Useful properties of amaranth in treatment, nutrition and livestock

useful properties of amaranth The seeds, flour and oil of this crop contain a complex of elements that are not found in other plants. The beneficial properties of amaranth were known several centuries ago. Today it is considered an excellent source of protein, protein, and squalene (an excellent antioxidant). The last component does not allow free radical oxidation. Moreover, it serves as a unique oxygen supplier for the cardiovascular system. In addition to the above, this amazing substance has a strong anti-aging effect on the human body. Raw foodists will appreciate this unusual product.

About 100 varieties of culture have been bred. The most common is food. It is planted in summer cottages by many farmers. Leaves, stems and flowers are used for food, which are often pickled, fermented and dried. Some varieties are famous for their edible tubers.

We delve into the beneficial properties of amaranth

Since squalene produces valuable oxygen, this amazing plant is advised to use in rehabilitation after heart attacks or strokes. The patient will feel a little nauseous during this therapy, but this is a normal reaction. The unusual herb contains vitamins of group B and E, which are quite powerful antioxidants. Also, don't forget about flavonoids. In this regard, the beneficial properties of amaranth have a beneficial effect:

  • with varicose veins;
  • after chemotherapy or radiation (removes the remnants of toxic substances);
  • on the condition of the walls of blood vessels.

Treatment with such a product is not only beneficial, but also a very pleasant procedure. Dishes prepared with its flour acquire a delicate nutty flavor. At the same time, the pectin contained in the culture helps to lower blood sugar levels and also burns cholesterol in the cells themselves.

In recent years, many people have developed intolerance to the gluten found in cereals. Therefore, the use of amaranth will significantly diversify the patient's diet and support his health.

Where and how to use?

You can add the powder mixture to different dishes. A few teaspoons are dissolved in a glass of yogurt. Many people like to use it as a breading in frying cutlets or hard cheese. Buns, bread and other pastries are baked with it. It is remarkable, but such delicacies do not stale for a very long time.

Expensive amaranth oil is consumed in modest portions. Due to its rejuvenating effect, it is used by cosmetologists, applied to the skin. About 3-5 drops are added to vegetable dishes or cereals. Among other things, it helps with:

  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • liver diseases (fatty hepatosis).

Oil is contraindicated in gallstone disease, as it sets the stones in motion. These, in turn, can block the bile ducts. Then only surgery will help.

The beneficial properties of amaranth are used even in cattle breeding. Farmers plant entire fields with an amazing crop so that cow's milk not only tastes good, but also has a healing effect.


