Tomatoes - benefits and harms to the body, medicinal properties

It would be interesting to know more how tomatoes affect us, the benefits and harms of these vegetables for the body. With age, cholesterol increased, and began to feel unwell. The doctor warned that something needs to be done urgently, otherwise there is a high risk of stroke. A friend advised me to eat more tomatoes, she says that they will help cleanse the blood vessels. It's true?

tomatoes benefit and harm Tomatoes are included in many diet menus for a reason. They contain many vitamins and minerals and are low in calories. Tomatoes, the benefits and harms of these fruits for the body have long been studied by nutritionists and not only. Juicy and tasty fruits are good in salads. They compensate for the deficiency of nutrients and have a beneficial effect on the work of all systems.

Tomatoes - benefits and harms to the body

tomato composition

Did you know that in terms of vitamin C content, tomatoes have bypassed even citrus fruits? This means that juicy vegetables can strengthen the immune system. In addition, fruits contain a lot of vitamins of groups A, B2 and B3, which affect the nervous system, vision and skin condition.

Tomatoes are also rich in trace elements. Among them, magnesium and potassium, important for the heart, calcium necessary for the bone apparatus and iodine, which plays a decisive role for the thyroid gland, are in the lead. In addition, the fruit contains lycopene. It reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. And the chlorogenic acid in them helps to reduce pressure.

There are many varieties of tomatoes: red and yellow, green and even black. Regardless of their coloration, they are all useful. But the leaders are still cherry and yellow tomatoes. The latter are especially valuable for allergy sufferers who are forced to abandon red varieties in order to avoid an undesirable reaction.

Useful properties of tomatoes

useful properties of tomatoesRegular consumption of tomatoes has a beneficial effect on the human body, namely:

  • vision improves;
  • decreases blood pressure and blood glucose levels;
  • blood clotting is regulated;
  • bone mineral density is maintained, and it fully develops;
  • aging slows down;
  • the cardiovascular system is supported;
  • reduced risk of stroke and heart attack;
  • decreases cholesterol levels;
  • inflammatory processes are inhibited;
  • the condition of the skin improves.

Also, due to the content of folic acid, tomatoes help in the formation of the fetus in pregnant women.

Can tomatoes harm the body?

tomato allergyAlthough tomatoes are healthy, in some cases they should be discarded. First of all, we are talking about the presence of allergies, especially to red varieties.

Also, due to side effects, it is not recommended to eat tomatoes if you have:

  1. Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. Oxalic acid, which is found in vegetables, prevents the excretion of salts.
  2. Urolithiasis. Vegetables stimulate the production of bile, which can worsen the condition.
  3. Arthritis (the course of the disease becomes more complicated and aggravated).
  4. Acute pancreatitis, ulcers and hyperacidity. The fruits also contain a lot of their own acid, which turns them into an external irritant.

It is also important to consume tomatoes in moderation. Overeating can cause diarrhea or hypervitaminosis.

Composition, calorie content and useful properties of tomatoes


