We benefit and neutralize the harm from eating rhubarb

rhubarb at their summer cottage The plant with long red petioles and green burdock leaves can be found in many household plots. This is rumbambar or rhubarb, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in this article.

The plant is a herbaceous perennial native to Southeast Asia. It came to Europe only in the 16th century, but very quickly found its application. Now rhubarb is cultivated on all continents, but most actively in countries such as Great Britain and the USA.

What is the value of rhubarb?

Rhubarb stems have a high nutritional value. They contain fiber (3.2%), carbohydrates (2.5%) and protein (0.7%). At the same time, the calorie content of the product is low - 20 kcal / 100 g.

calorie content of rhubarb

The plant is rich in:

  • vitamins (C, A, E, group B, PP);
  • organic acids (citric, oxalic, chrysophanic, succinic, malic);
  • mineral salts;
  • pectin substances that stabilize metabolism;
  • polyphenols that can slow the growth of cancer cells.

Thanks to such a useful composition, rumbambar becomes a competitor to such highly vitamin-rich foods as apples and sauerkraut.


rhubarb pie and tinctureAt first, the plant was used primarily in cooking. Jam, jelly, filling for pies were made from its stems, rhubarb compotesadded to salads and side dishes. American and European chefs still cook various desserts, sauces, and dietary delicacies based on this culture.

Later, the beneficial properties of rhubarb, noticed by the ancient Tibetan monks, were confirmed by modern scientists. The culture began to be used in:

  • pharmaceuticals (for the manufacture of tablets, powders, mixtures, obtaining an extract);
  • homeopathy (raw, dried for the preparation of medicinal decoctions).

Rhubarb is a unique plant, all parts of which are beneficial. The root of the herb has a healing effect, the petioles are eaten by humans, and the leaves are fed to animals.

Features of using the plant for medicinal purposes

The stems and root of rhubarb, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have been studied by many scientists, have an extensive effect on the human body.

Normalization of the digestive tract

Rumbambar increases the secretion of gastric juice, which stimulates the appetite, improves the process of food digestion. A weak decoction of this plant helps with diarrhea, and a concentrated one - for constipation.

The remedy works slowly (about 7-8 hours), but bowel movements are natural and gentle.

Strengthening immunity

Raw rhubarb stalks are a source of nutrients, so they should be eaten for vitamin deficiency, decreased immunity after colds or viral diseases.

The stems of the plant are an effective restorative and restorative agent that can replace many pharmaceutical preparations.

They should be eaten for the prevention of colds, flu, in order to strengthen the body's resistance to viruses, to increase its tone.

Improving the work of the heart and blood vessels

rhubarb juiceThe pectin in rhubarb cuttings lowers cholesterol levels, which prevents vascular blockage. Bioactive substances strengthen the heart muscle, reducing the likelihood of a heart attack, coronary heart disease.

Rumbambara root has urinary and choleretic properties.A decoction of it is recommended for people prone to swelling. Helps rhubarb root from hepatitis, alleviating the patient's condition, reducing the number of relapses.

The benefits of rhubarb in the treatment of psoriasis, gout, arthritis, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, tuberculosis have been noted. This dietary product, rich in vitamins, but low in calories, is recommended for those who are watching their weight.

Cosmetic properties of rumbambara

benefits of rhubarb for hairDue to the high content of vitamin C (10 mg), the plant is a natural antioxidant. It accelerates the regeneration processes in cells, stimulating rapid skin renewal, increasing its elasticity.

Rhubarb is also useful for hair. It allows you to restore the structure of the hair, give it a golden or bronze tint. For this, a decoction is made from the root of the plant, to which other components are added (soda, white wine).

Cautions when eating rhubarb

The benefits and harms of rhubarb are equivalent if the plant is used incorrectly. Long-term use of rumbambar in large doses causes addiction to the body, weakening the effect of the drug.

rhubarb is contraindicated in children under 2 years of ageYou should not use the plant when:

  • rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis;
  • the presence of ulcers, bleeding, peritonitis;
  • kidney stones. The oxalic acid contained in the product forms insoluble compounds with calcium.

The use of rhubarb in its raw form should be limited to pregnant women, nursing mothers, exclude it from the diet of children under 2 years of age.

Rhubarb, the benefits and harms of which were discussed in the article, is a unique product that has been undeservedly forgotten by mankind. If used correctly, it not only diversifies your diet, but also replaces most vegetables, fruits, pharmacy vitamins.

Video about the beneficial properties of rhubarb


