Recipes for making mushroom salads with squid: simplified and festive options

delicate salad of squid and mushrooms For a festive or even everyday table, a salad with squid and mushrooms or tender stuffed squid carcasses is a great addition. There are a lot of recipes for preparing such snacks, and it is not difficult to choose the right one. Of course, the salad prepared for the festive table will be different from that prepared on a weekday. One way or another, this article will describe two recipes for preparing this snack: a simplified version and a festive one.

It should be noted that the cost of these dishes can also differ greatly due to the difference in the lists and the number of ingredients to be added. Based on the theme of the holiday and financial possibilities, you can choose the most suitable recipe for a delicious salad with squid and mushrooms.

Read also:recipe for salad with pickled mushrooms with photo!

Festive recipe for making an appetizer with mushrooms and squid

squid stuffed with mushrooms

A rather difficult option to cook a squid appetizer is to stuff the carcasses.

A wide variety of ingredients can be used as a filling. These include eggs, cheese, carrots, and other ingredients. Mushrooms are among the popular ingredients for filling squid carcasses. Usually used for this purpose Champignon.

mushrooms for squid fillingWhen choosing squid for cooking this appetizer, which is served hot, it is better to give preference to small carcasses. When handling carcasses, special attention should be paid to preserving its integrity. What products are needed to prepare a hot salad with squid and mushrooms as a snack:

  • freshly frozen squid carcasses - 1 kg;
  • high fat cream - ½ cup;
  • frying oil;
  • mushrooms - 0.2 kg;
  • 1 onion;
  • hard cheese - 0.1 kg;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • a few lettuce leaves.

How to cook:

  1. The first step in preparing this dish is the processing of squid carcasses. After they are completely defrosted, you need to remove the film from them. You can do it like this: pour boiling water over the carcasses and remove the film with your hands. When processing squid, you should not damage its integrity. If there are entrails in the carcass, they should also be removed. Next, the squid must be boiled. Boiling salted water is used for cooking. To keep the carcasses soft, they need to be thrown into boiling water, kept there for no longer than 30 seconds and removed with a slotted spoon. You should not wait for the water to boil after laying seafood. After that, the squid is ready for stuffing.preparation of squid carcasses
  2. When preparing the filling for these squids with mushrooms, you need to peel the onion, fry it in butter until half cooked, and then add finely chopped champignons to the onion. roasting mushrooms with onionsAfter the products have released their juice, they need to be stewed until tender. At the end of stewing, add a tomato, cut into small cubes, to the pan. It will add juiciness to the filling.finely chop the tomato
  3. Next, you need to stuff the carcasses with this filling.

put the stuffed squid on a baking sheetThen put on a baking sheet, pour cream, and also grate hard cheese and sprinkle squid with it.

Since all the products have been brought to readiness before baking, these squid stuffed with mushrooms should be kept in the oven only until the hard cheese is melted.

serve stuffed squidAfter that, the dish can be served.They do it like this: spread lettuce leaves on a plate and lay out one baked carcass on each.

A simplified version of cooking salad with mushrooms and squid

This recipe for making squid salad with mushrooms with the attached photos is easy to prepare. Nevertheless, due to the considerable amount of ingredients, the cost of such a dish can be considerable.

What products are needed:

  • freshly frozen squid carcasses - 0.25 kg;
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.;
  • pickled mushrooms - 0.100 kg;
  • hard cheese - 0.100 kg;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • low fat mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • 2 cloves garlic;
  • spices for salad dressing.

How to cook:

  1. According to the recipe, squid with mushrooms are served cold. Therefore, first of all, you should boil the seafood to cool it down. As described above, boil enough for 30 seconds in boiling water. After cooking, they must be left to cool.boil squid
  2. After the squid, prepare the onion. Finely chopped, it must be fried in hot butter and also left to cool. To cool the onion faster, you can spread it out in a thin layer on a shallow plate and, if possible, put in a cold place.
  3. Peel the garlic, crush 2 cloves using a special press. Grate hard cheese and mix with garlic.
  4. Squids are cut into strips.cut squid into strips
  5. The pickled mushrooms should be dried thoroughly so that the pickle does not end up in the salad. Mushrooms are cut into thin slices.
  6. When all the ingredients for the salad with squid and mushrooms are ready, they must be mixed, add salt, black pepper if desired, mix and then season with mayonnaise.season the salad with mayonnaise

Although at first glance this recipe may not seem so simple, in fact it takes only 15-20 minutes to prepare it.

When mixing ingredients, special care should be taken to keep them cool.

You can serve this salad by placing it in a salad bowl.

As you can see from the recipes described in this article with the attached photos, salads and snacks with squid and mushrooms are quite simple to prepare. Although it may take a while to process the ingredients before placing them in the dish, the result is sure to justify the effort. Moreover, each recipe can be modified by adding some ingredients to its composition, or vice versa, by reducing their amount. So, ham is an excellent addition to such dishes. It can be cut into thin strips and added to such a dish. Moreover, you can diversify these recipes by adding canned corn. 2 tablespoons will suffice for a small salad.

Thus, showing imagination and ingenuity, you can compose individual, but very tasty and unique salad recipes.

Video recipe for squid salad and fried mushrooms


