Allium varieties or a bright glade of pretty globes

allium varieties Decorative onions in the garden not only look original in the flower bed, but also get along well with other cultures. Allium varieties are so diverse (there are 600 species in the Onion family) that they can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding gardeners. This perennial is not whimsical and has high decorative properties.

Mass planting of a plant looks like a king if 50 heads are planted at once on 1 m². Trees and shrubs will serve as the background for such a terry carpet.

Popular varieties of allium

In early summer, the picturesque onion strikes with its bright flowering. They are of two types: loose umbrellas with erect / drooping flowers or fluffy balls. The diameter of some of these globes reaches 3-20 cm. They are planted on long stems that reach 15-180 cm in height. The following varieties of allium are considered the favorites of summer residents:

  1. "Gigante Bow". Will grow up to 155 cm.
  2. Aflatunsky. Delights with its deep purple hue.
  3. Christophe. It is represented by loose spheres of pointed flowers.
  4. "Moli". It seduces with bright yellow inflorescences, consisting of petals in the form of a spearhead.
  5. "Master". It throws out the buds earlier than others, but blooms much later. Flowers bloom in it in turn. Thus, they delight the eye for a long period.
  6. "Karatavsky". Lilac-white globular spheres are surprisingly combined with dense and wide leaves.
  7. Schubert. It differs in an unusual inflorescence: in the center are collected pink flowers, from which long arrows extend.
  8. "Schnitt". Delicious, but at the same time extremely decorative.

Only proven varieties are advised to use for culinary purposes. However, many of them choose to create both live and dried bouquets.

In addition to forms, the flower is striking in color. Most varieties are blue or purple in color. These include the "Blue Onion" - a real giant that grows more than one meter. The variety is an aggressor, so it can occupy a whole plot in a short time.

Lovers of the red palette or connoisseurs of white will also find worthy items for themselves. Allium "Ostrovsky" attracts with bright crimson stars, collected in small inflorescences.

Planting and grooming elements

Since the plant is a member of the bulbous family, loose earth and an abundance of light are its elements. Although the onion does not tolerate stagnant water, it still adores:

The best planting time for him is autumn. Planting depth - 3 bulbs. It is important to examine them carefully. Damage, mold and weeping areas destroy tissues, reducing the germination of the culture.

It is worth removing the leaves after they are completely dry. Only then can the grower dig up the bulbs. The procedure is carried out without fail every 4 years so that the onion does not become shallow.

Low-growing varieties of allium are used to create borders, and tall varieties are ideal for the background. As a result, such spectacular globes will become a special decoration of the garden.


