What varieties of sansevieria are grown at home

sansevieria In the wild, you can find interesting varieties of sansevieria, but only some varieties develop well in indoor conditions. This is a popular ornamental plant that is quite unpretentious to care for. The flower has an attractive appearance, and also has a number of medicinal products. What a sansevier looks like can be seen in the photo below.

Description of the plant

varieties of sansevieria

This flower in the common people is called "pike tail", or "mother-in-law's tongue", "cuckoo's tail", "devil's tongue", and you can also find many other names. More than sixty varieties of this plant have been bred, but only a few of them are most common in home pots.

The flower does not require much care, it can even be without watering for quite a long time. In addition, it is believed that it is "mother-in-law's tongue" that is one of the plants in which the production of oxygen is considered to be maximum. Culture looks great in any interior, it is absolutely safe for children and pets.

In order for the plant not to stall in growth after moving to another room, it should be gradually accustomed to new lighting and air temperature.

Sansevieria belongs to the agave family. The plant is characterized by thick, long leaves of various colors.

The flower originates from savannas and subtropics. The ideal climate for him is in Asia, Madagascar, India, as well as in the countries of Central Africa. That is why we only grow this plant in pots. In the open field, the culture simply will not survive, even despite its unpretentiousness.

Sansevieria leaves are thick, have a rather dense structure, and look like a gloss. As for the colors, there are a huge number of them, depending on the type of plant. Mostly these are green and brown shades with a different number of stripes, and can also be interspersed.

The length of the leaves reaches one meter. Often they are slightly pointed at the ends. The arrangement of the plates is also significantly different. Leaves can be either in a vertical, horizontal direction, or viewed from the sides.

Sansevieria bloomsSansevieria flowers are green and white. Their petals are rather narrow and have long stamens. The peduncle grows very tall, and there are gorgeous inflorescences on it. The aroma during flowering is simply divine, a bit like the smell of vanilla. Most of the buds open in the afternoon, and at night you can fully enjoy the excellent aromas. Unfortunately, when grown indoors, the fruiting of this plant almost never occurs.

Varieties of sansevieria

We offer a close acquaintance with some types of sansevieria.

Duneri grandis

Sansevieria DuneriOne of the varieties of "mother-in-law" is Sansevier Duneri. Its homeland is the lands of West Africa.

This species is characterized by the presence of about twenty leaves flat in shape, which are located exactly. They can be up to one meter high and three centimeters wide. The color is bright green. There are transverse stripes on the surface of the plates, but they are blurred and almost invisible. Flowers of a pleasant white color, with an alluring scent of lilac.

This plant is able to increase immunity and restore the correct metabolism.

Sansevieria Grandis

sansevieria grandisThis species is also called large sansevieria. This variety is characterized by very large, thick and wide leaves, the height of which is not too high. The adult plate reaches a maximum of half a meter. The color of the leaves is bright green. There are also zigzag stripes that run in the transverse direction. At the edges, the leaves have a neat edging of a red hue. Inflorescences are white-green. They form a racemose shape.

Sansevieria three-lane

three-lane sansevieriaThis type of plant is one of the most common and is grown in indoor pots.

A single sansevieria trifasciata rosette has a maximum of six dark green colored leaves. Quite light stripes are located on their surface in the transverse direction. The height of the leaves reaches one and a half meters, the width is up to ten centimeters. The shape is flat, smooth, has a kind of narrowing towards the top, and a thorn is located at the end.

For this type of plant, it is important lighting, in which it grows, because the color of the stripes depends on this factor. In the presence of bright light, the leaves take on a bright color. Otherwise, the color turns dark green, and the stripes are rather weak, without any clarity.

Photos of the main types of three-lane sansevieria:

  1. Laurenti. This variety has vertically growing leaves. Sansevieria Laurenti has plates on the edges with a clearly yellow edging, which distinguishes it from other species.laurenti
  2. Sansevieria Futura Superba. This is a new variety that won the hearts of many flower growers in a fairly short time. The plant has wide green leaves, not very large. Each plate of Futura sansevieria with a neat yellow stripe along the edge.Futura Superba
  3. Compact. Leaves are slightly thinner and smaller than Laurenti's. The edging is rather thin yellow. The center of the plate is very dark. Some leaves periodically twist to the sides, due to which this plant variety looks spectacular and beautiful.Sansevieria compacta
  4. Sansevieria Munshine. It is famous for its thin, smooth leaves. Their color is light, with a gray-greenish tint. Occasionally inherent silvery tint. The shape of the plates is wavy.Sansevieria Munshine

Sansevieria Cylindrika

Sansevieria cylinderSansevieria cylindrica is artificially bred from other species. It is characterized by the longest leaves, from which various interesting compositions can be woven. To do this, it is enough to connect the plates to each other in any order you want, and wind them from above with an elastic band, rope or even a bow.

