shell after turning into steam.

At the same time, the corn should not only burst, but also retain the white airy pulp on the walls of the shell. This is starch, and in a more limited amount than other varieties.

So, summing up, we can say that popcorn needs varieties that meet the following requirements:

  • the shell of the grain is shiny, strong, but thin (so that it can quickly open);
  • lower starch content;
  • at the same time, there is more fat in corn.

Popcorn corn varieties

The variety of species cannot but rejoice and it is not difficult to find a variety for cultivation in any region. For the southern lane, there is a wide range of mid and late maturing maize. For cooler regions, early species. Some will delight with small ears, while others are quite large.

The following varieties are especially popular with gardeners:

  1. Red popcorn. An early and compact appearance (over 120 cm), with small cobs up to 10 cm long. The grains themselves are dark cherry in color.corn red popcorn
  2. Hotel. Taller (up to 2 m), but also an early variety. The cobs are slightly larger, up to 20 cm, the grains are yellow. Differs in increased resistance to drought and disease.corn hotel
  3. Zeya. Another early variety with red grains, like Red Popcorn, but with larger ears (up to 20 cm). It also surpasses the plant in height - it is 0.5 m higher.corn zeya
  4. Pop - pop. A mid-season variety, the height is also medium (170 cm), the ear is slightly longer than that of the Gostinets (21 cm), with yellow elongated grains.corn pop - pop
  5. Volcano. Medium early and tall, with long ears (up to 22 cm) and yellow oval grains.corn volcano
  6. Ping pong. Late variety with small yellow grains, but a decent plant height (up to 2.2 m). The cobs are medium in size, maximum 15 cm in length.corn ping pong

Growing corn for popcorn - video