This type of plant does not like direct sunlight, which can cause burns. The flower copes well with drafts, but is very susceptible to abundant watering. It is better not to water this plant at all than to allow the soil to become waterlogged, due to which the root system will rot.

plant formationSansevieria cylindric needs constant feeding. Such procedures should be started in spring and finished at the beginning of autumn; the rest of the time nothing needs to be done. Any complex mineral and organic matter, you can also use ready-made mixtures for feeding succulents. The proportions indicated on the package must be strictly observed.fertilizers

You need to transplant the plant into another pot no more than once every three years. In this case, do not forget to remove dried flower stalks. This culture is characterized by flowering on one leaf only once, so do not even try to expect re-bud formation.

After transplanting, it is necessary to preserve the previous location of the flower in the apartment, since adaptation to new conditions and new lighting does not always happen as we would like.

Easy reproduction

propagation by leaf divisionsSansevieria cylindrica, which is shown in the photo, easily multiplies using a sheet.Therefore, if, due to some reason, the plate of your favorite plant fell off, do not worry, but use it for propagation.

The sheet should be cut into several pieces approximately five centimeters long. Leave all elements alone for 48 hours to dry properly. Prepare a small flower pot, and then pour in a special substrate for this type of plant. The prepared planting material should be planted at a shallow depth.planting a leaf in the ground Make a so-called greenhouse, for which cover the pot with ordinary cling film and leave it in a warm place with good lighting.

While the leaf is rooting, you should air the mini-greenhouse daily and water it periodically as the soil dries. In less than a month, a full-fledged root system will form in the cut parts. young roots It is at this time that you feel free to transplant small flowers into separate small pots.

Low-growing sansevieria

Low-growing sansevieriaThis type of plant was bred on the basis of the Laurenti variety by the breeder Khan, and therefore received the name Sansevieria Hanni. This is a low-growing plant, the height of which does not exceed thirty centimeters.

On the basis of this species, such undersized varieties were later bred as:

  1. Sansevieria Golden Hanni. The flower is very similar to the previous species, only complemented by the presence of yellow stripes. The pattern on the surface of the plates can be chaotic. Because of its color, this variety is called the yellow-edged sansevier. The plant is very popular among flower growers due to its quick survival rate and attractive appearance.Sansevieria Golden Hanni
  2. Sansevieria Silver Hanni. The name speaks for itself. The leaves have a gray-green tint. The stripes in the longitudinal direction are not clearly expressed, and have dark edges.Sansevieria Silver Hanni
  3. Sansevieria Hanni Christata. Its peculiarity is that the leaves periodically twist in different directions.Sansevieria Hanni Christata

Low-growing sansevieria is a very beautiful flower, and is no less popular than all other varieties. "Mother-in-law's tongue" is a very hardy plant, and not whimsical to care for. Not afraid of drafts, dry air and various pests.

Subtleties of care

However, the main nuances in care should still be taken into account. The flower loves rather bright lighting, on which the color of the leaves depends. The brighter the light, the richer the hue will be. However, on very hot days, direct sunlight is not desirable.

In the winter season, take the plant to the southern windows, or use special devices to create additional lighting.

The soil for planting small varieties of sansevieria must be specially selected. A store-bought substrate that is intended for cactus and succulents.

It is better to take a small container for planting, preferably from a ceramic material. When planting, it is important not to forget about the presence of a drainage hole, thanks to which all unnecessary liquid will drain. This will avoid decay of the root system.

If sansevieria is properly looked after, then it will not hurt and pests will not appear on it. However, rot or fungus can be found. In such situations, you should cut off the spoiled leaves and treat the cut with special preparations - fungicides.

In addition to the above, there are many other varieties of homemade sansevieria. For example, the futur view has impressive leaf sizes. They are capable of reaching sixty centimeters in height. The plates are lanceolate. The leaves expand slightly towards the upper edge. A yellow edging is clearly visible on their surface.

Sansevier Futura Superba

Sansevier Futura SuperbaFutura Superba differs from other varieties in its small height, but rather massive structure. The leaves are very wide, about ten centimeters, up to fifty centimeters high.

Sansevieria Kirky Friends

Sansevieria kirki friendsThe plant has a fairly small root system. One rosette generally has up to ten leaves. The color is pale green. White dots in the form of spots are present on the sheets. The edging is made in the form of a red or brown stripe.

Sansevieria Ayo

sansevieria ayoThis variety is a kind of hyacinth mother-in-law tongue. The leaves can be up to half a meter high and up to seven centimeters wide. All of them are dark green in color with silver-gray spots. The hem is made in the form of a strip of white or red tone. It is characteristic of this variety that the leaves grow in heaps, from two to four pieces in one outlet. During flowering, a rather tall peduncle appears with small white buds, which beckon with their unique vanilla aroma.

As you can see, there are many types of sansevieria that differ in appearance. This is a fairly common indoor flower among amateurs and professionals. In addition to its decorative function, "mother-in-law's tongue" also produces excellent oxygen and is able to fight many diseases.

Sansevieria home collection - video


